.. ,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and seventy-two chapters of the iron arm Wang Zhoutong!


Same as for a moment.

Six strong killing intent, straight to Luo.

Every aura makes Luo Yan feel oppressed.

Six aura are in the same place, she can’t even give birth to a little bit of resistance.

Directly pressed, unable to move!

Luo Yi did not mean the sword, just looking at Zhou Tong, touching the eyes, revealing a trace sorrow: “When the year was able to move unhindered the world’s iron arm Wang Zhoutong, actually fell into a sense of loss of reason, only the slaughter of the weapon !”

Luo Wei hated staring at Jin Taiji: “Golden Tai Chi, you don’t care about the feelings of brother. You can so unwilling to refine Zhou Tong Uncle into puppet.”

Zhou Tong!

Watching the crowd, some old man, who is a long time old, is in the heart when he hears the name.

Think of a person!

Once the first Marshal of the Kingdom of Luo, the king of the wall, 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage.

Strength is second only to the then-time Lord Lord.

Expanded the soil in one lifetime, and made great achievements for the Luoshen State.

At the same time, it is also the worship brother of the Qing Dynasty Country Lord Jin Taiji, who helped him tremendously on the road of the rise of Kim Tai Chi.

It can be described as his re-creating parents.

Later, Jin Taiji rebelled against Luo Shenguo, Zhou Tong opposed the most fierce, and even almost suppressed the Jin Taiji rebellion.

At the crucial moment, Kim Tae-jung used the treasure to kill the kingdom of Luoshen and directly smashed the Country Lord.

Also used as the bait of the Blood Lord Country Lord, forced Zhou Tong to enter Shengjing.

Zhou Tong Zhongyi is unparalleled, can not bear to see the old main bloodline severed, went to Shengjing.

Since then.

Iron arm Wang Zhoutong, no longer in the world!

Everyone thinks that Zhou Tong is dead!

In fact.

Zhou Tong is still alive.

But it is not as good as death!

“I didn’t expect that the loyal and unparalleled iron arm king was actually refining into a puppet!”

“It is said that the Iron Arm is still the righteous brother of Kim Tae-jung, and this fellow is also very sultry!”

“Hey, can you climb to the Country Lord, how many simple?”

The crowd is low and low.

Kim Taiji looks indifferent, has no rebuttal meaning, just quietly at the at.


Zhou Tong looked indifferent, looking at the stranger as he looked at the stranger, and his mouth screamed at the killing intent.


Six silhouettes at the same time disappeared in place.

The next moment.

Six silhouette at the same time Close to Luo Wei, the move is very ruthless, no bit of mercy.

The joint strike of six people is enough to strangle any 5-Star Ancestral God.

Even some 6-Star Ancestral God, you can’t wait to prevent it, you have to suffer!

Although Luo Yan is strong, it is only 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage, and the power does not reach 6-Star Ancestral God level.

In the face of Zhou Tong’s six people violently killing, she was distressed at the same time, but it was running all the way, going backwards.

She also knows.

With my own Strength, I can’t cope with the situation today.

“Zhao Young master…”

Luo Wei start to talk.

Zhao Fang looks at the evil dragon.

“hēi hēi ……”

All the a sudden death of the evil dragon in Luo Yi, it will move!


The whole person appeared in front of Zhoutong six people in an instant.

Bang! Bang!

A few consecutive punches.

The Luotong, and most of the 5-Star Ancestral God in the eyes, are extremely difficult to get around, but they are like sandbags, and they are thrown out by the dragon.

“Evil Dragon!”

“It is him!”

“This fellow is still dare to appear in the universe!”

“He is so courageous, not afraid to be purged again by Wanlong Nest?”

The crowd was exclaimed.

After all, the name of the evil dragon was too loud!

Even if it is mentioned now, it can shock many people.


The evil dragon stunned.

Zhou Tong and others were repeatedly beaten by him, and they slammed into the nearby ethnic groups. The ethnic groups collapsed and were dusty.


Just a few breaths of the skill.

Zhou Tong six people reappeared, unscathed!


The people watching the battle were also shocked.

Even if they are, just now feels the aura of 6-Star Ancestral God from the evil dragon.

6-Star Ancestral God’s Full strength strike, actually failed to receive weekly and others, even minor injuries, how can it be ?

Looking at the clothes and smashed, the six people with bare copper body.

Everyone feels a little unacceptable.

“Red copper mother?”

The evil dragon was a little surprised, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he stared at Jin Taiji: “You are a great courage, and you can use this material specially forged Tier-8 High Grade Divine Artifact to cast puppet!”

“Red copper mother?”

Immemorial Star’s white fat Tang Steward Wen Yan, is also somewhat surprised: “This is a very rare material, the palm-sized red copper mother, can forge a Tier-8 High Grade Divine Weapon, want to make six Puppet is doped with red-bronze mother, and it is said that there are three red-breasted mothers who are slap in the palm. What kind of good material does this gold Taiji get?”

“It seems that this Steward is underestimating him!”


Facing the evil dragon solemn, and the rest of the people’s shocked eyes, Kim Tae-Ji is still calm, indifferently spoke: “You think that you lost the big Prince, lost the first Divine General, Lin Biao… I am no one in the Qing Dynasty? ”

“Shallow! Even if everyone else in the Qing Dynasty is dead, as long as the Country Lord is still there, everything will be restored!”

The words of Kim Tae-Gi show his strong self-confidence and the cruelty and cruelty of being a Country Lord.

Even if the rest of the Qing Dynasty is completely killed, he can not care, as long as he is not dead, there is a chance to turn over!

This is the Golden Tai Chi!

The cold body is not a trace of the human nature of the Qing Dynasty Country Lord.

The Powerhouses of the Qing Dynasty, which were gradually coming together, Wen Yan, complexion are extremely complex, some people are unwilling, some are silent, but no one dares to refute Kim Tae.

It seems that his words are Guiyu, the golden rule!


The evil dragon also laughed, and the palm gradually turned into a bloody dragon claw. “I thought that there is a puppet of the red copper mother Refining, which can stop Ben Long? Really shallow is your Ah!”

The word ‘you’ is exported, and the evil dragon has disappeared in place.

The next moment.

He appeared in front of a puppet, and the dragon claws caught on the shoulder of the man and tore it hard.

Kā cā ~The face of the most sharpness of the Dragon Race, even if it is a red copper mother, can not stop the points.

咔咔~ Just in the blink of an eye.

Six blood drops from the red-brown mother Refining, and the might shake Daqing, were all torn into a heavy injury.


The evil dragon figure flashed.

Appeared in front of Kim Tae.

“Golden Taiji, today, it’s all about you and me!”

The bloody dragon claws carry a terrifying killing intent, which is directly against the gold tai chi.

“Hey, my defeat! This Country Lord can suppress you once, you can suppress you for the second time!”

The gold Taiji eyes are cold and the Void Hand is open, and the wind is raging, and the blossoming ‘cloud’ appears above the capital city, stretching endless!

“This Country Lord, in the name of the Qing Dynasty, ordered the power of the national movement to suppress all sorrows!”

Kim Taiji pointed to the evil dragon.

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