The first thousand six hundred and twenty-eight chapters pick the stars!

“hehe ……”

Picking up the star Taoist ancestors and becoming fine, I can see that Zhao Fang is not interested in the so-called ‘Wangu Jihad’.

Instead, throw another topic.

“The ancient jihad, for the vast majority of the influence of the universe, is a great war that determines the future direction of each influence, and the holy place is no exception!”

“In the past, to shake the Son to become a sacred emperor, the necessary conditions must be an excellent place in the jihad of the ancient times.”

“If you want to stop him and take back Ni Chang little girl, This is the only chance!”

Zhao Fang admits that he was moved when he heard this.

“Senior needs me to do something?”

Zhao Fang didn’t pick up the star ancestors.

In this kind of old Monster who doesn’t know how many years have lived, it’s tantamount to playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong. I don’t know how to die!

“You fellow, it is really straight to the point.”

Picking up the star Tao Zu cursed.

But then, expression is solemn, saying: “Old Daoist really needs you to do one thing.”

“Senior please tell, if you can do it, junior will not deny!”

Zhao Fang did not say anything.

Picking up the star, Old Ancestor said: “With the present, you want to do it, some of the difficult. But there are still decades of jihad, and these decades are your chance!”

“The specific thing, Old Daoist will tell you before you enter the eternal jihad.”

Said, picking up the star Old Ancestor and handing it to Zhao Fang, a Jade Talisman.

“In general, as long as the age is not more than two thousand years old, there is qualification to participate in the jihad.”

“But I want to compete for a higher level treasure, but I need Jade Talisman.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang moving.

After a little hesitation, he took it down.

The peace of mind is calm and candid.

to him.

This is just a deal.

Jade Talisman is the reward he received in advance.

Aside from the purple charm, I screamed: “Master, this Jade Talisman doesn’t have a few pieces in your hand. The other few Senior Brothers always wanted, you didn’t give it, today, but give an outsider!”

Zhao Fang has a nose, a nose, and a deaf ear.

In fact.

In the moment of getting Jade Talisman.

He felt that all around the gaze was a bit more blazing and threatening.


Whether it is purple charm, or Ouyang Ping, or other people.

I don’t want Zhao Fang to accept Jade Talisman.


It represents the opportunity that might have belonged to them, and was taken away by Zhao Fang!

“Go out!”

The star Taoist ancestors did not explain, but said a faint sentence.

Don’t look at his smile and jealousy in front of Zhao Fang.

In front of the discipline, it is extremely diignity.

Even if it is purple, I can’t resist it.

With Ouyang Ping and others, I am not willing to leave.

Before leaving, I also took a look at Zhao Fang.

“I am an innocent disaster.”

After they left, Zhao Fang looked at the star-dwelling said with a laugh.

“You fellow, you got it cheap and sold it.”

Picking up the star Tao Zu cursed.

“How strong is that shaking the Son?”

After all, it is the opponent that I will face, and I have to understand it.

“Supreme Talent is the first in the world, and it is the best place to crush all the top ten holy places.”

Picking a star ancestor only one sentence, let Zhao Fang feel the pressure.

“In general, the top ten Supreme Talent in the rankings of the gods has the power to fight 6-Star Ancestral God.”

“And the first son of the gods in the gods, Strength is tyrannical, has been killed 6-Star Ancestral God.”

“It is said that he has not yet crossed Ancestral God!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang The look of laughter, a trace solemn.

‘It seems that God Lord Realm killed 6-Star Ancestral God, not only I can do it alone. ”However, I rely on the Primal Chaos Divine Strength inside heaven and earth, and there are a few great sacred devices to do it. This fellow looks, probably also almost. ‘Zhao Fang is secretly vigilant.

For his own opponent who has never met, he has generated a trace interest.

‘Now, my primary and earth’s Primal Chaos Divine Strength, in the before the frequent war, only a trace of loss, can not be used. ”Otherwise, within the Heaven and Chaos Divine Strength of heaven and earth, it will be completely cut off, at which time I will lose a big killing move. ‘Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

Primal Chaos Divine Strength has nothing to do with it, it has always been his headache.

See Zhao Fang frowning, picking up the star Taoist ancestors thought he was shocked by the record of shaking the Son, not with said with a laugh: “Speak up, you and I met, Old Daoist did not send you anything.”

Zhao Fang looked up at at Old Daoist.

Old Daoist said with a laugh: “When you leave, give you a Divine Ability for self-defense!”

“Looking good! Old Daoist only shows once!”

The words fall.

Old Daoist swung the palm of his hand and the whole sky was dark.

Just like the night sky!

Soon, Zhao Fang found that this is not the night.

It is a pair of infinite palms that appear above the sky and obscure all sight.

He himself, by an inexplicable force, disappeared from the Star Main Hall and appeared in Starry Sky.

Under Starry Sky, the road is like the palm of God Giant Palm, obscuring the sky.

Waving, mixed with endless Wind-Thunder, imposing manner amazing!

The strong wind of splashing instantly crushed a few stars nearby.

God palms out and grabs the Primal Chaos.

The Primal Chaos community is home to many alien creatures, not human, and has no awareness of it. It is grasped by the sudden God.

But listening to the sound of ‘嘭’, the loud noise of the universe came out, and the Primal Chaos world was pinched by this palm.

The alien creatures on it are also annihilated!

Zhao Fang, who witnessed this scene, witnessed the shocking color.

One-handed pinch Primal Chaos!

This is what kind of majestic!


“congratulations Player, found Super Divine Skill ‘Nine to pick up the star hand ‘Do you wish to learn ?”


“Star picking hands? Picking stars and taking the moon…”

Think of the Primal Chaos world that was previously pinched, not the oversized star.

“It’s also called the name of the star!”

Zhao Fang in the eyes divine light Hey, “Learning!”

With such a Divine Skill in front, Zhao Fang can give up.


“congratulations Player, successfully studying 9-Star Super Divine Skill ‘Nine to Pick Stars.’”


“9-Star Super Divine Skill ?”

Zhao Fang is shocked. This is already the Divine Skill he cultivated. In addition to the Immortal Technique, the highest grade.

Even Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth is just 6-Star Super Divine Skill nothing more.

“Move will destroy a Primal Chaos world, this star picker, Worthy is 9-Star Super Divine Skill, so terrifying power!”

Zhao Fang is a little excited.

Because, this Super Divine Skill, belongs to him now.

Primal Chaos is broken.

God Giant Palm retracted.

Zhao Fang returns to the Star Main Hall again.

Picking up the star Taozu looked over, said with a laugh, “Sure enough, natural talent is amazing!”

Zhao Fang arched, “senior Divine Might, junior admired!”

His words are not a customer, but sincere.

Picking up the star, Old Ancestor just now, the one that made him feel at the same time, also gave birth to a trace of oppression.

Under the God Giant Palm, Zhao Fang found himself unable to resist.

‘I am still too weak! In these Old Monster in the eyes, I am weak like the mole cricket and ants on the ground! ‘Zhao Fang squinted, there is an impulse to want crazy level up.

Picking up the star Taozu smiled and said: “The picking of the stars and the nine turns, every turn to practice, you need a lot of resources, these, you must rely on yourself!”

“Well, gossip less, let’s go on, your friends, you really have to suffer!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang complexion changed.

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