The first thousand six hundred and twenty-seven chapters of ancient jihad!

The collision between heaven and earth.

It is the collision of two Worlds, and the might is amazing.

Eyes at the two worlds are coming in close contact, and the eyes look at the majestic airflow, the Stars Main Hall will be torn into pieces.


Void has a huge palm.

Every Vein Lines in the palm of your hand is as thick as a mountain.

The palm of the hand fell, and the two major inner and earth centers were under pressure.

嘭嘭 ~ Berserk is like a destructive aura, suddenly Void pressed from the palm of your hand, spread to the left and right inner and earth!

Two inner and earth, at the same time were shaken out.

Zhao Fang Purple people two people, but also retreat, complexion whitish, apparently also suffered.

But the violent collision between the two heavens and the earth is resolved by the palm of the invisible!


Purple charm looks at the star ancestor, in the eyes full of puzzles and doubts.

She didn’t want to understand, and the eyes look at the winners, why should the masters stop themselves.

Picking up the star ancestor did not pay attention to the purple charm, he looked at Zhao Fang, in the eyes full of amazed look, “you actually opened up the heaven and heaven inside the royal product!”

“What? Inside the heaven and earth?”

This statement came out.

Purple charm, Ouyang Ping and others are all on the spot.

Unbelievably looking at Zhao Fang behind that side of World.

“Heaven and earth inside the emperor, is the emperor of heaven and earth. The whole universe can not find a few, this fellow how can it be there and heaven and earth?”

That being said.

Most of them still chose to believe.

With the status of the star ancestor, there is no reason to lie to them.

“This fellow, is it really the lower bound?”

“The God Lord Realm world has the power to be inferior to the Purple Sister.”

“Also damn owns the heaven and earth inside the emperor.”

“It still makes people not live…”

Ouyang Ping and others Envy envy hate.

“Purple charm, you lost.”

Picking up the star laurels at purple charm, calmly said.

Originally, there was some angry purple charm. Under the gaze of the star-dwelling ancestors, I slowly lowered my head and had no arrogance. It was like a big cock that was defeated.

In the battle of Ancestral God level, the heaven and earth are often the last trump card.

In the competition between heaven and earth, it is the key to the survival of life and death.

Purple charm to deal with a god, actually use inner and earth.

On a certain level, she did indeed lose.

Not to mention.

Zhao Fang’s inner and earth Grade is the emperor!

The entire universe has not been found.

‘How is this fellow, how is it cultivated? ‘Zi Mei looks at Zhao Fang, his eyes are not as contemptuous as at first, a little more solemn and search for meaning.

“You really missed Old Daoist’s expectations.”

Picking up the stars and ancestors.

“Senior has a reputation.”

After all, it’s an acquaintance, and Zhao Fang’s performance is too much, but he’s not humbled nod.

When I saw it, I picked up the star Taozu and laughed.

There is natural talent, there is Strength, but it is not so humble, it is not simple.

In comparison, the star-dwelling ancestor wants to accept Zhao Fang as a disciple.

“You really don’t think about it anymore?”

Picking up the star Taozu and looking at Zhao Fang, “Old Daoist although left the holy place of shaking, can be a master, self-deprecating is not inferior to the Lord of the Holy Land, if you worship me as a teacher, I promise you to be the youngest of the universe in a hundred years. Extreme!”


Surpass Ancestral God’s existence.

Zhao Fang doesn’t know the enthusiasm of the star ancestor.

But he has no doubts.

Because now, I can’t see through each other.

“Senior is full of enthusiasm, if the judge refuses, it is indeed somewhat impersonal, but I also hope that senior can understand the difficulty of the junior…”


Rejected again.

Purple charm looked at Zhao Fang intricately, and couldn’t understand why he refused the Great Destiny that had fallen from the sky.

Picking up the star Taoist convergence smile.

He was refused one after another, even if he was in a bad mood.

“Of course, if the senior is sent, despite the command, the junior will not deny!”

Zhao Fang also knows.

Can’t offend people too deeply.

after all.

The other party used to be worthy of himself. Zhao Fang didn’t want to accept the bondage. He didn’t take the star Taoist as a teacher. He didn’t mean that he was willing to offend the star ancestor.


The other party is the one who stood at the peak of the universe.

Picking up the Taoist ancestors, I saw Zhao Fang deeply, said with a laugh: “Old Daoist has forgotten that you are free and happy. In this case, Old Daoist does not insist.”

Picking up the star ancestor and playing the snake on the stick, said: “As far as difficulty is concerned, Old Daoist does not have this. However, there is one thing that you should be very interested in.”

“Oh?” Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows.

“There is a tradition in the sacred place, and the saints of each generation, Saintess, will eventually become a couple.”

“Unexpectedly, Ni Chang will eventually be the ending.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang looked slightly cold and said: “Who is the light-shading son?”

“Shake the Lord of the Holy Land and shake the Holy Family.”

Picking up the star Tao Zu looked at Zhao Fang, said with a laugh: “You two should be more fated, his inner and earth, is also a royal product.”

“But the cultivation base is slightly stronger than the slightly promoted to 6-Star Ancestral God level.”

This is slightly stronger!

It’s better than a Great Realm.

“Where is the holy place?” Zhao Fang asked.

“Tell you, how can you do it? Hard? Isn’t Old Daoist hitting you, you are now Strength, and in the younger generation, you might be the number one.”

“But in those old towns where Powerhouse in the eyes is not enough!”


Picking up the star ancestor looked at Zhao Fang with a glance, indifferently said: “The water of the universe, but the deepest water under the sun.”

Zhao Fang frowned: “If Ni Chang doesn’t want to?”

“This thing, it is impossible for her! Whether she wants it or not, it will be this ending!”

Zhao Fang looked at the star ancestor and slowly said: “Senior told me this, I am very grateful. But senior really does not need the things that junior does?”

The old star An Ancestor was also seen a little embarrassed, and laughed twice. “You fellow, still so direct, you can’t leave a face to Old Daoist?”

Zhao Fang did not speak, quietly looking at the other party.

He is very clear.

Picking up the star ancestors will reveal these news, it is not without aim!

“Speaking of it, you want to save Ni Chang out of the water, except for the hard shake, there is only one choice left.”

Ancestral God is awe-inspiring.

“What choice?” asked Zhao Fang.

“Participate in the Myriad Region Great War!”

“Myriad Region Great War?”

Zhao Fang startled.

Aside from the purple charm Wen Yan, it seems to think of something, “Master, you should not have the only two Jade Talisman on the handle, give him a piece?”

“hehe ……” picking up the star ancestors must smile.

“Myriad Region Great War is just a superficial name. In fact, Old Daoist prefers to call it ‘Wangu Jihad.'”

“This is a great war that determines the future of the universe.”

“It’s also a journey of Defying the Heavens that changes thousands of outstanding talents.”


Peerless great war?

Defying the Heavens trip?

Zhao Fang is not allowed.

He understands very well.

The star-dwelling ancestor is highly esteemed for the jihad of the ancient times. Apart from the fact that the jihad itself is very unusual, it must be related to some unknown needs of the star-dwelling ancestors!

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