The first one hundred and sixty-two chapters are single-handed!

“Old Ancestor, save me!”

At the crucial moment, you can move to the unhindered Divided Spirit soul, which turns into a wooden sword form and rushes into Starry Sky.

嗡~Starry Sky suddenly split and there was a great whirlpool.

A pair of bare palms full of daddy, swaying out of the whirlpool, grabbing the Remnant Spirit that can be moved to the unhindered.

Without a word, I disappeared with the Remnant Spirit!

Zhao Fang naturally not willingly.

But the man started too fast, when Zhao Fang reacted.

He always disappears!

Even the vortex dissipated on its own.

This scene happened too fast.

Cause the cooked duck to fly under the eyelids!

Zhao Fang is angry.

And directly angered in the black soil, yin and yang, the farmhouse Three Great Clans.

Three Great Clans is uneasy!

Now is the moment to transport Divine Strength.

The three can’t join forces to resist the enemy.

Can only see the eyes at, Zhao Fang one by one!

Simply, their Luck is not too bad.

Being ‘boomed’ countless times to Asura, finally woke up. “The damned brat, broke the source of the power of Asura, this Asura will crush you!”

Able to move unhindered When the home is not extinguished, the general trend to Asura will not be able to do this one step.

Not to mention now.

The two sides have been deadlocked.

Zhao Fang found that losing the ability to move unhindered home to Asura, Strong’s decline, there are signs of 7-Star Ancestral God falling back from 6-Star Ancestral God.

“It seems that I have to add a fire!”

Zhao Fang smiles cold.

Buddha Fury Lotus !

Black soil homes were killed and injured more than half.

The Yin and Yang homes were also affected, losing one-third of the elite.

This is the end.

From the general trend to Asura’s source of strength, it was completely destroyed. Strength also slipped from 7-Star Ancestral God to the level of 6-Star Ancestral God.

“The big trend to Asura, you are not very afraid of how to get weaker and weaker?”

“Let’s go this way, you haven’t killed me yet, I’m conversely being killed by me!”

Zhao Fang stimulated the general trend to Asura.

The general trend to Asura gloomy’s face, seems to have not heard this.

Only the offensive is more fierce, it seems to use this to vent their anger and killing intent!

“Useless, big man. You didn’t kill me when you were strongest. How can you do it now?”

Zhao Fang sneered.

“brat, you are going to be proud, this Asura is not so good!”

“You don’t put gold on your face, trivial projection, this Palace Lord can break.”

Zhao Fang runs on the trend to Asura, when the other side’s eyes are scarlet.

Low roaring sound in the mouth: “Ice Age !”

The chilly white air suddenly emerged from Zhao Fang’s palm, and it spread for thousands of miles in an instant.

Thousand Miles Icebound!

Three Great Clans, the general trend to Asura, all became ice sculpture.

In addition to Zhao Fang and the Bai Family sisters protected by the floating tower, there are no more active people.


This sound ‘explosion’ word is exported.

Three Great Clans In addition to Patriarch and a limited number of 4-Star Ancestral God, the rest are all fallen.

The general trend to Asura Strength was severely affected.

Drop directly from 6-Star Ancestral God Late Stage to 5-Star Ancestral God peak.

“Little bastard, this Asura wants to marry you!”

Breaking away from Ice Age’s general trend to Asura, angry and wildly roared, like a hairy wild beast.

His grand trend to Asura, the famous Powerhouse in the Primal Chaos universe, was forced to go to this one step.


The opponent is not even Ancestral God, just a god.

This is he is unacceptable.

Therefore, the general trend to Asura madly rushed, regardless of the cost of wanting to understand Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is sneer!


The words, facing the general trend to cruel’s sharp killing move, he just reached out a hand.

Like the white jade-like palm, under the general trend to the majestic silhouette, it is not worth mentioning.


Just as the white jade hand palm approached the general trend to Asura, it suddenly rose.

In an instant, a huge palm, the general trend to the side.

There is enough thousand zhang long!

Spread your palms and hold the body to the big.

at that moment.

The general trend of madness to Asura seems to be Sense to what, in the eyes reveal a trace surprised expression, want to break free of the palm of the hand.

But the palm of his hand, like a hoop, trapped him.

And there is a voice of indifference: “Star pick!”

The power of the endless stars poured into the palm of Zhao Fang.

The thousand zhang palm, immediately from the white jade shape, into a dazzling silver, revealing the invincible flavor.

Being gripped by the general trend to Asura, I feel that I am stuck in the mud, and I can’t break free.

Same as Time.

That dangerous feeling is getting stronger!

He can’t break free.

“Do not!”

The general trend to Asura roars.


Hold the palm of your hand.

The big trend to the huge body, instantly burst!

Directly pinched!

The flesh and blood can’t stop falling from the air.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Including evil dragons.

As just one of the only people who have played against Asura, he knows best, this former opponent, now the tyrannical of Strength.

Even I am not an opponent!

But now.

The maddening trend to Asura, but by Zhao Fang, one hand pinch!

This damn how can it be !

How much grip is this?

The evil dragon was shocked.

“Star picking? The palm of the hand, I seem to have seen it.” The evil dragon murmured.

The general trend to Asura is not dead.

He was pinched, only the body.

As for the more important head, it is intact.

The head of the mountain is like a mountain, in the eyes exposed a trace surprised expression.

He has never suffered such a fiasco!

Or, it is so miserable by a god master.

Although it’s just a Clone projection, the Strength is not half the size of the body, but it can’t be underestimated.

Otherwise, how can the evil dragons lose?


It was such a tyrannical Clone projection that, after encountering Zhao Fang, was arbitrarily dismissed by him.

Even the body of Clone’s projection has been pinched!

This has never happened before.

“how can it like like this?”

The general trend to Asura can’t understand.

But he was stunned by anger, there is no Time to think about these problems.

He has only one thought now!

That is to kill Zhao Fang, wash the shame!

“It’s stupid. In your strongest state, I was beaten like a dead dog. Now, with only one head left, do you think you have a chance to turn over?”


Zhao Fang appeared in front of Asura, holding a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. The scepter was suspended on the side.

“You, what do you want to do?” The general trend to Asura saw this scene, and there was an unpredictable feeling in my heart.

“You come all the way to welcome this Palace Lord, this Palace Lord will naturally entertain you!”

I heard this.

The general trend to Asura only feels creepy!

However, he does not wait for him to continue fighting or to escape.

Zhao Fang has taken action.

God Slayer Spear, to the holy dragon knife, like no money to say hello to his head.

Together with the Thunder Scepter, the compression ball is compressed to the extreme.

Poor general trend to Asura.

There is no backhand power to be beaten.

Directly by Zhao Fang with three pieces of artifacts, live to die.

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