The first thousand six hundred and six hundred 50 eight chapter goals, Daqing Shenguo 3> “What, so perverted!”

Thunder tyrannosaurus dumbstruck.

Looking back at the previous battle, as Zhao Fang said, his own attack, there is no way to hurt the other party.

“It is this holy defeat, this holy willing to surrender!”

After trying to understand the cause, the tyrannosaurus was dejected and directly confessed, but it was also decisive.

“You haven’t seen it yet?”

The evil dragon walked to the front of the tyrannosaurus and slid with a laugh.


Tyrannosaurus looked confused.

“Young master in God Lord Realm, you can pack you up. If you want to kill you in Ancestral God Realm, isn’t it a minute? This kind of power, look at the universe, even those big influences of Peak Influence, It’s just like that.”

Wen Yan, tyrannosaurus expression a move. This is what I think, just now, Zhao Fang, who is playing against himself, is not the same level of Ancestral God, but a god.

God Lord Realm can defeat himself, and it is extremely rare in the universe.

At the same time.

This also represents the amazing potential of Zhao Fang.

Once you grow up, you can definitely surpass the tyrannosaurus at the moment.

Following such a Powerhouse is not a shame for his identity.

“Listen to you, I feel much better.” Tyrannosaurus nod.

“much better?”

The evil dragon smiled, in the eyes passed a treacherous, and the picture was poor. “That called Big Brother.”

The tyrannosaurus is not stupid. When it comes to the mouth, it reacts and turns to stare at the evil dragon. “Why call you Big Brother?”

“Benlong follows Young Master Time the longest.”

“Cut, you are not as good as Strength.”

“I am hurt now. When my injury recovers, I will find the teeth you are looking for!”

“But it’s a pity that for you, Strength is still not as good as me.”

“Fuck, is there a public morality that respects the old and loves the young? Even if it is first come, Benlong should be your Big Brother!”

“Don’t say damn, respect for the old and love the young, really better than the age, I am damn more than ten thousand years ago, the existence, then where are you?”

The evil dragon immediately became speechless.

Looking at the two unconventional True Dragon, here to compete for the position, Zhao Fang also feels funny.

“It’s really a chance to change Zhao Fang. From then on, I will change my passers-by!”

Yan Chiyue saw this scene and secretly felt it.

Think of the previous thunderstorm tyrannical, what kind of cruel arrogant existence.

Nowadays, with the evil dragons, there is no problem with the face and the skin. It is really eye-popping.

“Young master, I want to enter this game?”

Hesitated for a moment, Yan Chiyue took the initiative to start to talk.

In the Thunderstorm Dragon and the Nur Flower Battle, Yan Chiyue was affected, Fleshy Body was broken, and only one Remnant Spirit remained.

Arrived at Ancestral God existence.

Even if it’s just a Remnant Spirit, Strength is extremely powerful.

But trying to reshape Fleshy Body is a nuisance.


There are two roads in front of Yan Chiyue.

One is to reshape Fleshy Body.

The second is to refine the soul Body cultivator to the extreme, and take the path of the heterogeneous Cultivator.

just now.

He mainly requested to enter the move to move unhindered, obviously it is seen that the killing has a supporting effect on Soul Spirit.



See Yan Chiyue’s confirmation, Zhao Fang did not say much, and he earned his move to move unhindered and turned it into a piece.

After entering the game, personal freedom is restricted, but personal safety is guaranteed.

As long as the to to move unhindered is still in the game, the pieces can be lost, and each time you kill the enemy, you can gain a lot of Divine Strength to strengthen yourself.

For Yan Chiyue.

Enterable to move unhindered is the best choice for him today.

“Young master, then, where are we going?”

Asked the evil dragon.

The Thunder crystal mine has come to an end.

Lei Ze, Gu Xuanhe, Damei Niu and others, accompanied by Bai Ziyue sisters, stayed behind the Xia Zong.

“The Qing Dynasty is repeatedly entangled with me. Wrap, I want to decide Time to find them trouble, but now, I don’t want to wait!”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold.

From the Myriad Domain Territory, to the time he entered the universe, he could encounter the traces of the Qing Dynasty.

This made him very bored.

Coupled with the soaring of Strength today, Zhao Fang decided to go to the Qing Dynasty to do a big vote.

“Da Qing Qing Shen Guo?”

“hēi hēi, this holy sacred four-claw support.”

“Ben Long is a five-claw. With this alone, you are lower than me and call Big Brother!”

The evil dragon will not let go of any chance to suppress the tyrannosaurus.

“It’s ok to call Big Brother, unless you can beat me!”

The tyrannosaurus is violent, but it is not easy to provoke.

Just a word, let the evil dragons stop.

“Āiyā, the weather is very good today.”

Facing the eye of the tyrannosaurus full of fighting intent, the evil dragon looked at the sky and praised it.

Zhao Fang God’s knife: “This Starry Sky is dull. Where do you see the weather is good today?”

The evil dragon is not light.

Tyrannosaurus laughs.

A trip of three people, left the Thunder Crystal Mine, rushed in the direction of the Qing Dynasty.


After one month.

The three winds and the dusty servants appear in the territory of the Kingdom of Daqing.

Dongpu Primal Chaos.

This Primal Chaos world is located in the Outer Circle of Daqing Shenguo.

Because it is located in the frontier, the Qingqing Kingdom is far less control over the Primal Chaos community in Dongpu.

Some people even said.

The border of Primal Chaos in Dongpu is just hanging under the name of the Qing Dynasty.

The customs of Primal Chaos are still the influence of all parties. For the Qing Dynasty, there is no Revere of how big is it.

It looks like a country in the middle of the country.

“Fuck, finally seeing the living!”

For a month in the Starry Sky, the road is full of empty stars, which makes the tyrannosaurus easy to break free from the bondage, and see the flame of the universe, I feel very depressed.

and so.

Tyrannosaurus was unusually excited when he saw the Primal Chaos world.

“The Primal Chaos world of Dongpu is the Primal Chaos community under the Qing Dynasty. It should have a large Transmission Array with Shengjing. With this portal, we don’t need to go on a long journey under Starry Sky.”

After entering the border of Primal Chaos in Dongpu, Zhao Fang was shocked.

The prosperity of the Primal Chaos community in Dongpu is not weaker than the colorful Primal Chaos that he once saw, the Primal Chaos world.

Even, you have to be stronger!

“Young master, really want to sway and kill Shengjing? Is this too…”

The evil dragon hesitated, still did not say it.

It is stunned by Primal Chaos, Martial Dao, prosperous Zhao Fang, Wen Yan, could not help but look at the evil dragon.

The evil dragon shrugged and spread his hand: “Only the real cultivation base, I can deal with the Golden Taiji alone. However, you also know that the kingdom of God has the power of national transportation. Once Kim Tae-Dong uses the power of national transportation, Strength will Achieve a level comparable to the Anncestral God Late Stage.”

“At that time, don’t say it is me. Even if Tyrannosaurus is with me, it will not be the opponent of Kim Tae-jung.”

“And, among the kingdoms of God, there is not only one Powerhouse in Jin Taiji.”

“The Clans who are attached to the country of origin and do not sit on the view. They have no Peak Powerhouse, they can gather together, and they are not to be underestimated.”

“Only by our three people, it’s easy to face-smacking.”

Evil dragons expressed their thoughts and concerns.

The tyrannosaurus is sinking, and it is also nod.

As arrogant as he is, in this respect, he also agrees with the concept of evil dragons.

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