Lt;h3 class=“read_tit” gt; the first 666 chapters Grand Prince is coming, conspiracy! Lt;/h3gt; “Bet? What to gamble?”

Luo Huang asked.

“If I can destruction Daqing, you will unveil the veil and let me see your true face.”

Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

“that’s it?”

Luo Huang was wrong.

I thought that Zhao Fang would ask for outrageous requirements. I didn’t expect it to be this.


Zhao Fang raised an eyebrow.

Luo Huang laughed.

Despite being veiled, when the smile blooms, Zhao Fang also has the illusion of squatting in the sea of ​​flowers.

“This emperor can satisfy you now!”

The words fall.

She slowly took off the gauze, revealing one piece of amazing pieces, and the peerless face of the country.

Seeing the moment of the face, Zhao Fang mind suddenly passed a sentence: “If you are stunned, if you are a dragon.”

Rong Qiuqiu, Huamao Chunsong.

It seems as if the light clouds cover the moon, and if it floats, it will return to the snow.

Looking far away, if the sun rises into the morning glow, it is forced to see it. “Rao is Zhao Fang, the person who is used to beauty.

When I saw the appearance of Luo Huang, it was also a shock to heaven.

This woman should only be in the sky, and it is rare to find it in the world!

As Luo Huang once again covered the yarn, Zhao Fang recovered.


Zhao Fang saw the first sight of the woman and cleared headed over.

But Luo Huang is really beautiful.

Beautiful Zhao Fang is immersed in her beauty and does not want to clear headed.

He is at the moment.

I finally understood the sentence.

“The six palaces have no color, and the king is not early!”

If there is such a blind man, he will not go early.


Wei Ping 骧 dry cough.

He has to do this.

The evil dragon tyrannosaurus two people, is open mouth, corner of the mouth also out of a trace of saliva, a face of the pig brother looking at the Luo Emperor, there is no generation of Powerhouse style.

Hearing a light cough, the two people stunned and quickly reacted. The expression was silenced and the previous indifference was restored.

But Wei Ping, who saw their pig brothers, could no longer connect them with seniors.

“You are not afraid of me regretting?”

Zhao Fang looked at Luo Huang.

“Just take a look at nothing more, even if you turn around now, the emperor has no loss!”

Luo Emperor calmly said.

She is telling the truth.

“hehe ……”

Zhao Fang laughed. “I like to hear the truth.”

“You can also relax your mind, and what Zhao Fang promised, there is no regrets!”

“For the clansman, people who are willing to be enemies of the Kingdom of God, in terms of character, naturally do not have to worry.”

Luo Huang said, “However, you really only have this wish? No longer change one!”

Destruction The Qing Dynasty is only for the purpose of witnessing the true emperor.

This is somewhat lossy.

Even if Luo Huang himself is extremely confident in his own appearance, he feels that this is not an equal transaction.

“No, just this!”

Zhao Fang waved, indifferently said: “Is everything ready?”

Luo Huang smashed.

She found that Zhao Fang is indeed different from many of her previous allies.

Even those people are united with her because they resist the Qing.

But in the face of this huge monster in the Qing Dynasty, they still have wariness revere, and in many cases, they are not willing to take the initiative.

It was only the persecution of the Qing Dynasty that could not be tolerated, and this occasionally resisted.

Never took the initiative to attack.

Like Zhao Fang, just as soon as the strategic cooperation intention is reached, the fellow that can’t wait to fight, is definitely the first one.

Seeing the reaction of Luo Huang, Zhao Fang couldn’t help frowning. “You shouldn’t be ready yet?”

“If you don’t plan to harden your anal, then our cooperation will have no meaning. It is better for me to enter Beijing alone.”

Zhao Fang calmly said.


Zhao Fang’s words, provoke the Luohuang eyes miniature.

This is the first president of the Luoshen, the first person in the border of Primal Chaos. After seeing Zhao Fang, he was so ruined for the first time.

Luo Huang is still the case, not to mention Wei Pingyi, and the Hall Masters who followed.

“Too arrogant!”

“If you are even better, can you compete with the entire Qing Dynasty?”

After the shock.

Luohuang did not say anything.

The Hall Masters who followed did not help but sneer.

Zhao Fang is indifferent, standing with hands and no words.


The evil dragon stepped on one step, comparable to the terrifying aura of 6-Star Ancestral God, and instantly went out, like a heart of Heavenly God, slammed down.

Those Hall Masters, the root is also Ancestral God.

But most of them are Ancestral God Initial Stage.

Where can resist the evil dragon this imposing manner, one by one was shaken out.

The scene is a person swaying, blood violently spurt.

In addition to Luo Huang.

Only Wei Pingyi and two 4-Star Ancestral God are struggling.

This is so.

Their complexion is also very pale, the forehead is blue and violent, extremely beautiful, obviously will not be able to support.

This is just an imposing manner nothing more.

If it is really hands-on, who can stop it?

Split second, everyone looks at the eyes of evil dragons, full of shock and fear!


No matter where you go, you will gain the look of others and Revere!

“There is no determination to go deep into the enemy’s nest. You want to fight against it? Don’t be kidding!”

Zhao Fang shook his head and looked disappointed.

Hall Master Powerhouses bow their heads, but they are dare angry.

They revere look up at the Dragon’s Strength, so there is no start to talk.

But this does not mean that Zhao Fang, the god of the Lord, can humiliate them.

From the heart, they still quite look down on Zhao Fang’s arrogant Young master.

“Zhao Young master is arrogant! I have peace and earth. Since the peace road is to be clear, it is naturally well prepared. This point, Zhao Young master does not have to worry. Just, there is a bit of a headache.”

Luo Huang slowly start to talk.

Zhao Fang calms at her, in the eyes.

The imperative manner of the evil dragon just now, in addition to himself, almost all the people included.

Luo Huang can express as usual, have to say that her Strength, somewhat out of Zhao Fang expected.

“Which point?”

“The power of the national movement, Daqing Country Lord, Jin Taiji!”

Luo Huang said solemnmn.

“Do not worry about this, Kim Taiji handed it to me, I will solve him!”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

This statement, even the Luo Emperor, is a strange look at Zhao Fang.

The trivial God Lord threatened to solve the Lord of God.

Moreover, the tone is still so relaxed, it seems to kill a god of the kingdom, just like crushing a mole cricket and ants so simple.


Don’t wait for her to say more.

Suddenly there are heaven and earth Taiping Road Powerhouse trotting in, yelled: “Luohuang Sir, come, come!”

“What is it?”

Zhao Fang’s face was awkward.

Wei Ping and other Hall Masters, but the eyes are miniature.

Even the expression of Luo Huang is also a touch of cool color.

“It is the great Prince of the Qing Dynasty.”

Wei Pingyi explained on the side: “The Qing Dynasty wants to marry the Luo Emperor with the Great Prince, in order to disintegrate our heaven and earth peace, and by the way, conquer the people of the capital.”

“This is a conspiracy.”

Zhao Fang heard, suddenly reacted. “The Dongpu Primal Chaos is nominally affiliated with the Qing Dynasty. You are in the same place and you are subject to the Qing Dynasty. This marriage, regardless of your disagreement, is the result of the Qing Dynasty. The high level of the country wants.

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