&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;; The first thousand six hundred and forty chapters are one of them! &p;;/3&p;;”wasting natural resources recklessly !wasting natural resources recklessly !”

Falling Palace Palace Lord yelled, “brat, you are too much, actually take the Palace Lord’s treat alms!”


It’s time to eat Zhao Fang.

I think that all the treasures in Zhao Fang will belong to him.

Zhao Fang is a sneer.

“act recklessly! List Elder, mobilize the power of array, kill this brat for this Palace Lord!”

The Palace Lord is not known as wariness Zhao Fang, or for some unknown reasons, grand 4-Star peak Ancestral God, did not dare to fight with Zhao Fang alone.

嗤~护宫array Vibrant Vibration, swallowing the entire Spiritual Qi in the Hagiaju, condensing thousands of divine swords.

Thousands of handle divine swords are once again merged into one.

Condensed into a handle thousand zhang divine sword, Sword Qi burning, sword light 璀璨!

Not far away, there was a terrifying chill that tore the heaven and earth, pouring from the thousand zhang divine sword.


Falling Palace Palace Lord Hold the ‘divine sword’, run the whole body power, and squat down to Zhao Fang!


Divine sword kneeling.

Anything that blocks the first, even Void, is torn in this sword!


The falling face of the Palace Lord is a white face, revealing a sly smile.

It seems to have been foreseen that Zhao Fang was killed by this sword on the spot.



In the face of this absent kill a sword.

Zhao Fang looked calm and did not panic, but faintly spit out two words.

Void Hand grabs the divine sword.

next moment.

Zhao Fang The Void at the front of the palm of the hand, split open, a red-haired silhouette, appeared in Void.

The silhouette looks nothing strange.

But when he got up, grab the divine sword.

An extremely sharp terrifying aura, instantly centered on him, pervasive!

at that moment.

Even if the sharpness is like a divine sword, it becomes insignificant in front of that person.

“This, how can this be it?”

The Palace Lord has big eyes and is shocked.

Other Elders in the Hagia Palace are dumbstruck.

Absolutely did not expect.

Zhao Fang also hides such a terrifying Powerhouse.


The evil dragon is scornful, and the palm instantly turns into a thousand zhang dragon claw, which will condense the thousand zhang divine sword born by all the Spiritual Qi of the Hagia Palace, and grab it in the hand.

The divine sword has a spirit. After being arrested, it does not give in. It trembles and screams and wants to break free.

But it was caught by the evil dragon.

In its whistling sound, directly hit the divine sword!


The divine sword burst, and the edge of the contained aura spilled like a divine sword with a handle without a handle!

Ah~ screams sounded into pieces.

The large area large area of ​​the hacienda discipline, was injured by Sword Qi burst out of the divine sword, flesh and blood, miserable!

“impossible ,impossible !”

The Falling Palace Palace Lord is stunned, standing in the same place, double in the eyes revealing the unspeakable shock.

He was unable to believe, had killed 6-Star Ancestral God’s divine sword, so it was so easily smashed by the evil dragon?

His shock did not last long.

As the evil dragon stepped out and grabbed it.

The Falling Palace Palace Lord finally reacted and the complexion changed dramatically.

“Don’t kill this Palace Lord, this Palace Lord surrendered and conceded!”

Even if the Palace Lord Fleshy Body is stronger, it is better than the divine sword of the Arima Palace.

Even the divine sword has been pinched by the evil dragon. If he meets him, he will die!

The evil dragon turned and looked at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is indifferent.

Evil dragon Yin Yin smiled.

Upon seeing it, the Palace Lord was scared, and quickly shouted: “Young master, don’t kill me, I have Great Destiny!”

Zhao Fang is not moving!

“I know where there are a lot of thunder crystals, Young master let me go, I am willing to lead the way!”

The Lotus Lord screamed.

“Thunder crystal?”

Zhao Fang expression, “Slow!”

The dragon’s palm is stopped by the Palace Lord and the ten-foot position.

Even so.

The Falling Palace Palace Lord was also scared, and the clothes were mostly shredded by the wind of the dragon claws.

The whole person is abnormally difficult situation.

“What is the Thunder crystal that contains two forces of thunder and fire?”

Zhao Fang calm looks at the Falling Palace Palace Lord.

“Yes Yes!”

Falling Palace Palace Lord is busy nod.

If the answer is slow, it will be smashed by Zhao Fang.

“I don’t know Young Master, that place, when I was practicing in my early years, I accidentally broke in. It is extremely secret, and few people know.”

“I blocked that place in my memory. Once I die, this memory will destruction!”

Palace Lord looks at Zhao Fang, seriously said.

Zhao Fang laughed. “You are pretty careful!”

Falling Palace Palace Lord laughed and squinted at the evil dragon, full of wariness.

I was annoyed in my heart. ‘I knew that there was such a Powerhouse around this fellow. I am damn even if my brain is kicked and I don’t dare to grab his treasure Ah! ‘But now.

Regret is obviously a bit late!

“Since you can’t kill you, it’s okay to fight a half.”

Zhao Fang half thinly, the evil dragon is already close.

“Young master spare the life !”

The Palace Lord mourned, but soon evolved into a screaming scream.


When the evil dragons close their hands, the Falling Palace Palace Lord is completely uninformed.

The flesh and blood are vague, the misery is to the extreme, and there is the honor of the Lord of the First House.

The audience was chilling.

Yan Gaoyang is even scared as white as paper, and keeps back, even Yan Yan, is also the eyes eyes solemn, staring at Zhao Fang.

“I remember, there are many people who want to kill me.”

“Evil dragons are handed over to you!”

Zhao Fang indifferently spoke.

He had a little Favorability for the Hagia Palace.

With the Falling Palace Palace Lord using the Guardian array, ready to snatch the Thunder Scepter, this only Favorability, like the crushed ice baked by the raging sun, completely no longer existence!

The evil dragon takes action, and the result can be imagined.

Yan Yan, two people of the skeleton, instantly killed by instant!

Even Yan Gaoyang was also stunned by the evil dragons.

Other Ancestral God Powerhouses who participated in the guardian array were killed by the evil dragons. There was no two or three hundred years, and they wanted to recover.

Finish these.

It is quieter in the Hatoyama Palace.

Jingmin and others are all look at the sight at Zhao Fang.

No one had thought that the situation that was supposed to die would have such a terrible change.

Grand Falling Palace Palace Lord, will be beaten like a dead dog!

This kind of thing, they can’t even think about it.

But today.

This happened under their eyes.

Jingmin feels his own three views and has been seriously affected!

More than static.

The Supreme Elders of Ancestral God Realm, who have been lingering, are re-feeling, and after many years of disappearance, the fear of the ‘dominant’ of the mind re-emerges.

‘Multi-youngster, no matter what opponent, Luoxia Palace can be expelled! ”Can be today, the Lost Palace lost, lost in the hands of a person, still defeated very miserable! ”Huanghuang Luoxia Palace, was crushed by one person, God squinted at Ah! ‘Elder’s heart was unwilling to roar.

In the face of Absolute Strength, reality is such a dark and cold.

“Palace Lord, according to your words, all solved.”

The evil dragon came to Zhao Fang, calmly said.

“Working hard.”

Zhao Fang nod.

The reason why he did not kill the Hagia Palace.

Gain one person, Bai Ziyue!

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