The first thousand six hundred and thirty-nine chapters of Li Lingzhi faint!

Hōng hōng ~ The two battles on the sky are in full swing.

The sullen loud noise keeps reverberating, and often has a strong fluctuation, sweeping all directions!

“It looks like you have to play a Time.”

“However, some fellows really don’t stop Ah!”

Zhao Fang squinted at the location of the Palace Lord and others, with a sneer in the corner of his lips.

“That brat found us?”

One of the Ancestral God Realm Elders at the Los Angeles Palace.

“No, the Palace Lord hides our aura with Divine treasure, not to mention that he is a god, even the ordinary 4-Star Ancestral God, can’t find it!”

“That said, though, that brat can’t be treated as a common god.”

“Palace Lord, this Elder request, immediately use the Arima Palace to guard the palace, take this child!”

“I secondly!”


Looking at the competing Ancestral God Realm Elder, the Falling Palace Palace Lord smiled. “It’s hard to do! Since Elder has decided, let’s catch it!”


A name Elder died and disappeared.


Spirit peak above, leaving only the Palace Lord and the old women.

“Palace Lord, do you really want to use the guardian array?”

“Although the guard of the array, can threaten the ordinary 6-Star Ancestral God, but once activated, in the future single hundred years, I want to activate the second time, for a god, is it not worth it!”

Old women, the old face, almost all twisted together, said solemnly.

“This Palace Lord is also not in favor of the activation of the palace, but this brat is too strange, even the Palace Lord can not see through.”

Falling Palace Palace Lord looks at Zhao Fang, the voice is low, “Cang Ying fight rabbit, but also need to do their best, whether that brat really has a card, or bluff, just the Thunder attribute of the artifact, it is worth our visit!”

“Now, other Elders are going to prepare the activate array, you try the brat.”

Wen Yan.

Old women Silence for a moment, slow nod.

唰~old women disappeared in place.

Looking at the Palace Lord, staring at Zhao Fang, he wants to see how Zhao Fang will respond to a Supreme Elder of 3-Star Ancestral God peak.

嗡~Zhao Fang The Void on the side of his body suddenly splits.

A pair of skinny palms, from which they came out, directly grabbed Zhao Fang’s neck.

The palm of the hand looks swaying and weak, and the take action is unusually sharp.

“brat, accept death!”

At the same time, the palm of the hand caught the sneer of gloomy.

“Want to kill me? With your trivial 3-Star Ancestral God, not enough Ah!”

Zhao Fang shook his head.


The old women hiding in Void, a ge-deng in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, the other party has not yet appeared, and the other party has noticed his own Strength.

Immediately, she sneered again. “Even if you can use the treasure to perceive the cultivation base, how can you compete against me with your God Lord Realm Strength?”

When she thought about it, DD accidentally discovered that there were seven Six Pointed Star points in the between the eyebrows.

The star point emits is bizarre and has a subtle pressure.

As the madness spins, power is passed into youth arms.

At the same time.

The sound of an extremely indifferent arrogant, in her ear, rang across the whole heaven and earth: “Tear the sky!”

The moment the explorer grabbed.

Clamp the arms of the old women and tear them hard!


As the thin paper was shredded, the arms of the old women and the figure hidden in the Void were pulled out by Zhao Fang at the moment they were caught, and then they were torn in half.



Everyone is stupid.

Unbelievable looks at this scene.

Those who know the identity of the old women, such as Yan Gaoyang and Xia Xinran, are white and bloodless, and the figure is slightly trembling.

Saigon Palace Supreme Elder.

Grand’s 3-Star Ancestral God, was actually a god, instantly torn in half!

Even if they saw it, they still didn’t want to believe this fact.

“Liuxiagong, you really want to sink, I don’t want to trouble you, do you conversely kill me?”

“Alright, that Palace Lord, I will send you all back to the West!”

Zhao Fang, who is blood-stained, smiles coldly, but no one dares to look at it.

The Falling Lord’s Palace Lord saw this scene and only felt cold behind.

Scream, “array activate , activate !”

The temptation of old women, conversely became the prelude to the great war.

Bang bang bang ~ There is a strong energy response from all over the Nagoya Palace.

Followed by.

A path of rough mountain light pillar, from the four poles of the falling hagia, rushing into the sky, forming a huge, and contain the Divine Strength array!

“This, This is the fall of the Palace of the Nativity?”

Just blinking the white purple moon, looking at this scene, screaming in horror, eyes bursting out a touch of fearful thought, seems to think of something.

“ha ha~ Yes, it is the Hagia Palace that strangled the guardian array used by 6-Star Ancestral God.”

The Falling Lord appears on the Ziyue Peak.

He laughed wildly and stared at Zhao Fang. “This Palace Lord, no matter who you are, but you killed my Supreme Elder at Hagiame, you have to pay the price of blood.”

Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang also laughed.

Did not go to the nursing house array, indifferently spoke: “Do you really think that this array can stop me?”

“Hey, although you don’t know, what secret technique you’re just using is the secret technique. But the secret technique of the secret technique is 3-Star Ancestral God level.”

“The palace of the Nagase Palace has been tested by years and has killed a lot of 5-Star Ancestral God and even an 6-Star Ancestral God. You are even stronger than 6-Star Ancestral. What about God?”

“Interesting, obediently handing over the Ancestral God device, this Palace Lord can give you a happy way to die!”

The Palace Lord sneer, a master of the overall tone.

“I want Ancestral God, I will do it myself. But I have to remind you that the use of this force to snatch the means, simply brain to the extreme!”

Zhao Fang disdains.

“impudent !”

Falling Palace Palace Lord look gloomy, “This Palace Lord sees you are not seeing coffin, not tears, or let’s see, the Falla Palace Palace guards the array!”

The words fall.

Over the array, suddenly two condensed long swords.

According to sword edge, it is not Zhao Fang, but it is with Reze of the decisive battle of Yan Yan, and the ancient Xuan He with the decisive battle of the cheekbones.

The two people are making a full-scale showdown, and they are stabbed in the long sword by Xiaguang. They immediately suffer from heavy injury.

Coupled with the sacral bones and Yan Yan’s pursuit of victory, it was even a difficult situation, and was almost smashed by Fleshy Body.

Both of them lingered on the ground in front of Zhao Fang, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

“ha ha ~ brat, how, the two people you are most dependent on, all injured by the array, what kind of storm can you afford?”

Falling Palace Palace Lord has a negative hand and a slap in the air.


Reze Gu Xuanhe two people apologize to Zhao Fang.

“No problem!”

Zhao Fang waved his hand and two Pill Medicine suspended in front of the two people of Reze Gu Xuan.

Pill Medicine is transparent, Spiritual Wisdom, emits, and the glory of the Palace Lord.

Tier-8 High Grade Divine Pill.

Two people took Pill Medicine and swallowed it under the painful expression of the Palace Lord.

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