..,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and sixty-one chapter mysterious Lo King!

The Hall Master was shocked and confused.

“Can’t you see it?”

The Luo Emperor, who has been silent, has a cold voice.

“You all underestimated their power, or overestimated themselves.”

Luo Huang slowly got up and the sound returned to calm. “Wei Hall Master, take the emperor to go!”

The words came out and the audience was shocked.

“If the emperor is not mistaken, the strength of the two people, at least 6-Star Ancestral God. If they really want to join us heaven and earth, it is far better than Million Alliance Influence!”

Luo Emperor calmly said.


The Hall Master is even more shocked.

Two 6-Star Ancestral God?

Due to the accumulated authority over the years, no one will doubt the words of the Luo Emperor.

However, this news is too embarrassing!

To know.

Even in the territory of the Qing Dynasty, reaching the 6-Star Ancestral God Powerhouse, there are only a handful.

Most of them join the Kingdom of God and become a god-state offering, or other positions.

Look at the kingdom of God.

Basically the world of 4-Star Ancestral God.

Suddenly two 6-Star Ancestral God emerged, how can this not shock them?


Wei Ping is calm and nod.

He is one of the few people who are still calm.

As a personal welcome to Zhao Fang three people.

It is the only one on the field who has a long time contact with Zhao Fang three people.

Naturally, the unusual and extremely tyrannical atmosphere of the Zhao Fang three people is not comparable to the ordinary Powerhouse.

Luo Huang first left the Main Hall.

Going to Wuying Temple.

Wei Pingyi followed.

The rest of the Hall Master is a face-to-face.

“Who do those two people know?”

“I know the fellow who took the action just now. It seems to be a dragon. It is a thousand years ago. It is also a fierce name in the territory of the Qing Dynasty.”

“Later, there was the Holy Land Powerhouse united with the Qing Dynasty and the parties to influence it.”

“I didn’t expect that, after a while, he actually turned out again. And, there is a team!”

“Damned Wei Ping, this major event does not tell us, it hurts us!”

Someone sneaked a few words and looked at each other. They also walked out of the Main Hall and followed Beiling.

“Hey, the insects are tricky, and I want to get through the dragon! If you don’t want to steal the secrets, then you break the mirror, and Ben Long slaps it.”

Wu Yingdian, the evil dragon slowly sat back in his place and looked disdainful.

He has long discovered a beam splitter.

But when Zhao Fang was transferred, Zhao Fang asked him not to act rashly.


The tyrannosaurus has a secret technique that can be used to steal the conversation through the spectroscope.

I wanted to steal. Listen to the three people who have useful information.

It was listening to a bunch of nonsense.

In the end, the three people who didn’t want to be seen as monkeys again smashed the spectroscope directly.

It is a shock to the peace and earth of the peace road!

Zhao Fang took a sip of tea, expression as usual, indifferently said: “It’s mainly debut!”

Half barely fell.

There are several tyrannical aura, close to the Main Hall.

The three people still sit still, as if they are not aware of it.


A white dress, the extravagant women with a white veil, the first to go out.

In her behind, it is a different version of the eite version of Weiping from the previous beggar version.

With two people showing up.

Zhao Fang looked at the past.

Wei Ping said that he had seen it before, and although he had changed his face to clean clothes, he didn’t care too much.

More gaze, still on the expensive veil of the veil.

It is strange to say.

Obviously just a layer of ordinary tulle.

Zhao Fang can’t see the face of the women after the tulle.


Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows and a smile on his lips.

“Zhao Young master is coming to visit, the emperor has a long-lost welcome, but also hopes to forgive!”

After the extravagant women came in, the pairs of limpid autumn water, immediately looked at Zhao Fang, at the same time the sound came out.

Zhao Fang is secretly surprised.

If it is an average person.

Even if you know that you are a Young master, most of your eyes will look at the tyrannosaurus.

after all.

The two people are too strong and it’s hard to be unobtrusive.

But in front of the women, after entering the door, their eyes have been on their own.

“hehe, it turned out to be Luohuang, long-awaited, long-awaited!”

On the way to heaven and earth, Wei Ping and Zhao Fang simple said about the influence of the Luo Shenhui.

Its zhong.

Naturally, the leader of the Luoshen will be lost.


Zhao Fang is still suspicious, why Wei Pingyi only said that Luo Shen will be the Emperor, but not the Heaven and Earth Dao Lord Dao Lord.

Today, he clearly understands a few points.

Luo Shen will be the shield of heaven and earth on the plain surface of the Taiping Road.


Luohuang Nature is also the identity of Heaven and Earth Taiping Dao Lord.

“just now is that the emperor is somewhat rash, here, I am willing to forgive Zhao Young master, and the two seniors, forgive me!”

While speaking.

There will be servants entering the squid.

A lot of rare treasures are offered.

There are a lot of them, Tier-7 Tier-8 Divine Object, and there are many existences that Zhao Fang has never seen before.



This is Zhao Fang’s first impression of this mysterious.

Knowing that he made a mistake, he immediately came to apologize for compensation.


This comes with a treasure that is enough to impress most Ancestral God.

“Since Lo King is so sincere and has not been happy before, it has been revealed!”

Zhao Fang faintly smiled, with a wave of his hand, the palm of the 乾 乾 启动 启动 启动, start directly to take away the treasure.


Luo Huang was a little surprised.

Zhao Fang’s different ways of collecting treasures, showing off at the same time, is also one kind of invisible Warning.


Luo Huang noticed that the hand of the hand was not simple.

“Well, the apologize has come to an end, say something right! Don’t tell me, you, the great emperor Sir, this time, just to pay for the crime.”

Zhao Fang thin smile looks at Luo Huang.

“As Young Master said, the apologetics are on the one hand, and most importantly, the Emperor wants to work with Young Master!”

Luo Huang is also very appreciative of Zhao Fang’s quick words, Wen Yan, there is no cover, straight into the theme.

“Cooperation? How is a cooperation law?”

“Young master helped the emperor to resist the Qing. After the event, my heaven and earth were too peaceful to meet the wishes of the Young Master.”

“Just resisting?”

Zhao Fang This sentence, let the calm Luo Emperor slightly startled.

Immediately, his eyes are sharp and he is staring at Zhao Fang: “What does the Young master mean?”

“Luo Huangkang’s anti-Qing, the ultimate wish, should be to expel the Qing government and restore the Luoshen country. “Wen Yan, Luo Huang Jiao Wei trembled, but soon returned to calm.

“This is the wish of the Emperor’s life… but it is a pity that with the day when the Daqing National Games prospered for a day, the Emperor wanted to rebuild the old country’s wishes, and it was far away!”

Luohuang voice has a trace of rare low.

“I can do it for you.” Zhao Fang said with a laugh.


Luo Huang looked at Zhao Fang and looked suspicious.


There are two followers of 6-Star Ancestral God, and maybe there is a qualification to say this.

It is impossible for them to shake the Qing Dynasty by the power of their three people alone.


“Don’t think too much, trivial Daqing, we three people can be flat.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

Wen Yan, Luo Huang was somewhat disappointed, shook his head and said: “Da Qing is not as weak as you think.”

“In this case, dare to make a bet with me?” Zhao Fang laughed. [ .wx.io]

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