..,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and sixty chapters of Luo Shen, marriage!

Pull it up!

Open and draw!

In this regard, Zhao Fang has been psychologically prepared, complexion as usual, faintly smiled, no refusal and no consent.

Wei Ping saw it, his brow was slightly picked, and his eyes passed a touch of joy.

In fact, he has little confidence in hiring Zhao Fang and others.

After all, there are too few fierce people who dare to have a hard anal with the gods!

To run amok Bright Peak, and against the Qing Dynasty, that are two concepts.

After Guangmingfeng, the Qing Dynasty only sent some troops to suppress the purchase Zhao Fang and others. In the end, not only because of why, but also lost.


Once you resist the Qing Dynasty…

Daqing’s settle accounts, but it won’t be so painless!

It is bound to be an battle of irreconcilable until death!

This situation deserves anyone to think carefully.

He thought that after he expressed his intention to draw, Zhao Fang would not be able to express his disapproval, or refused, or refused.

did not expect.

Zhao Fang is this attitude, which is far beyond the expectations of Wei Pingwei.


Without refusal, there is hope.

Wei Pingyi is a wise man. He did not continue to draw. Instead, he talked about the customs and customs of the Primal Chaos community in Dongpu.

that’s it.

When coming to heaven and earth, the Peak Fang three people had a more intuitive impression of the existing Primal Chaos community.

“Wei Hall Master!”

Heaven and earth The Heavenquarters of Taiping Road is a Palace that stretches for nearly 10,000 miles.

Even in the border of Primal Chaos in Dongpu, this building is the existence of 1st Rank one.

Compared with the low-key of Heaven and Earth, the Peacehead’s Headquarters, simply opened to the extreme.


In front of the Zhao Fang three people, the warm and courteous Wei Pingyi, in front of his men, changed his face, serious and dignity.

Even if he is ragged, the eye is shining brightly, no one dares to despise.

With turning around.

With the face of Zhao Fang three people.

His serious dignity, instant convergence, and restore a friendly look again, “three, please!”

Heaven and earth Peaceway’s Headquarters, extremely luxurious.

This point, when Zhao Fang first time saw this Wanli Main Hall, it was faintly aware.

When I really stepped into it, Zhao Fang discovered that she had simply lived in the past few years!

Along the way, the temple countless, each temple is a carved dragon painting, flying like a stream, the window fell to the pavilion.

The decoration is unusually extravagant!



More Imperial Palace than Imperial Palace!

It is the first ‘big manor’ that Zhao Fang encountered after entering the universe.

Zhao Fang looked up from time to time and looked at her with curiosity.

Wei Pingwei is also proud of it.

In order to build this heavenly heaven and earth temple, it almost exhausted the treasures that the Imperial Clan brought out of the year.

In this Main Hall, not only the traces of the year’s treasure, but also the amazing Spiritual Qi.

Plus the scenery here is beautiful.

In this practice, Martial Artist is very easy to calm down, practice the results for half the effort!


Heaven and earth When some of the ally of the Taiping Road entered here, despite the extreme disguise, the eyes also showed a similar look to Zhao Fang.

Wei Pingyu used to see it, but he gradually became accustomed to it.


The flat reaction between the evil dragon and the two people of the tyrannosaurus was actually beyond his expectations.

Where does he know.

The two people came from the Ten Thousand Nests of the Ten Holy Lands, talking about the heaven and earth charm, the heaven and earth, the Acquired built Wanli Main Hall, which is a small mound compared to the Wanlong Nest born in Innate. The difference in Palace!

It is like a person who often plays in the Great Hall of the People. Will you marvel at the architecture of a small county?

The two people’s calm and unrestrained look made Wei Ping’s heart at the same time, and they also gave a little admiration to them.


Wei Pingyu led the Zhao Fang three people to an empty Main Hall.

“Three, please let me know later.”

After that, he told the servant to serve the three people and left.


Several several of miles away from the Main Hall, where the three people are located.

An unusually gorgeous Main Hall zhong.

Inside the Main Hall, sitting quietly on both sides.

These people are full of heaven, look or gloomy, or gentle, or cold, or cruel, at first glance, are not easy to master.

Even the aura of two people is not weaker than the previous Wei Pingyi.

At the time of their sitting, Wei Pingyi came in and came in.

Different from the Zhao Fang three people, at this moment, Wei Pingyi, a new clothes on the clothes, indifferent, without the slightest warmth.

See Wei Pingyu walk in.

Sitting at the top of the newly joined Hall Master, quickly got up, hands clasped together politely respectfully said : “See Wei Master Master!”

“Wei Hall Master!”

Other old Masters who are sitting on the threshold, no one despise Wei Pingyi, or nod or start to talk.

Wei Pingyi unified nod response.

Until I came to the Main Hall zhong heart, toward the head of the temple, sit quietly with a white veil and wore the body: “Luo Huang Sir, my Clone already took them to Wuying Hall, whore to meet?”

Luo Huang.

Luo Shen will be a well-deserved emperor.

At the same time.

It is also the Dao Lord of heaven and earth.

It is the highest master of the Primal Chaos in Dongpu.


Few people know.

The highest master of the Primal Chaos community in Dongpu is a women.

“Look first!”

Luo Huang’s voice was calm. If the wind blew through the earth, it would not bring a little bit of smoke. Naturally, there would be no waves.


Wei Ping骧 nod, then turned around, hand zhong squatting in the complicated Yin, slamming into the Main Hall.

The star point composed of bang ~ 诀 ,, directly blasted, turned into a scene.

The scene of the picture is the Zhao Fang three people in Wuying Temple.

The three people are calm and each sits.

In addition to Zhao Fang occasionally drinking tea, the evil dragon tyrannosaurus is like a pillar, motionless.

After watching it for a while, Hall Master frowned. “Luohuang, just trivial three people, why waste Time on them?”

“Yes, Luo Emperor Sir, Daqing Shenguo Grand Prince will come down soon, want to marry you, completely split our heaven and earth peace, this kind of public conspiracy, we are dead war, do not accept! ”

“When it is, you should actively prepare for it. What is the use of them?”

There are quite a few Hall Masters who have expressed their opinions.

Luohuang did not start to talk, just looking at Wei Pingyi.

Wei Ping is smiling and wants to start to talk.

Suddenly, the three people who are calm in the picture seem to find something, and they turn around perfectly. Their eyes seem to pass through the light barrier and fall on Wei Pingyi.

“It was discovered!” Wei Pingyi complexion slightly changed.

I am going to say something more.

But see the evil dragon one step out, Void Hand grabs.

Kā cā !

Visiting the three people’s light barrier, instantly bursting, turned into a countless fragment.

Even Wei Pingyu, who suffered from shocks, complexion whitish.

“What!” Almost half of the Hall Masters at Main Hall stood up and the eyes were shocked.

“Weal Master Master, your spectroscope is not 6-Star Ancestral God can pass, how can they detect?” [.wx.io]

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