..,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and thirty-eighth chapter 瓮zhong 鳖?

“Come on!”

Gu Xuanhe was suddenly denared.

The whole person is like a Demon God, traversing the sky and rushing.

The cheekbones’ plain eyes, when I saw this scene, the eyes shed a touch of surprise and solemn.

He did not pay attention to Yan Gaoyang, the figure moved with the wind and floated into the sky.


There was a burst of noise in the sky.

The two Powerhouses started a fierce battle!

Look at the situation, for a moment and a half, it is difficult to distinguish the outcome.

“In the Haoxiemiya, no one is there, can be against this Young master!”

Yan Gaoyang has a win in the grip, thin smile calmly.


Zhao Fang laughed.


Its behind suddenly came a loud noise from the mountain.

The adult-shaped Lei Ze, one step went to Zhao Fang.

“Lei brother, have you worked!”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“hēi hēi, I’ve long wanted to be active.”

Lei Ze smiled.

The aura that can be exposed to the hair, but let someone in the place, the feeling of fear of one kind of heart scars.

Even Yan Gaoyang is no exception!

“Four, 4-Star Ancestral God?”

Yan Gaoyang looked at Reze incredulously and shouted.

Just now, Reze has been calmly standing in Zhao Fang behind, showing the aura, and it is only the leader of the story.

Yan Gaoyang is just 2-Star Ancestral God. Where can I see the clues, it is now surprisingly discovered that the humble follower has such an amazing cultivation base.

4-Star Ancestral God.

Even in the Hosei Palace, there are only two three people.

Still Supreme Elder rank existence.

How can such a Super Powerhouse unwilling to be a waiter?

Yan Gaoyang didn’t understand, and he couldn’t understand if he scratched his head.

But he knows.

I am not a rival to Reiser.


In shock, he crushed a jade pendant at the waist.

Jade pendant at the same time, transformed into rays of light, gathered into the sky, forming a mysterious snake pattern.

Finish these.

Yan Gaoyang’s expression was slightly calm.

“Call the helper? It doesn’t matter, even if you come to the Palace Lord, you can’t save you today!”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“Your Excellency is a big tone.”

An indifferent voice echoed above the sky.

嗡~ But see the Void not far away, suddenly collapsed.

It is like being swallowed by a terrifying Behemoth.

Collapse Void abyss and slowly walk out of a barefoot old man.

Old man Silver hair shawl, straight into the ground.

A pair of indifferent eyes, sweeping the audience, without the slightest feelings.

This person appeared, immediately let the atmosphere of the audience become a bit stiff, and everyone felt that it was derived from the terrifying pressure on the barefoot old man.

One by one, bow down and bow down.

What’s more, directly by this terrifying pressure, the pressure collapsed to the ground.

“Ancestral Grandfather !”

Seeing someone comes, Yan Gaoyang smiled and immediately showed a confident and calm look.


Barefoot old man looked at Yan Gaoyang, calm and indifferent face, slightly revealing a trace pet smile.

“This, This is the Lost Palace Number One Powerhouse, Yan Wei!”

Xia Xin seems to be the first time to see this person, shocked at the same time, reborn!

“Is it you, want to take my grandson life?”

Barefoot old man Yan Yan, indifferent to Zhao Fang, asked quietly.

“it’s me!”

Zhao Fang looks calm, indifferently said.

“The act recklessly, Ancestral Grandfather personally, 5-Star Ancestral God dare not resist, with your trivial 4-Star Ancestral God, dare act recklessly provocative?”

Yan Gaoyang is angry.

Zhao Fang ignored him.

Turned and looked at Reese, indifferently said: “Is it sure?”

Lei Ze said with a laugh : “killed is not sure, but the draw, there are still!”

This statement came out.

Not only is Yan Gaoyang angry, but even Yan Yan’s eyes are glimpsed by a touch of Sen cold.

“trivial 4-Star Ancestral God, you are so big!” “Old Man is going to have a look, you are really capable, or bluff.”

The words fall.

Treading Void is empty, Void is black, and the ripple is like a sword.

It seems to be smashing him into slag!

crucial moment.

Lei Ze took out a mace.

When the head knocked down.

One force to drop ten meetings!

If you have thousands of swords, I have only one stick, and discipline you in an instant!


Yan Yan’s eyes glided through a touch of color.

The attack just happened, but he is casual, and the strength is the ordinary 5-Star Ancestral God level.

Even so.

Also impossible is an 4-Star Ancestral God, which can be resisted at will.

It’s weird.

has a problem!

Have treasure!

Yan Yan’s gaze fell on Lei Ze’s handle.

The mace flashes with Rayman, and the thorns that are upside down are not something else, but are made of some kind of Vicious Beast’s teeth. At first glance, the back is cold.

Even if it is Yan Yan, after seeing it, the heart does not give birth to a trace Crisis.

“This, This is Tier-8 High Grade Divine Artifact ?”

Yan Yan stared at the mace, and his eyes showed a smattering.

“No wonder you can hold Old Man’s random blow, but with the power of Divine Artifact. However, this thing is in your hand, there are some bright pearls, only in the hands of Old Man, can play its real rays Of light, brought to Old Man!”


Yan Yan wants to grab it.

I want his grand Saige Elder Supreme Elder, the Divine Artifact, is just a divine sword that barely reaches the Tier-8 zhong level.

Now that I see the higher ranked Divine Weapon, where does he not feel?

not to mention.

This Divine Weapon is still in the hands of people who are weaker than themselves, and has no reason to let go.

“If you want Divine Weapon, come on!”

Lei Ze shouted and rushed.

Yan Yan followed closely, and both sides broke out great war in the air.

Although the Zeiss cultivation base is not as good as Yan Yan, but with the support of the mace, it is a big deal with Yan Yan.

This scene.

How much is out of Yan Gaoyang, and the expectations of the Falling Palace Palace Lord.

The Palace Lord, a purple scorpion, is as white as a ghost, holding hands on a spirit peak above, calming the look at the battle on the Purple Moon Peak.


His eyes fell on Zhao Fang.

Eyes reveal a trace of interest.

“Trivial God Lord, not only has two Ancestral God Realm followers, but also Tier-8 High Grade Divine Weapon…not simple Ah! ”

Standing next to the Palace Lord, standing for four or five people.

They are all white-haired old men, and they seem to be on the wood, but the aura that occasionally emanate, but let all around the grass are scared, and the volcano does not dare to rise.

3-Star Ancestral God !

The few people here are actually this level Powerhouse.

“Palace Lord, do you want to leave that brat?”

An old woman with a dry face and even a broken tooth, squinted at Zhao Fang, his voice was cold.

“You are sure?”

The Palace Lord did not refuse, conversely asked such a question.

“Since he can command two Ancestral Gods, there must be life-saving things on his body. He is alone and he is not sure.”

“But he made a mistake!”

“He shouldn’t be in the Xiagong Palace, stepping into it, he is our 瓮 鳖!” [.wx.io]

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