Lt;h3 class=“read_tit” gt; The first thousand six hundred and sixty-seven chapters turn over to the cloud, and the hand is rain! Lt; /h3gt; “This Prince admits that it is indeed a small dragon, I did not expect his Strength to recover really fast!”

“But he is stronger, after all, there is no shackles beyond 6-Star Ancestral God. It is impossible to destroy the jade plate made by the power of the national army!”

Grand Prince sneered.

Rosie black brows slightly knit.

Although the words of Prince are not good, but she is born in the Kingdom of Luo, she still understands some of the characteristics of the power of the national movement.

“The power of the national transport is extremely special, and it bears the luck of a country. It is equivalent to being an enemy of a billion-dollar creature in a country. It is extremely difficult to break!”

Luo Yan voice Zhao Fang.

The orphans of the Lian Luo Kingdom, once Princess Your Majesty said that Zhao Fang could not be slightly frowned.

“Young master !”

When the tyrannosaurus saw it, he leaned in front of Zhao Fang and said softly.

Listened to it.

Zhao Fang expression, “It’s a good way!”

Said, his Void Hand grabbed the big Prince.

“I really don’t see coffin, no tears. With your trivial god Bastard, I also want to break the power of the national transport? Eucalyptus, overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Grand Prince overlooks Zhao Fang and looks full of disdain and ridicule.

“There is so much nonsense!”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold, 7-Star is the power of the ancient gods, and with the helplessness of the ancient Protoss secret technique, directly smashing the Grand Prince.


The Grand Prince is slightly discolored.

He has 5-Star Ancestral God Initial Stage cultivation base, not to mention that in Prince, even in the whole Qing Dynasty, it can be ranked.


The Qing Dynasty Country Lord will not send him to defend the party alone.

5-Star Ancestral God cultivation base, plus other treasures, even on the 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage, he also has the power of the battle.

But now.

He has a very high combat power, but he is extremely contemptuous, and he is regarded as the Lord’s garbage of Bastard. He is directly caught in one kind extremely overbearing.

What is even more exasperating is that the expression of the Lord God is indifferent and cold.

It seems that it is not a big Prince, but a cargo!


Grand Prince coldly snorted, activate the power of national power to compete.

of course.

The main function of the jade plate made by the power of the National Games is defense.

Plus he does not know the real activate Technique, the resistance is not strong, and can not stop Zhao Fang’s grasp.

“brat, let go of this Prince, otherwise, this Prince will make you regret this reptile!”

The big Prince sounds cold.

“Bastard, garbage, reptiles…”

Zhao Fang smiled coldly. “Do you really think that you are the tall and noble God? I really thought that I was God who overlooked this heaven and earth?”

Big Prince didn’t speak, but he looked unusually proud.

Zhao Fang is even more sneer: “Even if you are a god of heaven, it is God, I met your Grandfather today, and I only have to be a grandson!”

Not waiting for the big Prince to refute.

A black and white chess piece suddenly emerged from Zhao Fang’s cuffs, like a smashing shell, with a tearing swaying wind, and a protective cover formed by the force of the national transport.

啵 ~ protective cover is like being thrown into the surface of the stone, splashing layers of ripples.

At the very center of the ripples is the black and white piece with terrifying power, like a nail, nailed to the shield.

The sudden change made the Grand Prince startled.

He never thought that there was something that could force the shield produced by the power of the national movement to this one step.

Immediately, Grand Prince sneered.

“It’s amazing, but it’s just that!”

“Want to break this Prince’s jade plate defense? Wait a hundred million years, you will wait, my Daqing Shenguo Powerhouse will come, will you, and even the entire heaven and earth Taiping Road, Luo Shenguo are in ruins Ha ha ……”

When I thought of it, Grand Prince couldn’t help but laugh wildly.

Luoyang charming face is not very good looking.

Wei Pingyi and others, it is more gloomy.

After all, they underestimated the threat of the Qing Dynasty, the great Prince, and let them fall in the throat, morale fell!

“You are too happy!”

Zhao Fang is indifferent. “I really think that the power of the national movement is everything? Idiot, wake up!”

The words fall.

The black and white chess pieces are black and white rays of light, and the strips are available to move unhindered Vein Lines, centered on the Defensive Barrier, and spread out instantly.

Not only will the big Prince be enveloped.

Even the Ancestral God Powerhouse in the distance, and the two injured 5-Star Ancestral God, were all covered.

Grand Prince is extremely angry for Zhao Fang’s own ‘Idiot’.

But before he started to talk, he was shocked by the change of black and white chess pieces.

“What is this thing?”

He yelled and his face was a trace of uneasiness.

“Dead, you don’t need to know so much!”

“able to move unhindered, kill!”

When the words are exported, the to to unhindered board appears, the black and white sub-suspension of the sky, the large Prince and others that have been shrouded in, all become black and white sub-killing objects.

The Board World is an independent and unique World.

In this World, Zhao Fang is the absolute king.

It can be said.

The board World is equivalent to Zhao Fang’s second inner heaven and earth.

the most important is.

The power of the board World is not the regular Divine Strength, but the chess power.

Chess power and the power of national transport are all abnormal forces.

Divine Strength can’t break the power of the national movement, but the chess power can!

Bang! Bang!

The Ancestral God Powerhouse on the board, like the mole cricket and ants on the ground, was crushed by a pair of invisible big hands, no room for resistance.

Even the two 5-Star Ancestral Gods are the same!

“how can it like like this?”

The Grand Prince who witnessed all this, the feeling of Crisis in his heart became more and more intense, no longer the previous arrogance and calmness, complexion whitish, full of horror, “what damned thing is this?”

Zhao Fang did not answer what he meant.

Void Hand pressed down and the power of the entire World fell on the big Prince.


The extruded protective cover, like a blisters, makes a crisp sound and bursts directly.

And Grand Prince himself was also Zhao Fang obliterate in an instant.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Great Prince’,obtain 500 Value Experience Value, 50 Million Divine Strength Value, 50 Million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”


The audience was shocked.

Wei Pingyi and so on a Hall Master with wide eyes, incredible look at this scene.

He couldn’t accept it, and the opponent who had a headache for the entire Taiping Road was actually killed by Zhao Fang alone, so easily!

Even if he is calm, he doesn’t look calm at the moment.

If it weren’t for the veil on her face, everyone would have to see that she was too shocked and subconsciously opened the red lips.

“This is your Strength?”

Luo Yan deeply looks at Zhao Fang, and his expression is still difficult to calm down.

She is unable to believe, this is only the fellow of the cultivation base of God, the actual combat power is so terrifying!

“hehe… I laughed.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said: “Don’t care, there will be Powerhouse coming in the Qing Dynasty, and then I will hand it over to you!”


Luo Wei ordered nod.

At this time, DD “damn it, father knows that you are a group of unfamiliar wolves, and you dare to rebel against Daqing. I knew that Father had completely slaughtered you all the time!”

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