&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;;The first thousand six hundred 50 two chapters of the tyrannical tyrannosaur! &p;;/3&p;;”Yes Zhao Young master!”

There was only one Yan Hanyue of Remnant Spirit, and when he heard the sound of Zhao Fang, he immediately became excited.

He was prepared to do an accept death.

The appearance of Zhao Fang made him see hope.

“it is good!”

The evil dragon sinks.

Within the body The dragonpower spurts, like the rivers and seas, sweeping in all directions.

All of a sudden.

The evil dragon thousand zhang Dragon Body began to shrink, and the dragon power coverage, but filled the stars Great Array.

“What does he want to do? Is it still expected that the brat can turn over?”

Naral spent seeing this scene, doubts.

Immediately sneer, “That brat did not die in the Thunder World, it is indeed expected by this God. However, the power of the thunderstorm dragon beast is not a trivial god can compete.”

Just as he said it, DD嗡~ the original silent star group, suddenly a lot of stars came out.

Starpower is like a greedy cockroach, madly taking heaven and earth Spiritual Qi.

In an instant.

In the sky above the stars, there is a spiral of Qipirual Qi.

The whirlpools are all formed by the stars themselves, Spiritual Qi.


Nar flower dumbstruck.

He just now, obviously aware that these stars, there is no aura, like a dead thing!

However, under the nourishment of the evil dragon, it has given birth to a new vitality.

Like a half foot into the coffin of the old man, after eating a bottle of not falling pills, suddenly suddenly glowed the second spring, not only the old state is eliminated, but also damn life dragon tiger.

“go with!”

When the narration is puzzled.

Zhao Fang, who rushed out of the passage, picked up the two fingers, and the fingers were glued to a chess piece, which was centered at the Great Array of Stars.

“My black and white child!”

The moment when Naral spent seeing black and white, it was not calm at the moment.

I can’t wait to get it right away.

Before he was put into action, a path of low and depressed, and holding the screaming loud noise of the smashing star, suddenly sounded in his ear.

Hōng hōng ~ In the thousands of stars, simultaneously emit a star of light.

The stars are centered on black and white, and can be moved to unhindered.

In the blink of an eye, a chess game that is rare in the ages is formed.

The game is three-dimensional, with a to to unhindered line on it, including a million li, nothing!

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, the Ner Flower, the Evil Dragon, and even the Yanhanyue, which has only one Remnant Spirit, are shrouded in this quirky line, the Great Array.

Even Zhao Fang himself is bound by a force.

That power is like a rope.

One end is tied to Zhao Fang, and the other end is on the chessboard.

This feeling, Zhao Fang is a little confused, after checking the with the body condition, the brow wrinkles.


Nair flower was shocked.

Wan did not expect that the black and white way to open correctly, this is actually the case.

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is even more angry.

It was once again imprisoned, remembering the shame of being previously imprisoned, madly struggling and wanting to rush out.

At this moment.

A strange scene happened.

The original body is huge, and the Thunderstorm Dragon, which almost dominates the board of the World, is strangled by a mysterious force and shrinks.


Eight thousand zhang.

Three thousandd zhang.

Thousand zhang.

Hundred zhang (333m).

In the end, less than ten feet of thunderstorm tyrannosaurus was blocked inside a chessboard, and no matter how struggling it could not get out.


“Oh, God, this is not convinced, has the ability, and this holy grand is right battle!”

Thunder tyrannosaurus, like the fear of being dominated many years ago!

Calling ~ Zhao Fang, who finished these things, took a deep breath.

Just now that refers to the split second of chess, can not help but consume a lot of Divine Strength, even life essence is also crazy reduction.


Thunderstorm dragon beast, was subdued!


Evil dragon Yan Chiyue two people, mortal!

After the board array was launched, the entire Starry Sky was shrouded in a strange force. Zhao Fang wanted to rescue the two people from the chessboard World, which was also blocked by this force.

Eventually ended in failure!

“what’s going on?” Zhao Fang frowned.

“Hey, act recklessly fellow, you activate the old Ghost’s endgame, it is equal to becoming a chess player, start the game. After you have seen the game, can you let the player repent?”

“Unless, there is only one possibility!”

The thunderstorm tyrannosaur gradually calmed down and sneered at Zhao Fang, his voice was cold.

Its voice, already dissatisfied with the original childishness, became exceptionally hoarse, like a cold old man.

“Who is the game? Who is it?”

Zhao Fang looks at Thunderstorm Dragon Beast.

“bad luck reminder fellow, you even have this Starry Sky overall situation, by whom, some people do not know how to play chess, but also dare to activate the game, really extreme daring, act recklessly!”

Thunder tyrannosaurus sneer.

“Yes? It seems that you are on the board, I am outside the board, even if you die, you must die first!”

Zhao Fang sneered.

Thunderstorm dragon beast complexion 狰狞, “brat, this holy will not let go of you.”

“hehe, don’t play this bickering. It doesn’t match your identity of Longsheng Sir. So, let me tell you everything about the game and promise to let us go. Can I unlock the game?”

I heard this.

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is like a big joke, can’t help but laughed loudly.

“With you, I want to break this game?”

The sound is full of ridicule of Zhao Fang overestimate one’s capabilities.

Zhao Fang expression calmly, “Since the chess game is arranged, naturally someone can break. I can’t break it, it won’t bother you, even if it won’t break, I won’t die, but you, different!”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast laughs abruptly, complexion gloomy is uncertain.

“Damned the day!”

Just after the words, the Thunderstorm Dragon beast was in another head, but it was a familiar voice that Zhao Fang was familiar with.

“Not as good, let’s tell him, maybe he can really save the game.”

This sound is the sound that the thunderstorm tyrant has just revealed.

“You are an Idiot kid who shuts up this holy sacred! If you are fooled by him, how can it be trapped in the game?”

The old voice of the flame head screamed.


Zhao Fang, he did not think that this Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is actually a two-in-one.

“Since you don’t want to say, I am not reluctant, then you are staying here now!”

After that, Zhao Fang turned and left.

“Where are you going?”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast asks.

“Enjoy the victory that should have belonged to me.”

Zhao Fang does not return.

“According to the feedback from the chess game, I need to break within three years. Three years… very long, you, wait for it!”

Zhao Fang looked at the evil dragon and Yan Chiyue.

The evil dragon ordered nod.

He is also helpless until now.

Yan Chiyue is crying and mourning.

Luck’s is that Zhao Fang, who is a chess player, has the Ability to give him the Divided Spirit to keep him on the verge of breaking.


He really can’t last for three years.

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