&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;; The first thousand six hundred and forty-one chapters of the new moon! &p;;/3&p;; Purple Moon Peak.

In the Peak Master Main Hall.

Zhao Fang stands in the Main Hall, and the seats above the Main Hall are suspended.

Bai Ziyue sisters, as well as Jingmin and others, stood in Zhao Fang behind.

The Ancestral God Realm Supreme Elder, including the Death Palace, is like a dead dog, dragged into the Main Hall by the two people.

Come together, and the body is always shaking, fearful and uneasy Xia Xinran.

“Summer Senior Sister, what’s wrong with you This is? Where is it uncomfortable?”

Jingmin had long been seeing Xia Xinran unhappy, and Yu Ting was injured by it, and it was despising to the extreme.

If the Strength is not enough, she has already taken action against Xia Xinran.

At this moment, see Xia Xinran eating, naturally will not let go of this good opportunity to beat the dog.

Xia Xinran did not have Zhao Fang’s arrogant overbearing when she first saw her. At the moment, it was like a weak and weak woman.

“Hey, do you think that you are poor, you can cover up your bad deeds?”

“Don’t think that I don’t know, how the dead bones on the lonely grave of the purple moon peak are coming!”

Wen Yan, Xia Xinran’s body trembled, staring at Jingmin with shock.

As if he was found to be an ulterior secret, he looked terrified.

Jing Min looked at Xia Xinran, despising said: “You violate the rules of the door, seducing the male Disciple, forcing the sun to fill the Yin, you really think that these things, no one knows?”

“Good quiet, take her out.”

White purple month start to talk.

At this moment, Xia Xinran was already seriously injured when Reze brought his violence into the Main Hall.

There is not much combat power at all.

Don’t say that it is static, and if you change to the ordinary God, you can solve her.

Quiet and sensitive to leave, at the same time also took away a desperate Xia Xinran.

Zhao Fang walked in the Main Hall and finally came to the top of the top seat.

The Palace Lord and other Ancestral God Realm Elders are all staring at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang didn’t sit down, conversely turned around and looked at Bai Ziyue, smiling slightly: “Ziyue, come over!”

Bai Ziyue came to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang asked her to sit back to the Lord.

After the white purple moon smashed, he sat down in accordance with the intention of Zhao Fang.

“From now on, Bai Ziyue is the new generation of Palace Lord!”

Zhao Fang start to talk.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Everyone in the Main Hall, expression is shocked, or horrified, or banter, or looking at Zhao Fang with anger.

“Bold madman, I have fallen into the palace for tens of thousands of years of Inheritance, you are this junior, can you tell your finger?”

An 3-Star Ancestral God Realm Supreme Elder, screaming.

“Thousands of years of Inheritance? Not to surrender to my under the foot? You have no right to refuse rebuttal, unless you want to die!”

Zhao Fang smiles at everyone.

The audience was always quiet.

Those Supreme Elders, all with their heads down, dare not go to see Zhao Fang.

At this moment, Zhao Fang is terrifying several times more than the most fierce beasts in their impressions.

The Falling Palace Palace Lord smiled.

Bai Ziyue’s identity as the Palace Lord, the identity of his own Palace Lord, was robbed and smashed.

Think of the Inheritance of the Hatoyama, tens of thousands of years, dozens of Palace Lord, and only he is the most insane.

He is full of resentment against Zhao Fang.

But I dare not have the slightest performance, just bow my head and say nothing.

“What? Let me remind you, how to pays respect to the new Palace Lord?”

Zhao Fang is cold.


The evil dragon attached Zhao Fang, stepped on one step, and stared at the upper level of the Luoxia Palace.

The top executives smiled bitterly, but they did not dare to pretend to die.

Start to talk: “I wait for pays respect to the new Palace Lord, I wish the Palace Lord Hongfu Qitian, Shou and Tianqi, prove the immortal Grand Dao!”

At first, the sound was a bit scattered.

Later, it was loud and loud, echoing in the Main Hall.


Bai Ziyue can’t sit still.

Although she is the Supreme Talent, she can be in the Nagase Palace, but it is a discipline, and she has experienced this kind of battle.

Zhao Fang waved her hand and signaled her don’t be Impatient.

Turned to the high-level road of the Lost Palace: “You grab my treasure, put it in the universe, I will kill you, it is also natural!”

“But now, I see it on the moon, give you a way to live!”

“Of course, if you want to live, you have to look at your performance.”

While speaking.

Zhao Fang slammed a shot, and immediately several flowing lights appeared, falling on the Palace Lord and others, and then incorporating them with the body.

“This, what is this thing?”

Falling Palace Palace complexion is ugly.

“Some little 蛊 nothing more, don’t be so nervous. As long as you obediently cooperate with Ziyue, I will let you take less pain, otherwise…”


Zhao Fang snapped a finger.

The original this God is the usual Falling Palace Palace Lord.

The body suddenly trembled violently.

The skin suddenly bulges, the blood vessels are blue, and the faintness is so clear that it is like a ghost.

This does not say.

There are tiny, extremely tiny bugs in the blood vessels that are swallowing their flesh and blood.

Strong as they are, in the process of being swallow, they are also tortured and miserable.

The body surface squirts a lot of Blood Mist, and the mouth emits a path of not like human snoring.

This scene.

Even the other Elders on the sidelines are scared, and the complexion is extremely ugly.

“I, we all surrender to you, what do you want to do?”

Falling Palace Palace Lord stared at the bloodshot eyes, staring at Zhao Fang, shouting.

this moment.

He added a few points to Zhao Fang fearful thought.

The weird flowing light, the damage it produced, was terrifying more than when it was Ancestral God.

Zhao Fang smiled.


Resounding again.

The blood vessels of the people slid into the skin slowly, and after a while, everything returned to normal.


Everyone who thinks about just now, including the Falling Palace Palace Lord, has a deep fear of Zhao Fang.

“This is a punishment for your greed. As long as you help Ziyue, I will consider lifting the witches for you. Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk!”

The last four words are out.

The Palace Lord and others only felt that Yin Wind had passed, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

Their complexion is very ugly.

Because, from now on.

Their happy life is completely broken because of the appearance of Zhao Fang.

Since then, they have been ordered to be dominated by Zhao Fang!


The Palace Lord and others are mad and replied.

“Other people leave first, you stay!”

Zhao Fang pointed to the original sunset, Palace Lord Road.

Wen Yan, the Supreme Elders quickly climbed up, didn’t stop, and turned and left.

Only a face of the deadly Palace Lord.

“What’s your name?”

“Yan Chiyue.”

Falling down the palace.

“Where is the Thunder Crystal Mine located?”

Zhao Fang went straight into the theme, without a little bit of muddy water.

Yan Chiyue has a slight movement.


Zhao Fang sneered.

Yan Chiyue complexion slightly changed.

This is what I think of, the front of you, not only Strong’s pervert, but also very ruthless.

Quickly said: “From the Luoxia Palace, about two months away.”

“Do you know this thing?”

“This…” Yan Chiyue is hesitant.

“So, is anyone still aware?” Zhao Fang’s voice was cold.

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