&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;; The first thousand six hundred and forty-three chapters live for a long time! Being beaten by Ancestral God! &p;;/3&p;; White Ziyue sat down with his knees and his face calm.

The ancient well has no waves!

Everyone is jealous.

Is this coming to Transcending Tribulation?

They deeply doubted whether Bai Ziyue was a squad.

It can be seen from the appearance of Bai Ziyue, the black-pressed clouds in the air, and the more swaying Berserk.

It was Bai Ziyue who was robbing Ancestral God this time!

“Is this really okay?”

In the crowd below, static sensitive frowns.

Her aspect is not Ancestral God, but I have heard of many Ancestral God Transcending Tribulation things.

Never thought about it, there is Ancestral God Transcending Tribulation, it will be so casual.

“Maybe, Zhao Young master has some hidden tricks!”

I can wait until Ancestral God robs and Zhao Fang does not show up.

Rumble ~ ~ Thunder Tribulation The brewing trend has been completed, the huge thunder of the size of the house, like the punishment of the day, have come to the Ziyue Peak.

Each pillar is filled with the power of amazing Magnetic Essence.

“Magnetic Essence Thunder Tribulation, Thunder Tribulation?”

The original sunset, Palace Lord, Yan Chiyue, I do not know when, standing in a spirit peak above, looking at the Thunder Tribulation from the sky, can not help but be surprised.

Thunder Tribulation, second only to Wang Pin, appears only in the legendary, and rarely appears in the Thunder Tribulation of the eyes.

Belongs to the superior Thunder Tribulation.

For example, when he was in Yan Chiyue, when he went to Ancestral God, he experienced only the Earth level peak Thunder Tribulation nothing more.

“Magnetic Essence Thunder Tribulation, a total of eight, but these eight, it is not so easy to be right.”

Yan Chiyue murmured.

But the next scene, but greatly exceeded his expectations.

The first Magnetic Essence Thunder Tribulation, near the purple zhangdred zhang (333m), a layer of transparent light cover covering the entire Ziyue Peak, abrupt appearance.

Thunder Tribulation 劈 On the light cover, the power of Berserk’s Magnetic Essence is directly absorbed by the light cover.

The blink of an eye disappeared without a trace.


Yan Chiyue is dumbfounded.

Supreme Elders are dumbfounded.

All watching the Anncestral God robbery Powerhouse, the collective dumbfounded!

In their mind, there is only one thought.

When did Defensive Barrier at Outer Circle of Purple Moon Peak become so malaria, even Ancestral God can easily resolve it?

“No, this is not the spirit peak Defensive Barrier, it is the power of array!”

After all, Yan Chiyue entered the 6-Star Ancestral God Powerhouse with half a foot. After calming down, I saw the clue at a glance.

“In addition to the array, there is a mountain that holds the strength of the powerful Magnetic Essence.”

Yan Chiyue is more and more shocked.

Not to mention the defensive array that can block Thunder Tribulation, the mountain that contains the power of Magnetic Essence is the existence that can’t be found.

Although Bai Ziyue is the Supreme Talent, but the status of Bai Family is not high, there is no such treasure.

“It’s him!”

Yan Chiyue remembers the silhouette that he has tried to forget this month, but he has always been unforgettable.

He looks complicated.

“Where the fellow is who! Even Ancestral God robs, can help people through.”

Yan Chiyue murmured.


砰~Thunder Tribulation is not limited.

Wait until the Magnetic Essence Thunder Tribulation trim is complete.

That is the Pressure’s Might between heaven and earth, which slowly dissipated.

The ink clouds are gone and the sun is clear!


There are colorful rays of light falling down and blending into the white purple moon on the knees in the array.

“Is this successful Transcending Tribulation?”

Everyone was shocked.

Especially the Supreme Elders who were robbed by Ancestral God.

More dumbstruck!

This scene is destined to give them painstaking efforts and effort to cross the fans of Ancestral God and leave an indelible impression!

