&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;; The first thousand six hundred and forty-four chapters of the game! Haotian Great Array! &p;;/3&p;;bang bang bang ~~Tribulation Thunder lasted for a long time.

In addition to the Ziyue Peak, which was enveloped by the array, the peaks in the vicinity of thousands of miles have turned into a scorched earth.


The defensive array of the Outer Circle of Ziyuefeng is also broken by dozens of times. The Anncestral God of Ancient Clan robbed him.

After receiving the Empowerment of Thunder Tribulation.

Ancient Clan successfully broke through Ancestral God Realm.

Because of the accumulation of thin hair.

Just stepping on Ancestral God, you reach 1-Star Ancestral God peak.

As long as you consolidate the cultivation base and practice it for hundreds of years, it is not difficult to break through 2-Star Ancestral God!

This scene.

Not only did the Supreme Elders of the Hagiasam Palace look distressed.

I also let the powerhouses of the Gods Palace in the Hagia Palace see the hope, one by one excited and looking forward to it.

“damn it, Old Man could have been Transcending Tribulation in the same year, and now I am afraid I have already stepped into 4-Star Ancestral God!”

A Supreme Elder is not irritating, and even swears.

Other Supreme Elders were also sighing and shocked.

Yan Chiyue sighed.

“Popular Transcending Tribulation, and all Transcending Tribulation success, is a great way!”

“After today, the god of the Nagoya Palace, I am afraid I will fall to the White Purple Moon.”

Yan Chiyue smiled bitterly.

He thought that even if Bai Ziyue became the Palace Lord, he wanted to completely control the background of Great Influences, and still need a lot of Time.

But now it seems.

But I think more about myself.

Today, an Ancestral God robbery, like the Powerhouses of the Hagiaid Palace, opened a smooth road.

To those who want to promote Ancestral God, but Scared in the Ancestral God robbery of the Powerhouse are infinite hope.

This is the end.

The entire Luoxia Palace, afraid of being inseparable from the white purple moon.

Even if he regains the Palace Lord throne now, he will not be able to return to the power of the past.

This is the impact of an Ancestral God robbery!


A few days later.

A Battleship with the flag of Hosei Palace, leisurely to go to the Xiagong Palace.

On Battleship.

There are only a few people.

Zhao Fang, evil dragon, and the humility of the original sunset, Palace Lord, Yan Chiyue!

“After doing things, I don’t mind getting you into the 5-Star Ancestral God after the event.”

An 6-Star god, say something like this to an 4-Star peak Ancestral God.

How to look, it is very illegal.

Can be biased.

The accused 4-Star Ancestral God was not angry, but instead showed excited and excited expression.

“many thanks Young master, I will do my best to not let the Young master down!”

Yan Chiyue is excited.

After witnessing the scene of the purple moon capping, he maintained a high degree of trust in Zhao Fang’s words, without any doubt.

Zhao Fang ordered nod.

Thunder crystal mine, he is bound to win.

Yan Chiyue is one of the key figures, he must be in control.

Violence is one thing.

But the face is not satisfied, it is difficult to keep the knife behind.

and so.

Zhao Fang throws a bait that makes Yan Chiyue unable to refuse.

“Battleship of the Saigon Palace is too conspicuous. The rear has been followed by several Battleships. I don’t want behind to have so many tails!”

Zhao Fang blinked behind, brows slightly wrinkle.

“Young master stays!”

Yan Chiyue is slightly covered.

Leaving the Battleship of the Hagia Park, I looked coldly at the other Influence Battleship that I secretly followed.

“The things that act recklessly, with your strength, also track me?”

In front of Zhao Fang, Yan Chiyue can be respectful.

Zhao Fang has the strength and capital to respect him.

In front of these people, he reveals the high and high decisiveness of 4-Star Ancestral God.

嗖~Yan Chiyue directly rushed to the several Battleships.

In the burst of Boom’s loud noise.

Those huge Battleships were only struggling for a while, and they were beaten by Yan Chiyue one by one.

The people on Battleship are all destruction!


Zhao Fang changed for an ordinary Battleship, and the group rushed to a Space where the Thunder Crystal Mine was located.

“The Thunder crystal mine, near a Space Black Hole.”

“In those days, we also evaded Divine Beast.

On the way, Yan Chiyue explained the detailed affairs of the Thunder Crystal.

Three months later.

Battleship finally came to a place, quite a strange magnetic field nearby.

All around Starry Sky, a lot of stars floating in it.

But on the upper surface of these stars, there is a layer of ripple.

“Young master, those ripples are a lot of Space’s power, and they don’t have the power to penetrate Space and transmit Space.”

Yan Chiyue pointed to the power of Space on the surface of the stars, and looked slightly wariness: “Once it is involved by the power of Space, even if it is ordinary Ancestral God, it is not necessarily able to resist!”

“The power of these Spaces is not formed by Innate. It seems to be Acquired. Is it related to that Space Black Hole?”

Zhao Fang asked after a look.

“Yes, the power of these Spaces is basically black holes. However, the location of the Thunder Crystal Mine is rather strange, and the influence of these Space forces is very small!”

Yan Chiyue said.

Signal Zhao Fang to move on.

Zhao Fang stood still and looked at the stars that were floating.

Yan Chiyue saw it, and did not dare to urge it, just standing in the same place and waiting quietly.

Suddenly, Zhao Fang’s eyes brightened and he screamed at the amazing rays of light.

He turned and looked at the evil dragon: “Do you see it?”

The evil dragon looked blank: “What do you see?”

He just thought that the layout of this place was a bit strange, but where it was really weird, it was a look of awkwardness.

“This is a natural chessboard and a great Array!”

Zhao Fang is shining, big and with a laugh.

“Chessboard, Great Array?”

Both Evil Dragon and Yan Chiyue were shocked by Zhao Fang’s statement.

“If it is a Great Array, I can understand that the chessboard is what the hell?”

Zhao Fang stretches his finger to a piece of stars, saying: “And here is the might, the left star is slanted down to the tip, and the right one is out of the column, and the small eye has the child’s edge and there is no space, and the corner is high. Broken across the empty tiger, full of can be to move unhindered !”

“This star arrangement is not natural, it is a big game of heaven and earth!”

In contrast to Zhao Fang, when the evil dragon Yan Chiyue once again looked at these stars, he also felt that it was somewhat consistent with what Zhao Fang said.

Zhao Fang is more excited and more excited. His eyes are full of light: “With heaven and earth as the chessboard, with stars as the chess pieces, great disappointment, who is it, so there is such a shocking game!”

Said, he looked at the evil dragon Yan Chiyue two people.

“I don’t know.” The evil dragon shook his head.

“I have never heard of it.” Yan Chiyue is also shaking his head.

“You don’t even know, it seems that this shocking game has been around for a long time.”

“You can see it.” The evil dragon turned over White Eye.

“hehe ……”

Zhao Fang laughed and didn’t answer.

For a moment, I was faint: “I have a hunch, this trip to the Thunder Crystal Mine, there will be a major event!”

“Maybe, you can see some hidden secrets of the universe!”

Zhao Fang smiled.


The two people who heard this, the evil dragon Yan Chiyue, have different looks.

The evil dragon is looking forward to it.

Yan Chiyue was shocked first, then followed by fear.

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