The first thousand six hundred and six hundred 50 four chapters of chess, Haotian! 3> I am Raytheon, I am responsible for heaven and earth!

It doesn’t feel too cool!


Zhao Fang found that after the Great Accomplishment of the Thunder Town, his speed was upgraded a lot!

after all.

Thunder is known for speed!

Zhao Fang stretched his fists at random, raised his hands and thrown his feet, and the air blew his screams, which seemed to be the screams of Zhao Fang’s fists.

“Thunder and the prison body, plus the 7-Star royal god, even if you do not use the artifact, I can easily kill 3-Star Ancestral God, even if it is Ancestral God Middle Stage, there is a chance!”

“If you are using the artifacts…”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are shining, and he is not sure, his own strength at the moment, which one is reached.

“Then try the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast!”

Zhao Fang smiled coldly, turned his sleeves and rushed to the entrance of Outer World.

in a blink.

It turned into a Rayman disappeared.

In the chess game.

Thunder tyrannosaurus beast eyes turn, it seems to be calculating something.

This fellow two-in-one, temperamental, moody.

Plus years old, I know the secrets that many outsiders don’t know.

For example, this star chess game.

The evil dragon looks at the eyeballs and turns the thunderstorm tyrannosaurus, only to feel a very uneasy feeling, he stared at each other, coldly shouted: “Thunder, what do you want?”

“What do you want to do with this Holy Spirit, and what are you doing with you?”

Thunder tyrannosaurus sneer.

Wen Yan, the evil dragon is more and more uneasy, his face is cold, coldly said: “The star chess is mysterious, for your own safety, you better not act rashly.”

“Do you not move? Do you want to let this holy life be trapped here?”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast looks violent.

“Once you fall into the game of the stars, you and I have become chess pieces. No one can say that it is just stuck here, there is no danger of life.”

“But once someone is playing chess, playing against the sky, the process is very dangerous. This holy year can be witnessed…”

When it comes to this, it will come to an abrupt end.

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, which has always been fearless and fearless, seems to think of something, in the eyes, showing a look of extreme fear.

“And, that brat doesn’t know how to play chess. Once he is allowed to play chess, not only is this holy, but you, all will die!”

Wen Yan, evil dragon expression as usual.

Yan Chiyue and Nair Flower are complexion ugly.

Unusually ugly.

The two people are sure of one thing, depending on their environment and the temptations of their just now.

I became a pawn on this game.

I can’t get away.

If it is as true as the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast.

Once a piece of chess has a victory or defeat, it is the time to decide its own destiny.

When I think of my own life, I actually control it in a hairy brat. Even Yan Chiyue, who has already surrendered to Zhao Fang in my heart, feels uneasy.

What’s more, it is the Nair flower with Zhao Fang.

“With this holy observation, the reason why Brat wants to get Thunder Crystal is to cultivate Fleshy Body. However, is Thunder Crystal so easy to integrate?”

I heard this.

Complexion as usual evil dragon, a ge-deng in the heart.

Berserk of Thunder Crystal, he also heard about it when he was young.

Even with Thunder Crystal in the Dragon Race, the probability of failure is extremely high.

“That brat hasn’t come out for so long. With this holy look, his 80% is blasting and dying!”

“At this moment, we are all under the control of the stars, but there is also a trace of survival opportunities, do you want to grasp?”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast tempted.

The evil dragon is silent.

Yan Chiyue, Narr flower eyeballs turn, seems to be calculating.

The two people also don’t believe that the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast will be so kind, but they don’t seem to have any other way to get rid of the Thunderstorm.

“If you want to get out, then you can cooperate with this holy. This holy can swear by the sky and will not bother you.”

With the guarantee of the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, Yan Chiyue Naierhuahua clearly gave a breath.

They did worry that after the escape of the Star Chess, the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast was settled after the fall.

With the Strength of the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, dealing with the Nair flower without the Golden Shield, is it not the same as playing?

“I am willing to listen to Long Sheng Sir.”

Nair flower export.

Yan Chiyue hesitated, also started to talk.

Only evil dragons, silent sneer, no words.

“it is good!”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast laughed. “That Brat doesn’t know how to play chess. It is quite arrogant to capture the power of the Thunder. It has already exploded and has died. Only you can save you at this moment…”

The words are not finished.

A plain and ridiculous laugh sounded: “Sorry, thunder, let you down!”

The sound is very calm.

It is also extremely abrupt.

Even if it is a Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, there is no notice in advance.

‘Although the Holy Seal is enclosed in the chessboard, the divine sense perception is sharply reduced, but it is also impossible. The other party can come here quietly, it must be a master! Just… ‘Thunderstorm tyrants in the heart of the beast, ‘the voice of this master, a little familiar, like the white brat. ‘He thought about it like this.

The indifferent and calm evil dragon seems to have discovered something, and his face has a trace of smile.

Yan Chiyue and Nair spent two people, a look, a complexion gloomy.

I saw it.

In front of the Star Chess, the volley is suspended with a white silhouette.

The white silhouette aura is dull and looks calm.

“brat, it’s you!”

Thunder tyrannosaurus bomb eyes a condensate, Wan did not expect, he asserted that the brat of the absorbed thunder crystal explosion, actually appeared in front of him unscathed.

“Young master !”

The evil dragon laughs, “I know, you will succeed.”

“Hey, success? Thunder crystal is so easy to integrate, even if it can be integrated, it is impossible to complete in such a short time. With this holy look, you have failed once, consciously hopelessly merged, and then opt out…”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast thought it was the answer.

Zhao Fang is faintly smiled and waved.

A throne that is condensed by the Thunder flame appears in its behind.

Slowly sit down in the thunder and horror of the Thunderstorm, and the shock and fear of Yan Chiyue Naier.

“This, how can it be? You trivial a human, actually completely integrated the Thunder into your body, even the Holy Spirit has been smashed by you.”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast was shocked.

Zhao Fang sat on the throne, holding the chin with one hand, looking at the chess game lazily, expression indifferently spoke: “Thunder, how do you want to die?”

In a word, the Thunderstorm Dragon immediately calmed down.

Zhao Fang merged with Thunder Crystal successfully and returned smoothly. Not only did he smash the plan of the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, but also disrupted his rhythm.

the more important thing is.

Zhao Fang is already ready to play chess. Even if there are other techniques, it can’t avoid the fate of playing chess.



The moment when Zhao Fang sat down.

The other side of the Star Chess, by all around heaven and earth aura, condenses a huge and blurred shadow.

The shadow of the black aura is horrified, and the whole body is covered by Black, and there is no clue.

Only two eyes like a phosphorus fire, watching Gaz Fang calmly and calmly.

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