&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;; The first thousand six hundred and forty-nine chapters are the soul of Immortal World! &p;;/3&p;;sōu!

The evil dragon directly plunged into front of Zhao Fang.

“be careful.”

Zhao Fang looks at the solemn, which was expected.

The Tier-8 ancestors are quietly offered, ready to give this seemingly retarded, Strength tyrannical Thunder tyrannosaurus fierce blow!

Yan Chiyue complexion is ugly.

The power of the thunderstorm dragon beast, he just now see clearly.

Even the flowers of Lenner could not hold it.

Not to mention yourself.

At the same time, at the same time, the eyes are looking at the all around, ready to run.

Nair’s flower gloating at the look at.

I miss you too!

All of us believe that the next is the most violent attack of the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast.

Zhao Fang start to talk: “Dragon St. Sir, the real purpose of my trip is not entirely for the Thunder Crystal Mine, but also for the freedom of Long Sheng Sir.”

“Freedom, what freedom?”

Thunder tyrannosaurus attacked the situation, doubts at Zhao Fang.

When I saw Zhao Fang start to talk, I knew it was bad. I quickly said: “Dragon St. Sir, don’t believe the brat of this brat. He is cheating you. He is coming for the Thunder Crystal.”

“I did come for the Thunder Crystal Mine.”

Zhao Fang didn’t hide it, seeing the thunderstorm dragon beast turned wild, he said with a laugh: “at the same time, also ask Long Sheng Sir to come to the universe.”

“Walking in the universe? What is it? Is it fun?” asked the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast.

“The universe is much less than the countless times, and there are many treasures. There are many for the Long St. Sir, step on the talent, take the treasure, grab the beauty, and then encounter the goddess dragon of the flamboyant…”

“Isn’t it better than being trapped here, is it better to stare at this sky-savvy sky?”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is listening to his ears and his eyes are bright.

Its basic strength tyrannical, from a mental point of view, is just a child.

What the child wants is nothing more than fun.

Happy, no wariness to play!

“Is there so much fun?”

Thunderstorm tyrannical animal itch is intolerable, can’t wait to see the ancient universe in the mouth of Zhao Fang.

“Dragon St. Sir, don’t listen to him nonsense, this brat is lying to you…”

Narr flower knows, and then let Zhao Fang start to talk, things will get worse, decisive start to talk to stop.

However, it is not expected to be in the middle of Zhao Fang.

“The liar? Isn’t there what I said in the universe?” Zhao Fang looked angry at the flower.

Nair flower does not answer.

Until the thunderstorm tyrannosaurus smashed two pairs of chilly eyes, the narciss flowers bloomed all over the body, and they thawed under the pressure of the thunderstorm tyrannosaurus.

“There is nothing, just…”

The words were not finished and were directly interrupted by Zhao Fang.

“Since there is, why don’t you want to take Longsheng Sir out of the place where the bird is not pulling, but instead to grab the Thunder Crystal Mine for personal gain?”


Nair flower was asked.

What should this damn say?

“I am damn to grab the Thunder Crystal Mine, who is damn to save the Tyrannosaurus?”

The tyrannosaurus, who was stunned by the danger, screamed.

The words are exported.

He regretted it!

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast’s indifferent eyelids instantly look at the Ner flowers.

Nile flower complexion drastic change, figure suddenly retreat at the same time, at the same time.

The pieces are black and white, and there are still to move unhindered double lines.

This is not just a pawn, the pawn itself is still a chessboard.


Zhao Fang startled, I feel that this piece seems to have been seen there, seems familiar.


He suddenly woke up to God.

“The power of this piece of emits is exactly the same as that of Outer World’s star game.”

“Is it true that this piece is part of the missing game? How is this Rank treasure?”

Just as Zhao Fang is wondering.

The chess pieces are ray of light, and the easy to move unhindered lines on it seem to separate from the pieces themselves, forming a possible to move unhindered cage, trapping the Thunderstorm Dragon.


The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast was not expected and was directly trapped in it.

After the reaction, it was very angry, and I wanted to rush out of the chessboard.


The crazy impact of ten consecutive times, just let the easy to move unhindered line slightly loose.

I can’t get away.

“ha ha, useless, this black and white can to move unhindered line, the inner day Dao Law, self-contained. If it is 7-Star Ancestral God, you can rely on yourself to Heavenly Dao insights, break the chessboard.”

“But you…but it’s empty and brute, you don’t understand Law’s idiots, you can’t get rid of the chessboard.”

Nair flowers are sneer.

Nair does not spend and others, seeing the narration of the tyrannical trapped tyrannical tyrannosaurus, they are all excited.

Nair is not screaming, but to kill Zhao Fang three people.

“They, this God will be sure to kill. If they are not, this God will not reveal this black and white cage card so soon!”

“Especially this brat, when I grab him, I will cut his tongue and cut it into meat!”

Nair’s flower is cold and full of killing intent.

‘It’s over! Actually, Nair does not spend their upper hand. It seems that this time must be desperate. ‘Yan Chiyue smiles bitterly.

If the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast has the upper hand, even if he can’t beat it, he has certain certainty and can escape from here.

of course.

The premise is that the attention of the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is all in the Nair Flower and even the Zhao Fang.

But the situation today is that Nair does not take the upper hand.

Ener did not spend his hatred on himself, he will not let himself go.

and so.

Even if he wants to draw water, he has no chance.

“What is this chess piece?”

Zhao Fang looked at the thunderstorm tyrannosaur trapped by the chess piece and asked some curiosity.

“ha ha, I haven’t seen it, or it’s worth it. If you are going to die, this God will tell you with great pity.”

“This is a chess piece!”


Zhao Fang blinked at the evil dragon.

The evil dragon has no point to observe the nod.

Zhao Fang understands that this chess piece is related to Outer World’s star game.

“I didn’t expect that you could get such a treasure. But, do you really think that you can trap the Thunderstorm Dragon?”

Zhao Fang calmly said.

“It’s always ready to be trapped, can’t you see?”

Nair flower and flower show.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, he always feels that there is something terrifying that is going to happen.

Moreover, System also began to issue red Warning, reminding and urging him to leave.

“You are still more concerned about yourself than the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast!”

Nair flowers sneer.


Zhao Fang suddenly violently drunk.

He didn’t want to understand, there would be something dangerous.

But still choose to believe in System.

After the figure is folded, it will follow the way back.

He retired cleanly, without a little bit of tweaking and muddy water.

Even the flowers of Nair, there are some accidents.

It took a second to react.

“Is it a bit late to want to escape?”


Just as he is ready to chase Zhao Fang and others.


The thunderstorm tyrannosaur trapped in a chessboard cage is angry and roaring.

Nair spent the day thinking that the result of this roar will be the same as before.

But what he expected was.

嗤啦~ The line of the chessboard cage was actually violently broken by the Thunderstorm Dragon.

“Hey, if you are dead, will this fairy soul be enemies with this holy?”

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