The first thousand six hundred 50 five chapters Zhao Fang chess game Heavenly Dao phantom! 3> “This…”

Yan Chiyue and Nair flower are in the cold.

They did not notice at all, when the vague shadow appeared.

More terrible is.

On the shadow, emits has a heaven and earth Divine Might that they can’t resist.

Even the XNUM flower of 6-Star Ancestral God, in front of the shadow, there is also a kind of mole cricket and ants to face the powerless feeling of Azure Heaven.

“You are my opponent?”

Zhao Fang looked at the blurry shadow and asked calmly.

The blurry black shadow did not answer, just sticking out the palm of the night like a night, and the volley was somewhere on the stars.

A Black chess piece suddenly fell.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All around A few white pieces made up of stars, bursting instantly!

The fuzzy black shadow responded to Zhao Fang with practical action.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

He did not make a difference in the game of chess.

I can’t understand this game at all.

“brat, this holy is bad for you!”

The thunderstorm tyrannical screams and looks at his face.

“If Heavenly Dao phantom does not show up, this holy has a trace to grasp, can get out, but Heavenly Dao phantom once it appears, the game will be irreversible, this holy is completely sealed here by you!”

I heard this.

Yan Chi Yue Nair flowers are also desperate.

Even the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast does not know how many years of survival, and the Old Monster who witnessed the secret past is no way, let alone.

“Thunder, are you not so optimistic about this Palace Lord? Do you think this Palace Lord will lose?”

Zhao Fang held his chin and looked indifferent.

“Hey, even with a generation of chess, you can use the power of chess to create World’s Chess, and you are defeated here. You trivial a human who doesn’t understand the game. If you can turn it over, the holy head will be cut and sent to you!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang smiled: “I can turn the plate, it means you are still alive. You cut a head to me, and have a head. It shows that you are still alive, alive, you are earning!”

Thunderstorm dragon beast startled.

Immediately, seriously staring at Zhao Fang, “Are you serious?”

“Hehe, Thunder, how about we bet?”

“No gambling?”

The thunderstorm dragon seems to be extremely sensitive to the word ‘gambling’, with the rejection of the slightest hesitation.

“At the moment, if you gamble on one, you still have the hope of surviving. If you don’t gamble, you will really be stunned. Since then, the Thunderstorm Dragon Lineage will completely ruin the universe!”

Upon hearing this, the Thunderstorm Dragon beast flashed.

Hesitating, it asked: “What do you want to gamble?”

“I win, you live. Then, become my mount!”

“impossible !”

The Thunderstorm Dragons categorically refused.

Zhao Fang calmly, still thin smile, waved, the words spoken in the mouth, falling in the ear of the Thunderstorm Dragon, but even more cold than the billions of Profound Ice.

“That’s the case, the Palace Lord will send you on the road first.”

An invisible force, dragging a white star, is not far from the chessboard where the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is located.


Blurring black shadows are almost without thinking, and they will fall.

With the white son that Zhao Fang had previously fallen, it is far away, and the sunspot next to it is the formation of the dragon slaughter, wanting to destroy all the whites of this piece.

among them.

It includes the chessboard where the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is located.


The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is angry.

Where can’t see it, Zhao Fang is deliberately playing this stupid chess, wanting to die.

“This Palace Lord gives you a choice, you don’t cherish it, there is no way!”

Zhao Fang thin smile, another one.


The sunspot almost fell in the all of a sudden of Zhao Fang.

嘭嘭~ A dozen or so white stars in a row, bursting instantly.

In the middle of the board, a large area is vacated.

I don’t know if it is intentional or not.

Explosion of the Fluctuation, stopping at the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast before.

But the original white stars in front of him are now attributed to nothingness.

If Zhao Fang takes another hand, its ending, like those stars crushed by Heavenly Dao, is directly attributed to nothingness.

Even if it is Strength tyrannical, it will not violate the Heavenly Heavenly Dao!

Zhao Fang grabbed another child.

The smile is calm.

Thunder tyrannosaurus, but the scalp is numb, the back is cold.

When Zhao Fang was about to settle down, it quickly yelled: “This holy agreement, agree with you!”

“what did you say?”

Zhao Fang stared at the chess piece and calmly looked at the thunderstorm dragon beast.

Thunder tyrannosaurus squatting on two pairs of blood-filled dragons, looking at Zhao Fang with enthusiasm, said one word: “If you can win this game, how to surrender to you!”

Zhao Fang smiled.

“Trivial, a chess game, if you win, why not, ignorance!”

Zhao Fang shook his head, but the one that was originally scheduled to fall was off the previous position and fell into an inconspicuous corner.


Thunderstorm dragon beast startled.

Because it was too long to live, it was boring, and it was once immersed in the game for a period of time.

Although, can’t compare with the original Chess.

But with its current chess power, the entire universe, which can win it, is one of the few.


It knows everything about Zhao Fang and looks at it thoroughly.

Only just now that hand.

It seems that the white son is on the side and has a bad hand.

What can make it unexpected.

The previous few have fallen into the blurry shadow of the slightest hesitation, but at this moment it is slightly hesitant, it seems to be a camera across the puzzle.

‘That brat, what is it? Even Heavenly Dao phantom, who is good at calculus, hesitated for so long! ‘Thunder tyrannosaurus is secretly shocked.

Heavenly Dao, who controls everything under Heavenly Dao, is best at calculus.

Therefore, even if the game is profound, even in terms of chess power, the old man who is far better than Heavenly Dao is finally forced to be counted by the Heavenly Dao because he is pushing the game and exhausting his heart.

But now.

Heavenly Dao, who has always been good at calculations, is really scared after the fall of Zhao Fang, who has begun to look serious.

‘This fellow, can you understand the chess? How can this be? He is only a big Ah! ‘Thunder fangs at Zhao Fang, it is hard to believe this fact.

Look at the hesitant Heavenly Dao phantom, Zhao Fang laughed: ‘It seems that it is a wise decision to host the game to System. This kind of mental calculation is really not suitable for human. ‘Bang!

After a full five-point interest.

Heavenly Dao phantom is sure to settle.


It was at the moment when he fell.

Zhao Fang holds the white, and falls at the same time.

嘭嘭~白子区, there are several stars at once, bursting into ash.


Zhao Fang fell a second, and there was a breakout.

Heavenly Dao phantom thought about the fifteenth, and the power fell.


Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation.

This one, like a white robe War God, in the enemy, can to move unhindered 捭阖, rampage.

Instantly toss the original encirclement, tearing out a gap.

This short change.

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast was shocked.

It never thought that Zhao Fang, who was serious, was so terrifying.

The two sons of the hand reversed the advantages of Heavenly Dao phantom.

“This fellow…”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is deeply looking at Zhao Fang.

Heavenly Dao phantom’s hesitation time is getting longer and longer.

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