The light of God’s robbery, poured into the white purple moon within the body.

The aura of the white purple moon climbs steadily.

Directly from God’s main peak, Upgrade to 1-Star Ancestral God Initial Stage.

1-Star Ancestral God Middle Stage.

1-Star Ancestral God Late Stage.

1-Star Ancestral God peak.

2-Star Ancestral God Middle Stage !

It didn’t stop until 2-Star Ancestral God peak!

This is the end.

Bai Chengyue’s Ancestral God robbery, Perfection ended.

“If I remember correctly, Ancestral God robbed and ended, she didn’t seem to move!”

“damn it, you remember correctly. She has been practicing since the beginning and practicing to Transcending Tribulation!”

“I’ve seen it for a long time, I didn’t expect Transcending Tribulation to be so easy!”

The Supreme Elders looked at each other with a sigh of relief, adding a bit to Zhao Fang’s Revere.

Accepting the white purple moon of Ancestral God’s light body, it smoothly breaks through the 2-Star Ancestral God Realm world.

Plus Zhao Fang deliberately refining her Tier-8 High Grade divine sword.

Her strength can sweep Ancestral God Initial Stage.

Even if you are against the original skeletal Elder, there is also the power of the battle!

It can be said.

After this Thunder Tribulation, the tension of Bai Ziyue has changed dramatically!

The Supreme Elders who had been forced by Zhao Fang and had to vote for Bai Ziyue were slowly taking away their contempt and accepting Bai Ziyue seriously and sincerely.

White purple moon under the purple moon peak.

Just because everyone thinks that this Ancestral God robbery ended at the end.

Zhao Fang appeared.

With a few robes, and the top of the mountain, meet the white purple moon.

“How does Transcending Tribulation feel to be successful?”

Zhao Fang asked with a smile.


Bai Ziyue thought about it, pouting with a laugh.

“In other words, you are only God, how can there be such a Transcending Tribulation Technique, is it for yourself?”

Bai Ziyue is curious.

“The evil dragon told me. This technique is not for me!”

Ancestral God robbery, for the ordinary God Lord, is a big challenge that is both dangerous and Crisis.

Most of the peak gods died in this heaven and earth disaster.

But there are some exceptions.

Those who have survived the powerhouse, along with the upgrading of the cultivation base, have different insights for the Ancestral God, and made a variety of tricks against the Ancestral God.


Most of these technologies are in the hands of the top ten holy places.

Even if it is a country of God, few people know it.

The evil dragon used to be the core group of Wanlong Nest, and occasionally learned something.

Arrange the array of any Ancestral God robbery under the Thunder Tribulation.

As for Wang Pin, and even higher emperors.

Even if it is the Holy Land Powerhouse, I am not sure, I can pass it safely.

Still spelling Luck!

“You This is…”

Bai Ziyue saw several people beside Zhao Fang, some doubts.

Not only her.

The Supreme Elders who saw this scene were also puzzled.

At the same time.

They also have an extremely bad feeling in their hearts.

Because the aura of the group is too unified!

They are all gods peak.

“hehe, look at Time and let them feel the thunder of Thunder Tribulation!”

I heard this.

Everyone has the urge to spurt blood.

What is your Ancestral God robbery, so light?

“Well, it seems that I have to drop a few more Ancestral God Powerhouses.”

White Purple Moon nod, happy to say with a laugh.

She does not think that these people will fail.

Because, Zhao Fang take action, it means you won’t miss it!

This is her greatest trust in Zhao Fang.

Everyone is silent.

No one spoke, just wide-eyed, carefully looking at the Transcending Tribulation event for a million or even tens of thousands of uncomfortable groups.

Ancient Clan stood side by side.

Looking at the sky, in the eyes is full of expectations!

The ink cloud once again gathered in Ziyuefeng.

Perhaps because of the increase in the number of Transcending Tribulations, the power of Moyun emits is three points stronger than the Transcending Tribulation.

The limit of Thunder Tribulation is reached.

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