The first thousand six hundred and sixty-eight chapters swallowed 90,000 soldiers! 3> “damn it, father knows that you are a group of unfamiliar wolves, and you dare to rebel against Daqing. I knew that father should have completely slaughtered you all the time!”

A connaught of the extreme violent voice, echoed in the sky above the Primal Chaos.


Wei Pingyi and others were shocked.

The Martial Artists in the Primal Chaos area of ​​Dongpu were also shocked and looked up.

But seeing the smashing Starry Sky, a deep crack suddenly appeared, like a piece of paper, being torn out of a crack.

The crack slowly expanded, and a Ponte Great War ship carrying the flag of the Qing Dynasty was drilled out of the crack.

The Martial Artist in the Primal Chaos area of ​​Dongpu was shocked.

The second one.

The third ship…

A series of nine Ponte Great War ships, like nine black clouds, obscured the sky in the Primal Chaos world.

The DD is an extremely dangerous terrifying baleful qi, which is uploaded from nine Battleships.

“It is the reinforcement of the Qing Dynasty!”

Wei Pingyi saw the origin of Battleship at a glance.

In fact.

As long as you have a little insight, you can see it.

Luo Yan’s gaze fell on the front of the Battleship, at the front of the nine Battleships. He was wearing a red crimson, a leopard head and a tall figure, and he was like a red cast man.

“Lin Lin!”

Luo Yan eyes miniature, limpid autumn water inside the double sputum, the killing intent of the bones.

“It is actually him. The Qing Dynasty is second only to the Country Lord’s Marshal Lin Biao, he actually came!”

Wei Pingyi exclaimed, complexion is not very good looking.

Especially when I thought about the annihilation of the Luoshen country, he looked at Luo Xiao with concern.

“Lin Lin?”

Zhao Fang brows slightly.

The other party’s first time he heard it, he didn’t care much.

This Lin Biao’s Strength is just 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage, not particularly strong.

Conversely is his behind’s eight Battleships, standing full of densely packed Daqing elite.

Just look around and see that every Battleship says less than 10,000 people.

Nine Battleships, that is 90,000 people!

Although most are just Divine Emperor level.

But 90,000 Divine Emperor, if combined, is no small problem.

“Luo Hao!”

The red armor is now behind, a contrasting eagle is also sharp and cold eye, seems to penetrate the layer of Primal Chaos block, split second fell on Luo Yan, the sound is cold, like the low beast of wild beast.

“This time, this Marshal will completely break the bloodline of the Divine Emperor family, obliterate everything you have!”

“you are wrong!”

Rosie is rare to start to talk, the sound contains the killing intent: “It is this emperor who slaughtered you, revenge for the Divine Emperor family who once died under your butcher’s knife!”

Words out.

Within the body The hidden killing intent, unstoppable madness.

Imposing manner arrogant, instantly reach 5-Star Ancestral God level!


Lin Biao was surprised, eyes abyss, swept a touch of solemn: “I did not expect that you have grown to the 5-Star Ancestral God Realm world, Worthy is the descendant of Luoshen, but you think this Commander will come this time. Not prepared?”

Lin Biao said that casually, it seems that he really did not put Luo Wei in his eyes, but also asked where Grand Prince is.

Luo Wei naturally did not answer him.

Wei Pingyi and others, even silent, did not say a word.

“he died!”

Zhao Fang came out and looked flat.


Lin Biao looked up, staring at Zhao Fang, then looked at his behind evil dragon, screaming cold with said a with laugh: “this Commander saw your portrait, the light peaks stir up the flip!”

“It’s really a break from the iron shoes, it’s all time!”

Zhao Fang also laughed.

“You don’t have to break the iron shoes, you can’t wear them anyway!”

Lin Shuguang is cold and sharp: “Although I don’t know, what method do you use to trap Grand Prince and let this Commander not see him, but this Commander can tell you that when you encounter this Commander, it is your most bad luck!”

Lin Biao does not believe that the Grand Prince, who has the power of the national movement to bless the jade plate, will be Zhao Fang to kill.

He is still very calm!

Zhao Fang is more calm than him, calmly said: “Give it to you!”

Luo Yiben thought that Zhao Fang said that it was handed over to Luo Shenhui, and Well Master and other Hall Master.


As Zhao Fang’s voice fell, the two figures, like a dragon, directly rushed to Lin Biao.

Evil dragon!


“hēi hēi, finally waited for this holy appearance!”

The tyrannosaurus laughs again and again, and the killing intent is unmatched.

Lin Biao sneered, his eyes filled with disdain and disdain.

Although his overall strength has not yet reached 6-Star Ancestral God, with tens of thousands of elite powers, even if he encounters 6-Star Ancestral God, he can kill a Time.


Just when he thought about it like this.

The aura that spread out from the tyrannosaurus, but let a sneer Lin Biao, the smile is a bit stiff.

at that moment.

Tyrannical, such as Lin Biao, also felt the intense terrifying danger aura on the tyrannosaurus.

“how can it be?”

Lin Biao’s eyes are miniature, his face is full of shock, “surpass the exclusence of 6-Star Ancestral God? I am a god of the Qing Dynasty, when did such a Powerhouse appear?”

The tyrannosaurus speed is amazing, faster than the evil dragon, and more violent approaching Lin Biao, forcing him to take his mind and quickly think about the enemy’s policy.

“Transmission, array Array, iron lock Lianjiang!”

Lin Biao’s voice just arrived, and the behind battle followed.

Eight Battleships move in unison and form an arc that encloses the Battleship where Lin Biao is located.

at that moment.

Nine Battleships seem to be a whole.

not only.

The 90,000 elites on Battleship seem to merge into one another, and the power of the battle gathers to condense a fierce mane wild boar.

The wild boar is extremely fierce, emits more terrifying than the lion tiger, the king of the beast.

The first one appeared.

The cold eyes that are like stars are swept away to the tyrannosaurus, and the eyes are full of contempt and disdain!

“A wild hair wild boar, dare to despise this holy, court death!”

Tyrannosaurus is angry.

Directly showing the original shape, a Giant Dragon filled with flame and Thunder aura, appeared in the sky above the Primal Chaos in Dongpu, and appeared in the eyes of the minimal Martial Artist in the Primal Chaos.

On the occasion of the tyrannical tyrannosaurus, the Longkou Zhang Zhang formed a terrifying thunder vortex.

The vortex sends out a powerful suction.

The wild boar that just scorned the tyrannosaurus was directly sucked away by this force and swallowed by the tyrannosaurus.

At the same time, the dragon mouth chewed, and from time to time came the wild boar’s savage beast and crisp snoring.

Silent all over the place!

Everyone is stupid. Forced.

This scene is really amazing.

In addition to Zhao Fang and evil dragons, the rest of the others, including Lin Biao himself, were also frighten.

“This, this, what the hell are you?”

Lin Biao pointed at the tyrannosaurus anger, his face no longer had previous calm, his fingers trembled.

“act recklessly something!”

The tyrannosaurus sneered, and the lightning vortex suction of Longkou was strengthened.

It was still standing still, like the nine Battleships that were connected by the iron ropes, and began to tremble, and uncontrollably rushed toward the tyrannosaurus’s dragon mouth that swallowed heaven and earth.

“No! quickly go!”

Lin Biao also panicked.

But the next moment.

He suddenly found that powerful as himself, the body is not controlled, was pulled by this sucking force, and rushed toward the Dragon of the Tyrannosaurus.

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