&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;; The first thousand six hundred 50 three chapters mother no longer have to worry about me being thundered! &p;;/3&p;; Thunder World.

Zhao Fang went back.

“Thunder is in prison, I am coming!”

Zhao Fang both eyes 炯炯.

After entering the universe, Zhao Fang noticed the defects of Strength.

Despite relying on the natural and earth, Primal Chaos Divine Strength, the ancestors, and even the evil dragons, and other external factors, let him feel the danger of every time, can be dangerously crossed.

But the old saying goes well.

Often walking by the river, how can you not wet shoes!

If Zhao Fang is still like this, he can’t upgrade his own Strength, he will be killed to kill sooner or later.

After all, what the artifacts are, are external forces.

Blacksmith still needs to be hard on its own!

In terms of cultivation base, Zhao Fang is not worried.

But the cultivation base is high and does not mean everything.

The real strength is the comprehensive quality of all aspects of Martial Artist.

The cultivation base is one thing, but it doesn’t represent it all.

“Thunder’s prison body, combined with the Divine Body generated by the two forces of thunder, the defense alone, is not inferior to Ancestral God, enough to make my battle upgrade a big cut!”

Zhao Fang speed is amazing, very fast, and passes through the flame area without an alien existence.

Come to the mountain in the heart of the flame area and the lightning zone.

The mountains are winding and the sky is vast.

The appearance looks like a sensation of one kind.

The earthy brown rock reveals the mottled traces left by the years.

Zhao Fang In the air nearby, I felt the strong thunder fire aura, and I couldn’t help but nod. “It seems to be here!”

The words fall.

He took the artifact to the holy dragon knife.

I slammed it all out.

Amazingly, Blade Qi is a fascinating encounter with the Cangwu Mountains.

With the sharpness of the Tier-8 artifact, the mountain of the ordinary can also be called the two halves.

But there is no mountain in front of you.

It’s just being cut out of a large tom that can’t be unhindered.

On both sides of the mouth, a large number of red awns filled with lightning were sprayed.

Take a closer look.

Those red awns filled with lightning are exactly a piece of Red crystal stone.

Each crystal stone has a house size.

It is filled with a powerful Thunder flame aura.

Thunder Crystal!

There is no doubt that it is what Zhao Fang is looking for.

“sōu! ”

Zhao Fang leaned over and jumped over the mouth.

At the same time.

Void Hand grabs the thunder in the mouth, the arm bends, and suddenly roaring sound: “Come out!”

But listening to the tears, two thunder crystals, grabbed by Zhao Fang, suspended on the sides of his body.

“Get the power of the Thunder!”

Zhao Fang grabbed one, the Inextinguishable Golden Body worked, and Divine Strength formed a tyrannical vortex in the palm of his hand, taking the Divine Strength in Thunder.

Same as Time.

Zhao Fang within the body Thunder and flame are intertwined, Berserk is abnormal!

But he is ready.

Despite the anomalous pain, it is still hard to bear.


“In the power of the Thunder, the Thunder’s prison body completed the progress 0.01%…0.02%…”


Not a moment.

Two pieces of Thunder Crystal were sucked by the thunder of Zhao Fang, blasted open, turned into pieces, and dispersed with the wind.

Zhao Fang grabbed two thunder crystals again.

Cycle back and forth.

I don’t know how many times I did it, and even he was a little bored.

Then jumped straight in, initially a small mouth, now being torn into a crack in a large gap.

Directly hand-to-hand on the Thunder crystal in the mountains, crazy to grab.

Time quickly passed.

From time to time, there was a scream of screaming in the mountains. At the same time, the mountain collapsed and collapsed.

This is the Thunder crystal is sucked dry and then fried into powder, causing the ordinary rock attached to it to lose support and collapse directly.

Two days passed.

This is not a mountain of God, but it is like a thunder crystal vein of the mountain.

Directly shrunk by half.

All collapsed.

It seems that within it suffered a great destruction half, extremely amazing terrifying.

Crackling ~sky dull.

A few clouds that don’t know when they came together, took out a path of amazing lightning.

More and more dark clouds gather above the veins.

In addition to the dark clouds, there is Red’s burning cloud.

Two distinct forces, at the same time, appear to be the magnificent phenomenon of 1000-year.

As the two clouds converge.

An unspeakable sense of oppression hangs over the world of Thunder World.

Hōng hōng ~ At this time.

The abyss of the veins, with a strong rumbled sound, accompanied by a pleasant laugh.


The collapsed veins were hit by a pair of iron fists again.

A gray silhouette of a difficult situation, shot from inside the hole, straight into the sky.

Crackling !

Sky The gathering of Fire Cloud and Thundercloud, when the gray silhouette rushed out, it seemed to be a once-found goal, the clouds rushed, and a large amount of thunderfire was discharged, forming a path of terrifying thunderbolt, and smashing toward the gray silhouette .

Gray silhouette, naturally is Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang, who was killed by the mountain range, relied on the strong body strength and was not injured.

The dust that can roll and fall, but dyed his white clothes into gray clothes.

Even the hair is covered with dust and a dirty look.

“Catch the grass, This is what’s going on?”

Zhao Fang just rushed out of the Thunder Crystal Mine, and he noticed that the thunderbolt that was about to come to the head was shocked.

“Even if you want to welcome the return of the Palace Lord, don’t be so polite.”

Zhao Fang sighed, but his eyes were Can Ruo Minghui.

“Thunder’s prison body, absorbed the power of the mine veins, has reached saturation, but still can not be Great Accomplishment, it seems that there is still something missing!”

“Don’t the missing thing be here?”

Zhao Fang stared at the thunderbolt, thoughtful.

Thunder town prison.

It’s the real Divine Body.

Overriding other physique above.

If there is no heaven and earth to cheer, can you cultivate this Divine Body?

“Come on! The power of Thunder Crystal, after all, can’t compare with heaven and earth to the power of pure thunder, I have to see, how strong this thunderbolt is.”

Zhao Fang laughed and challenged Lei Huozhu directly and rushed over.

His whole person was quickly integrated into the thunderbolt.

The power of endless terrifying, all on the Zhao Fang body.

His body is dissolved in an instant, the bones are crushed, and the body is disappearing.

Can be quickly reorganized in an instant, new life.

So reciprocating.

Even if the ready to adapt to the power of Thunder Crystal Berserk’s Zhao Fang, in this more Berserk’s Thunder power, it is also a burst of pain like wild beast.

Simply, his just now cultivation, the body’s resistance to thunder fire, to an amazing degree, no life is at risk.


“In the power of the Thunder, the Thunder’s prison body completed the progress 91%…92%…”

Progress crazy upgrade.

After half a day.


“Thunder’s prison completion is 100%.”

“Congratulations Player, the cultivation of the Thunder’s prison body, awakening the Divine Body, and the resistance to the thunderstorm is enhanced…”

In System Prompt.

Zhao Fang’s clothes have already burst into pieces.

He is naked, suspended in midair.

The physique is not sturdy and strong, but it is the type of dress that is thin and out of the flesh.

The surface is covered with a faint red ray of light.

The rays of light are slightly enlarged, with a strong thunder of lightning. The ground of the under the foot is instantly cracked. Even a hill far from the hundred zhang (333m) is instantly smashed into powder.

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