The first thousand six hundred and thirty-three chapters of Daozu can not be insulted!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed Lord Level bss’ to Asura’, obtaining 700 million Experience Value, 70 million Divine Strength, 70 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed Lord Level bss’ to Asura ‘, obtain ‘Asura’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed Lord Level bss’ to Asura ‘,obtain ‘Asura secret technique ‘.”



The trend to Asura is dead?

The evil dragon looked up at the sky.

Although Zhao Fang came out, he guessed that there would be this ending.

Can really see this behind the scenes.

He is still being shocked.

Especially the pair of pinch-outs to the Fleshy Body, it is more constant reverberating in its mind.

Sister Bai Ziyue, completely looking silly.

After a full moment, only spirally recovers.

Bai Xiaochun expression is excited to look at Zhao Fang.

Bai Ziyue is a look of happiness and pride.

Because, this tyrannical can not be a fellow, is his own man.

Although this man does not necessarily really love her.

But she loves him, and this is enough!


The loud noise of the heaven and earth finally scatters.

Before the general trend, there was no swearing.

I can look forward to Zhao Fang’s gaze, but it is full of bitter chill.

Zhao Fang knows that he has completely offended the general trend to Asura.

But he does not regret it!

“Palace Lord, we have to leave here as soon as possible.”

Evil dragon took a deep breath, after the calming mood, came to Zhao Fang and whispered.

Zhao Fang looked at the crack in Starry Sky and ordered nod.

When Zhao Fang and his party disappeared completely.

Outside the crack of the Milky Way.

There are two blurred silhouettes.

“That fellow, actually killed the general trend to Asura?”

One of the fuzzy silhouette murmured.

From the sound, and the looming body outline, This is a women.

“The big trend to Asura is just that the Clone projection is coming, and destroying the Four Great Clans is equivalent to killing the big trend, which is not unusual.”

Another voice is indifferently said.

The sound is slightly vicissitudes of life, and in terms of sound, This is a vicissitude old man.

“That fellow can be with my battle, and it is not difficult to force the projection to Asura’s Clone.”

Women said, “What I am really shocked is that in such a short Time, he would have already to pick up the stars and practice to turn a peak. Not only that, but the fellow actually has three artifacts!”

Having said that, even the women feel incredible.

“After a picking star, as long as there are enough resources, you can make it in a blink of an eye. However, this fellow can be so fast, it will make a turn to pick a star, it is really unexpected.”

“More than what the teacher expected, there are three pieces of artifacts.”

“There is no such thing as the ancients in the universe. There is not much in this ancient universe. This brat has three possessions.”

“If he is an old teacher, in the face of this temptation, he must be a teacher.”

“And, judging from the situation of his previous engagement, this brat although fell myself wind, but not in a hurry, calmly, want to have more powerful cards not displayed!”

“Is there a card?” The wolf was surprised.

Immediately thought of it, the sound is a bit weird, “With his current combat power, you can basically sweep most 6-Star Ancestral God, 7-Star Ancestral God under the hood, but also suffer, this kind of combat is already evildoer to the extreme, actually There is still a card.”

“Don’t he say that he is a trivial god, can he still compete against Ancestral God Late Stage Powerhouse?”

“This kind of skill, even if it is to shake the Son, it is worse than it!”

“hehe ……”

Old man smiled. “It’s just a moment for the teacher to start. I want to shake the light to find an opponent. I feel disgusted with his master. Now it seems that this fellow can really shake the gods. One location.”

“He has this potential, but this fellow is acting, I don’t think he can live to the eternal jihad.”

Female voice coldly snorted the road.

Old man didn’t have a positive answer, just looking at the sky. “Young is so good, young people have unlimited possibilities, and even if they make mistakes, they have the opportunity to make up for the correction…”

The sound is faint and full of vicissitudes.

The two silhouettes are completely solidified.

It is the star ancestor, as well as his discipline, purple charm.

Sōu sōu sōu ~ a dozen tyrannical, and filled with the silhouette of the amazing opa, suddenly appeared from Starry Sky everywhere before the crack of Starry Sky.

“What happened now?”

“Is there anything to fight in Powerhouse?”

Even if you didn’t witness the battle, the crowds were filled with the Berserk power, and everyone guessed some clues.

Surprised, the eyes swept all over the Starry Sky crack, trying to find something.


The dozens of silhouettes, falling on the Old Daoist and the purple charm.

With the eyesight of these people, you can see at a glance.

Old Daoist and purple charm, the cultivation base are extremely weak.

Just the god level!

This is the star ancestor who deliberately did it.

“Old Daoist, here just now what happened?”

One of them was wearing a purple robe, a short stature like a young boy, and 4-Star Ancestral God, who looked like an evil looking, stared at the star-dwelling ancestor with a cold-eyed eyebrow, Senran asked.

Words out.

Aura of 4-Star Ancestral God is crushed.

A dozen other people, aura also have a faint meaning.

Both reach the level of 4-Star Ancestral God.

Among them, there are two people, the most transcendental, every move, all into Heavenly Dao.

Aura abnormal tyrannical.

It is 6-Star Ancestral God Powerhouse.

The two people were gray-haired and described as dry, and half of their feet had to step into coffin.


The two people also looked at the star ancestors with a cold eye.

The star Taoist ancestors did not pay attention to them.


Slightly said, picking the star Daozu hand in behind, and went to the crack of Starry Sky.

“Want to escape? Give me a stop!”

Just now start to talk 4-Star Ancestral God, the eyes are cold, and the detective grabs the star ancestor.

Want to bring it, don’t let him escape!

“impudent !”

Just as his palms stretched out, the purple charm that had been indifferent, suddenly slammed the exit, and the hand was slightly lifted.

Sky has a shadow over it.

Amazingly oppressed aura, spread from the purple charm, the shocked 4-Star Ancestral God, and other Ancestral God who want to take action, was shocked.

“5-Star Ancestral God?”

They were shocked.

Never thought that this looks like his junior, and Strength is stronger than himself.

The take action 4-Star Ancestral God, I did not expect that the Purple charm will be so strong, slightly lost.

It is at this time.

Sky giant hand Drop and grab the 4-Star Ancestral God like a young child.

A violent grip!


4-Star Ancestral God immediately became a flesh and blood, no bones!

Everyone was shocked.

Dumbstruck’s looks at this scene.

The two 6-Star Ancestral God in the eyes, even burst into a glimmer of light.

Then, what seems to be thinking, in the eyes, a touch of fear, “This, This is the star pick?”

The star ancestor did not return, indifferently said: “All killed!”

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