The first thousand six hundred and thirty-four chapters of the Fallia Palace!

Thunder Primal Chaos.

Adjacent to the colorful Primal Chaos.

This day.

An ordinary Battleship, drove into the Territory of the Primal Chaos.

On Battleship, there are only a few people.

Two women with a graceful appearance, a long-haired shawl, and a beautiful white robe youth.

In their behind, they still stood two people.

One person flashed Raymond, and the figure was a little fat.

Another person, between the eyebrows, has eight star point spins, like an ancient sword, sturdy, and aura.

“Leze senior, ancient Xuanhe senior…”

These two people are the ancient Clan Ancestral God and the ancient Xuan He who were previously rescued by Zhao Fang.

After Pill Medicine by Zhao Fang, two people had a hard time in Heavenspan Tower and finally restored Strength to peak.

Among them, Reze is 4-Star Ancestral God peak.

The ancient Xuanhe is a little weaker, 3-Star Ancestral God peak.

But supplemented by the ancient Protoss Secret Art, Gu Xuanhe combat power, not inferior to Lei Ze.

“You must never call us a senior.”

Lei Ze smiled.

Although in terms of identity, two people can indeed be called Zhao Fang senior.

But without Zhao Fang, they are still slaves.

With this alone, the two people have no face and do this senior again.

Then there is.

Martial Dao World, the winner is the first!

Zhao Fang Today’s Realm is low, but it can really fight, but it bursts two people.

If they are called, they are also embarrassed.

“From now on, we are commensurate with our peers, Brother Zhao!” Gu Xuanhe looked at Zhao Fang with a complex look.

Zhao Fang has no temperament, nod, no matter what.

“The first sixty layers of the unparalleled secret technique are relatively simple. After the guidance of my time, you have mastered the almost.”

“In addition to the magical gods, tearing the sky, there are also full progress.”

“There is another ancient star point.”

Within two months from the colorful Primal Chaos to the Primal Chaos in the Thunder, Zhao Fang is tempering the power of the ancient gods every day.

Adding the ancient Xuanhe pointing, he directly entered the 7-Star ancient gods.

Zhao Fang is the ancient bloodline of the royal family, and the power is strong.

Once it breaks out, the 60-layer unmatched secret technique, plus the mysterious technique, can easily compete against the Common Ancestral God Initial Stage Powerhouse with just two points.

Compared with before, his combat strength has been greatly upgraded.

“Well, two can have an opportunity for breakthrough?”

Zhao Fang looks at Lei Ze, Gu Xuanhe.

These two people, 10,000 years ago, are now Realm.

Tens of years of humiliation led to a serious decline in their strength.

Only recently recovered.

“The opportunity for breakthrough is there, but if you want to break through that threshold, you still need Time!”

Reze Road.

After three people chatted for a while, the two people of Leze left to know.

Immediately, on the Battleship deck, only Zhao Fang and Bai Family sisters were left.

“Ziyue, are you sure you want to go to Xiaxia Palace?”

The Falling Palace, the Great Influences of the Primal Chaos, on the background, is in no way inferior to the Four Great Clans in the colorful Primal Chaos world.

It is the Sect of Ziyue today.

“Yeah. I want to be stronger, then help you!”

White purple moon road.

Recently, this time, she has been reflecting, has been following Zhao Fang, or self-cultivation.

In the end, she chose the latter.

‘With my current Strength, with Zhao Fang, it’s totally cumbersome, I don’t want to be tired, I want to help him! As a Supreme Talent, Bai Ziyue has its own pride.

Zhao Fang is also clear about this, not to persuade.

After leaving the colorful Primal Chaos, she promised to take her to the Thunder Primal Chaos.


Eyes look at the Realm Primal Chaos, Zhao Fang suddenly reluctant to be white and purple, this is the question.

“Well, I personally sent you to the Hagia Palace, and then left!”

Zhao Fang said.

“Yeah.” Bai Ziyue nod.

“Xiaochun, I just now refining a furnace, you go and see, how is Pill Medicine.”

Bai Ziyue turned to Bai Xiaochun Road.

Bai Xiaochun didn’t want to leave, but she quickly understood the intention of Elder Sister.

Expression 黯然, turned and left.

Zhao Fang looked at Bai Xiaochun’s back, said with a laugh: “You deliberately open Xiaochun, what conspiracy?”

“What do I want, you won’t know?”

Bai Ziyue has a look at Zhao Fang, and there are thousands of styles.

“Now I know.”

Zhao Fang picked up the white purple moon and turned into the cabin room in the shy look of the latter.


Luoxia Palace.

Located in the northwest of the Primal Chaos in the Thunder, a huge star.

The stars all around, there is Great Expert with Divine Strength, gathering dozens of stars.

The shining brilliance of the stars, like a waterfall, falls on the Xiaxia Palace, which is particularly dazzling and magnificent.

At first glance, it is somewhat similar to the environment of the colorful Primal Chaos.

It is also because of this.

Bai Ziyue chose to worship the Xiaxia Palace.

This day.

At the bustling Mountain Gate, there are five people.

Three men and two women.

Headed by the handsome youth, hand in hand with a pretty woman, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Two people behind, followed by a white girl with a look of desolate.

Behind it, there are two amazing big men.

A group of five people, came to the Mountain Gate where many people intentionally or unintentionally commented.

“Isn’t that the Sipreme Sister of the Supreme Talent list?”

“I didn’t expect to meet her here!”

“Who is the man next to her.”

“Damn, my dream lover actually holds the hand of another man!”

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

In the Bai Ziyue, where the popularity of Luoxia Palace is not low, and Zhao Fang’s high-profile entry into the Luoxia Palace, it is bound to make some people who secretly love Bai Ziyue feel hurt.

Bai Ziyue returns to the Xiaxia Palace!

This news quickly rolled through the Xiagong Palace like a storm.

In particular, Bai Ziyue, who has always been despising a man, has returned with a man.

This news not only attracted many disciplines.

Even some of the Elders of the Hagiame Palace could not help but secretly watch.

after all.

Bai Ziyue is the man of the falling hacienda discipline, and the future is bound to become the Peak existence of the Hagiame Palace. Her every move is naturally attracting attention.

“6-Star God Lord?”

Many people are aware of the Zhao Fang cultivation base, which is brows slightly wrinkle.

Obviously, they did not think that the person who looked at Bai Ziyue, the cultivation base was so low.

Even, there are a lot of male Disciple looking at Zhao Fang’s look, revealing a trace of cold killing intent.

at this point.

Zhao Fang is naturally aware of it.

He looked back at the past and smiled calmly and indifferently.

“Purple Sister Senior Sister!”

At this time, the crowd suddenly rushed out of a women.

Women have a purple clothed, good looks, good temperament, and can’t compare with white purple moon, but it is also a big beauty.


Bai Ziyue saw someone coming, some horror, “How are you here?”

“Ziyue Senior Sister, you are finally back. I thought you were going back to Xiagong again.”

Jing Min said, directly in the arms of Bai Ziyue, like a child, burst into tears.

Bai Ziyue’s eyebrows are slightly embarrassing. After entering the Sect with himself, they will follow each other’s sisters: “Silence, what happened?”

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