The first thousand six hundred and six hundred 50 nine chapters can be expected! 3> “Of course I know this.”

“However, the power of the national movement is not a law that has not been broken.”

Zhao Fang has deep eyes and a confident rays of light.

The evil dragon tyrannosaurus is somewhat surprised.

The power of the national transport is extremely strange, and it can be said that there is no trace.

They don’t want to understand, Zhao Fang’s confidence.

“Now is our three people, but when we really enter Shengjing, it is not just us.”

Zhao Fang did not explain too much, indifferently said: “Who do you know about the Primal Chaos world?”

Evil dragons at tyrannosaurus.

Finally, simultaneously shake your head.

In this regard, Zhao Fang is not unexpected.

Both the evil dragon and the tyrannosaurus have been out of touch with the universe for a long time. It is indeed unrealistic to know the intelligence of the Primal Chaos in Dongpu from their mouths.

“hehe, the three are the first to come to the Primal Chaos world?”

A plain voice came from Turkic.

Three people turned around and saw behind standing a ragged, like a fellow blown by beggar.

The gap between him and beggar is a stick and a rice bowl.

of course.

The biggest difference between this person and beggar is.

He has a natural confidence and pride in his body. Even if he is ragged, the difficult situation is unbearable, and it is difficult to conceal the confidence of this stock.

This is common beggar does not have.


Zhao Fang was surprised to see a trace of this person at first glance.

“you are?”

Evil dragon start to talk.

“myself heaven and earth Hall Master, Wei Ping.”

褴褛man does not mind his own difficult situation, calmly calme.

“Heaven and earth is too peaceful?”

Zhao Fang’s gaze, “But it’s the first Influence of the East?”

Although I don’t know much about Dongpu.

Heaven and earth The reputation of Taiping Road is too loud.

Initial Entry Zhao Fang of the Primal Chaos community in Dongpu, already heard several times.

I didn’t even think that I would meet here and meet the Hall Master of Heaven and Earth.

“hehe, the Taoist people are all over the East, this is a well-deserved reputation, but the first influence of Dongpu… This is a bit of a rumor. The first instance of Dongpu, of course, is the Qing Dynasty, except for me, my heaven and earth. Taiping Road.”

Wei Pingyi thin smile.

Zhao Fang is stunned.

This sentence is different from the recognition of heaven and earth. The peace is the first influence of the Primal Chaos community.

“If myself is not guessing wrong, this should be Zhao Fang Zhao Young master, this should be the evil dragon senior, as for this…”

Wei Ping looked at the tyrannosaurus in a positive color, hesitated, and finally shook his head, apologizing: “junior eyes, please senior forgiveness.”

“This holy thunder!” Tyrannosaurus is full of domineering.

“The original Thunder senior, disrespectful and disrespectful!” Wei Ping took a junior ceremony, extremely respectful.

Upon seeing, Zhao Fang laughed.

“Wei Hall Master has long known about our identity. I have come to see you this time. I don’t know what to do?”

That being said.

Zhao Fang is still quite surprised.

The three people entered the Primal Chaos world, but it was a moment of skill.

Heaven and earth Taiping Road came to the door, and clearly identified the identity of Zhao Fang and the evil dragon. It can be seen that the peaceful and earth Taiping Road is operating in the border of Primal Chaos in Dongpu.

“hehe, Zhao Young master and evil dragon senior to run amok Guangmingfeng, Daqing Shenguo no one knows no one, we Dao Lord also have long been admired for two, if not at the moment of cultivation, at this moment, fear is long Come and meet three in person.”

“I never thought, Zhao Young master, evil dragon senior, Thunder senior came to my east, this is bestowed by heaven opportunity, therefore, myself is not invited, and I hope that the three will forgive me.”

Wei Pingyihehe smiled and complimented Zhao Fang three people, explaining the intention: “Myself invited three guests to heaven and earth. If there is anything we need to do, the three are told, I am too peaceful, I will try my best to meet!”

Zhao Fang looked at the camera and smiled. He said: “The Ming people don’t say whispers. Wei Master Master still wants to ask us three people. Your grand 4-Star Ancestral God personally asks, it should not be a trivial matter. Let’s go!”

Wen Yan.

Wei Pingyi looked at Zhao Fang slightly surprised.

He did not expect that Concealment Aura himself was seen by Zhao Fang at a glance at the cultivation base.


He did not care too much.

In his opinion, Zhao Fang can break his own cultivation base, 80% is told by the Thunder and the evil dragon two people in advance.

“Zhao Young master is fast, so myself is not hiding!”

Wei Pingyu said, his expression is solemn: “Today, myself will come, but in reality, in order to invite three conspirators major event, against the Qing!”

“Revolt against the Qing Dynasty? A little meaning!”

Zhao Fang looked at Wei Pingyi deeply and smiled. “Lead the way ahead.”

“Three here please.”

On the road.

Wei Pingzhen is strictly composed of the influence of the Primo Chaos community of three people.

What surprised Zhao Fang was.

Unlike other Primal Chaos, the Primal Chaos community is actually a jurisdiction of the Influence.

The Influence of the Ming Dynasty, which ruled the Primal Chaos in Dongpu, is called the Luoshen Society.

The Luoshen Club is a puppet Influence controlled by heaven and earth.

The actual control of the Primal Chaos community is the heaven and earth.

I don’t know why.

For this kind of thing, Wei Pingyi did not mean to mean three people.


Even Zhao Fang asked about the reason why heaven and earth Taiping Road should fight against the Qing Dynasty.

“The predecessor of the Luoshen society was once the kingdom of the gods of the ancient universe. Later, the kingdom of Luo lost to the kingdom of Daqing, and was swallowed up by the Qing Dynasty. The remaining Powerhouse of Luo Shenguo fled to the border of Primal Chaos in Dongpu and became the soil here. Overlord.”

“At the time, the Qing Dynasty was busy receiving the big cake of the Divine Kingdom, ignoring these people. When the reaction came, they were ready to operate the Dongmal Chaos community into an iron bucket.”

“With the support of other gods, it is not an easy task for the Qing Dynasty to want to swallow it. It is a last resort. The Qing Dynasty and the Divine Emperor have agreed.”

“Allow Luo Shen will be existence, and even can be assigned to the Luoshen society, but only ask for one point, Luo Shen will have to surrender to the Qing.”

“After the negotiation was established, Dongpu became the exclusive area of ​​the Luoshen Society.”

“However, the complete control of the original Qing Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty, for the fat of Dongpu, has been coveted, trying to win the way.”

“Losin also did notingly be a slave, and always wanted to recapture his homeland, and he created heaven and earth.”

“On the bright side, Luo Shen will attract all the sights of the Qing Dynasty. The heaven and earth peace roads are developing in the dark. The number of 1000-year is coming, and the wings are getting richer. It is already beyond the Luoshen…”

Zhao Fang Listened, some horror, I didn’t expect the first influence of the Primal Chaos community in Dongpu, which was actually built by a group of dead slaves.

“Heaven and earth is too peaceful? Why is this name? It’s very swearing.”

The evil dragon sighed.

Wei Pingyi apparently heard, stopped, looks at three people, looked serious and proud: “That is because the words ‘heaven and earth Taiping’ combine all the core concepts of our heaven and earth peace: for Heaven and earth are determined to make a living for the sake of the people, to learn from the past, and to open peace for the world!”

Paused, he looked at the three people, his smile was even more prosperous: “All the way, heaven and earth are peaceful, they are all committed to resisting the great cause, and therefore they have gathered a lot of Qiu Qing Powerhouse. If the three can join, the big business can be expected!”

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