&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;; The first thousand six hundred and forty-eight chapters of Wanlong list third, Thunder tyrannosaurus! &p;;/3&p;; When Nair does not spend the battle with Yan Chiyue.

Zhao Fang’s eyes always fall in the air.

He also saw some clues about the sudden riots of the two kings.

“Is it suppressed by the evil dragon, Nair flower, want to find other ways to make breakthrough?”

Zhao Fang murmured: “This exotic intelligence is not low Ah!”


All of a sudden collisions between a lightning beast and a flame.

Thunder slams the fire!

Instantly produce geometric terrifying explosion power.

Flame, lightning…

Both are the strength of the Berserk attribute of the world 1st Rank one.

Both at the same time detonated, the resulting might is enough to make the stars fall, Space breaks!

Even the evil dragon and the Nyle flower 6-Star Ancestral God, while protecting their own at the same time, also expressed solemn staring at the source of the explosion.

Intuitively, they feel that the lightning beast and the flame beast are not so stupid to find death.

They will do this, there must be another purpose!

Under the attention of everyone.

The flame thundered as a layer of ripples, swept the four directions at the same time, and the explosion finally subsided.


At the center of the explosion, there is a sudden emergence of a terrifying aura that is ten times more tyrannical than a lightning beast or a flame.


The nar flower flower looklm is at the extreme.

Even him, under this aura, felt the repression.

That is the instinctive reaction of the low-end Martial Artist after encountering the high-end Powerhouse!

“How can it like this? This thunder and lightning area, is there still surpass 5-Star Ancestral God ranked existence ?”

Naier spent his heart roaring.

He glanced at the evil dragon.

The evil dragon is also complexion solemn, but in the eyes is not much shocked, but it is full of excitement.

This fellow is happy with the wool?

Nair flower can’t understand.

There is no extra time to think about him.

When all the lightning flames are turned into the most primitive energy dissipation between the heaven and earth, the center of the rolling smoke has a strange animal that Zhao Fang has never seen before.

This alien is different from the previous flame and the beast.

You can take a closer look.

This strange animal contains all the two kings of the beast.

Skin tone, strength, attributes, and powerful!

“Double-headed beast?”

Yan Chiyue looked horrified.

The newly-emerging alien is a tyrannical alien of a double dragon.

The two dragon heads represent the power of flame and lightning.

The Dragon Body is more than a thousand feet long, with Red on one side and white on the other.

The Dragon Body is covered with slaps of scales and is full of amazing fluidity.

“Thunderstorm Dragon Beast!”

The evil dragon exclaimed excitedly; “The Super Divine Beast, the third in the Wanlong list, is very rare. It is difficult to appear once in tens of thousands of years. It is almost extinct. I didn’t expect it, I was lucky enough to witness it!”


“Wanlong ranked third in the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast?”

Nair’s flower flower has changed dramatically.

He has not seen the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, but he has heard of the Wanlong List of Wanlong Nest.

“The position of Wanlongbang in Wanlongchao is more credible than the list of gods set by the Confucius Academy, which contains all kinds of dragons in the universe!”

“The top ten dragons that can be ranked, all have the hip-fighting prowess. I have heard of this thunderstorm dragon beast. In the Dragon Race, there has always been the power of Berserk destruction.”

“With the Slaughter’s Blood Spirit Dragon, the Dragon Race is the most powerful two Dragon Races.”

Nair flower is inexplicable.

Unexpectedly, in the Dragon Race, the two Dragon Races that are best at slaughter were actually met by him.

He doesn’t know, This is unfortunate, or unfortunate, or unfortunate!

“én? brat, do you know this holy?”

Thunder tyrannosaurus looked at the evil dragon with a head, and the voice was very green, like a child.

“This holy is on you, feel the same aura, you are also Dragon Race. Such a rich bloody aura, is it, you are a Blood Spirit Dragon?”

“Aura on your body makes this holy uncomfortable, I want to kill you Ah!”

The tender voice, cold and unsatisfied with such a sentence, really makes people feel chilling.

“hēi hēi ……”

The evil dragon licks his mouth, and the light is cold. “The little boy who has no long hair, he dares to claim himself in front of father, act recklessly!”

“You are so dead, you dare to take a nap, come up accept death!”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is also angry.

The evil dragon is arrogant and not stupid.

Although I don’t want to admit it, at the moment, the aura of the Thunderstorm beast emits is indeed heart-rending.

It is him, and he is not sure.

Zhao Fang saw some clues, his eyes turned, and suddenly pointed at the flower of Nair: “Thunderstorm Dragon St. Sir, this fellow just said that you are a kid, not weaned!”


The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast was smashed by the evil dragon. This is the anger burning.

At this moment, Zhao Fang added oil and vinegar, and his anger burst immediately. Wherever he still cares about ‘provocation’ his opponent, from the evil dragon to the nar flower.

Two emits with terrifying pressure of the dragon head, directly looking at the Nil flower, roaring: “You are a mouse with two tails, actually dare to mock the holy, court death!”

Words out.

Under the horror of anger and anger, the Thunder tyrannosaurus attacked.

Thunder tyrannosaurus aura is very strong, strong to one kind, even 7-Star Ancestral God is not as good.

But after all, it didn’t go out of hand, how strong it is, where the bottom line is, no one knows!

Until DD it takes action on the nar flower.

Just a dragon claw of the ordinary.

When the flowers were angry, they dared not take a nap and resisted.


Under the red dragon claws, the nar flower is like a grasshopper in the autumn, but it has not been licked and it is taken directly into the ground.

Grand 6-Star Ancestral God’s nar flower, even the Thunder tyrannosaurus can not hold a single claw.


The power of the thunderstorm dragon beast directly caused Zhao Fang to swear.

“Do you want such a cow?


The truth is that it is so screwed

When the flower was crawling out of the ground, the clothes were broken, blood was stained, and the difficult situation was unbearable.

Although there is no heavy injury, it looks like this, and it is not much better!

“The little mouse, the life is very hard, actually not dead yet. If so, how about trying this dragon?”

The words of the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast sounds like an inquiry, but they don’t give the chance to answer the question.

Poor Nair flower, just because of Zhao Fang’s words, suffered two innocent disasters in succession, the hatred of Zhao Fang in the heart, simply poured out the water of all the stars in the universe, can not wash!


The blood is sprayed in the mouth of the flower.

The appearance is more difficult situation than before.


Seeing that the flower is still not dead, the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is a child who finds interesting toys and suddenly gets excited.

But the Nair flower that suffered twice, finally wanted to understand.

When the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast took action, he pointed to Zhao Fang yelled: “Dragon St. Sir, this brat white flour tender, hidden evil, the purpose of his trip, actually to capture your shelter, Thunder Crystal !”


As soon as this statement came out, the thunderstorm tyrant was suddenly angered, cold eyes, and instantly looked at Zhao Fang.

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