The first thousand six hundred and six hundred 50 six chapters win the day! 3> no matter how long he thinks.

Zhao Fang is here at the same time he just fell, and he followed the child.

There is no hesitation in the slightest.

It seems that everything is in the calculation of Zhao Fang.

This scene.

Not only the evil dragon, the nar flower, the Yan Chiyue three people, the heart is shocked.

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast is more reminiscent of the scary chess game of countless years ago, Haotian and Heavenly Dao phantom.


The old man was slower and slower and eventually lost the game.

Heavenly Dao phantom is like a wind, getting faster and faster, but winning the game.

The situation today is exactly the same as in the past.

the difference is.

Heavenly Dao phantom, which dominated the year, has become a crushed object.


Zhao Fang fell down.

The sunspots are broken one by one.

Throughout the middle plate, a large area was vacated.

The original encirclement of the trapped, instantly cracked.

Heavenly Dao phantom This time, it was silent for half an hour.

After half an hour, it also fell.

Bai Zi is still very fast, and the meaning of killing is full.

There is no chance to give the sunspot a little gasp, and every child is as smooth as it is, but it is arrogant and eloquent.

Forcing the sunspot to have no chance to breathe.

The sunspot is mad, like a wild beast in the cage, fighting for the beast.

Every child falls, and there is a great Ominous danger.

Like a crazy Vicious Beast, violently thundering, crazy biting, but how can not bite the encirclement of the white densely packed.

The original black robe silhouette, aura began to appear unstable, the black chess on the board became faint!

“This way, maybe, it really makes him win Heavenly Dao.”

The thunderstorm tyrants quietly look at at, and the mind suddenly pops up such a thought.

To know.

It was previously, but at least not optimistic about Zhao Fang.

‘However, Heavenly Dao is not so good, its power, not just that! ‘It seems to be to verify the words of the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast.

Heavenly Dao phantom draws a lot of Heavenly Dao’s power, blurry silhouette, still blurry.

Only those eyes that are like a fire of phosphorus seem to be ready to come out at any time, full of indifference and cruelty.


The sunspot fell in one place.

Killed a few white children.

The sunspot began to counterattack.

Crazy counterattack!

Zhao Fang expression As usual.

He doesn’t know chess, but he clearly understands the mood on the board.

Two peerless masters killing.

The sunspots that have been made by the cards have already reached the end, but they still don’t admit defeat, and they are killing with Bai Zi, wanting to kill a grandeur!

Kuroko crazy killing.

a path of unreal silhouette, appearing on the stars chessboard.

That a path of silhouette, or old man, or a child, looks different, aura is not the same.

But everyone in the eyes is full of wise rays of light.

“Chess, crazy old man, crazy Monk, thousands of boys…”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast recognizes those figures and is amazed.

“These people are all playing chess with Powerhouse. They used to play against the sky and lost to the Heavenly Dao calculus. I didn’t expect that this ultimate killing would wake up their Remnant Spirit…”

Oh~ this time.

There is another silhouette appearing.

It is a white hair old man, old man white hair sloping shoulders, aura 缥缈, booth eyes reflected in life and death reincarnation, years of vicissitudes, extreme mysterious.

“This, this… oh old man!”

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast was completely shocked.

The old man looks at the chess game, big said with a laugh: “I didn’t expect this game, there is a day of reversal. However, this game is a big robbery.”

“ha ha ~ can participate in this game, it is really a great thing in my life!”

A somewhat mad old man, laughing out of the way, silhouette transformed into a white child, falling in one place.

The stalemate of the game, there are signs of alive.

But the tightness of the black-skin bite is entirely based on the life-threatening style.

“Not bad. This is the biggest event in the universe, and this boy is proud of it.”

The thousand-handed boy said, also as a chess piece.

Not only him.

The rest of the people are like this.

After a few white birds fell, the crazy offensive of the sunspot was disintegrated, but it was still recalcitrant.

The old man does not need to laugh, “Heavenly Dao, you will lose today!”


It is also turned into a chess piece and acts as a robber.

This is the end.

The sunspot recalcitrantly, completely destroyed, and was completely slaughtered!

Heavenly Dao Clone also wants to drop.

When I just reached out and looked at the board, I thought for a long time and finally recovered slowly.

“How is the outcome?”

Nair flower flower Yan Chiyue a look at the sight at the thunderstorm dragon beast.

They don’t understand the game.

Also impossible to look forward to Zhao Fang to explain to them.

Can only ask the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast.

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast looks at Zhao Fang with a complex look, and his eyes are filled with incredible shock and faint worship.


It suddenly screamed, the dragon roar shook the sky, and the countless stars were slammed by this snoring.

“Winning the day!”


“Winning the sky half? That is the victory!”

Nair flower has a look of joy.

But very soon.

The joy of his complexion was immediately replaced by bitterness.

With his feud between Zhao and Fang, he wouldn’t think that the other party would let himself go.

“It seems that whether it is a chess win or a chess defeat, I have to difficult to escape death!”

“Just, I am a bit unwilling.”

Narr flower looked at Zhao Fang. “I am arrogant to erect this child as an enemy. It is unwise. Country Lord has not yet consciousness to the terrifying of this child. Once the future is deepened, it will definitely be a disaster for me.” ”

This game of chess.

Let Nair spend a clear view of Zhao Fang’s potential and terrifying.

And profound consciousness to.

With the Qing Dynasty, it is impossible to compete with the other side.


These words cannot be passed back to the Country Lord in Daqing.

This makes him extremely reluctant!


Heavenly Dao phantom was suddenly shattered when the Thunderstorm screaming out the words ‘Shengtianzizi’.

Same as for a moment.

Covered in the Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, the shackles of the Nerhua flower, the evil dragon and others, suddenly split.

Everyone at the same time breaks free!

Nair’s flower did not dare to stay in a swearword, and fled.

The Thunderstorm Dragon Beast did not escape and stopped in place.


“congratulations Player, comprehend chess Grand Dao, obtain ‘Heavenly Dao’, ‘able to move unhindered’.”


“The power of Heavenly Dao?”

Zhao Fang startled, open the System package and see it immediately.

A glimpse of the power of hair, lying quietly in the parcel.

Although the power is like hair, but the terrifying tendency of contain is astonishing.

“Can I improve Heaven and Earth into a real Heavenly Dao World?”

When seeing the use of Heavenly Dao’s power, Zhao Fang was shocked.

“Heavenly Dao’s power, usually only Ancestral God peak Powerhouse, can produce a trace. I didn’t expect that this game of chess gave me a glimpse.” Zhao Fang laughed.

Not eager to integrate it into his own royal and heaven.

Instead, look at another thing.

Able to move unhindered

This can be to move unhindered to kill, it is a chessboard.

It is also an array!

It was the chessboard he had previously played against Heavenly Dao phantom.


Zhao Fang waved, able to move unhindered to spread the game, and instantly extended thousands of miles.

The Narr flower, which had just escaped, was immediately covered in the board.

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