.. ,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and seventy-three chapters to break the law!

Blood dragon suddenly retreat.

Retired to the side of Zhao Fang, and once again turned into a dragon silhouette.

Just the evil dragon at the moment, has been dissatisfied with the former calm and cold, the clothes are broken, the body surface has a bloody abyss, hair silk emits, slightly difficult situation!

“The power of the national transport!”

Zhao Fang looked a little fret, remembered the previous golden glow, and was a little surprised.

The golden glow does not seem to be a big is it attack, but inside, it is the obsession of the billions of creatures in the Territory.

Anyone who dares to commit a crime will encounter the crazy counterattack of this obsession.

“damn it, Xin spent father before dealing with him, and learned the strength of the national power of the might, otherwise, just want to eat a big loss!”

The evil dragon’s eyes are cold, but there is a blood mark on the palm.

This scar, like the scar left by the sword, is not too deep.

It’s weird.

Fleshy Body, who is evil dragon, can’t let this wound heal quickly!

Evil dragon complexion gloomy.

He also knows that the power of the national transport is extremely strange, once it is hurt, there is no unique way, it is difficult to heal!

This is also true.

Even some Ancestral God Late Stage Powerhouses don’t want to offend the Lord of God if they don’t have to.

Once the gods of these gods are desperate, the result is likely to be a bore suffer!

“Evil dragon, you are not the opponent of this Country Lord, give you a chance, now kneel down, surrender to the front of this Country Lord, this Country Lord gives you a chance to live!”

Jin Taiji is cold.

“Let your mother’s fart!”

Evil Dragon said: “It is not the power of the national transport, it can barely be able to deal with Benlong, you are the goods of this Rank, there is no power of national transport, this dragon kills you like killing chicken, but also dare to make Ben Long surrender?”

“In this case, you will die!”

Kim Tae-jung is extremely cold and indifferent, and at the time of the low-lying, the clouds of the national power of the top of the head are rapidly surging.

All of a sudden.

Everyone felt an extremely repressed and terrifying aura.

It seems that there are any peerless things that must come out from the inside.

吼~The power of the national transport abyss, indifferent to a scream of the sky.

Followed by.

The power of the National Games is divided into two parts, a small part of which is condensed into a dozen pipes with thick arms, and the power of the national transport is delivered to Jin Taiji with the body.

The vast majority of the power of national transport is the terrifying Behemoth swallow of the abyss of the national power.

When the power of that part of the national movement was swallowed more than half, a tall giant who could be seen in the sky appeared in the sight of everyone.

The giant is holding a giant hammer.

Gently dance, the dozens of stars around, like the eggs crushed by the train, were directly crushed into smashed, even a little residue!

“This, This is the national law!”

Don Stemor of the Immemorial Star, a little shocked, “can be compared to 9-Star Ancestral God’s national law!”

“not only that!”

Another shawl old man said solemnly, “Gold too extreme powerful to break into the power of the national movement, the cultivation base at the moment, also breakthrough to 6-Star Ancestral God’s shackles, promoted 7-Star Ancestral God.”

The truth is as the old man said.

After the stalwart swallow swept away all the power of the national movement, Kim Tae-Gang also completely entered the 6-Star Ancestral God level from 7-Star Ancestral God.

The whole person, like a blown skin, swelled in a circle, and a lot of bloodshot marks appeared on the body surface.

Jin Taiji didn’t care, just grinned.

“Evil dragon, today’s Country Lord, existing into the 7-Star Ancestral God level, plus the national law of 9-Star Ancestral God, you must die this time!”

Kim Taiji’s cold eyes swept to Zhao Fang: “And you, anyone who dares to be against this Country Lord, will die!”

“I’m afraid you don’t have that Strength Ah!” Zhao Fang sneered.

“Evil dragon, tyrannosaurus, you two temporarily drag the stupid fellow, how?”

Zhao Fang pointed to the Giants, calmly said.

Two people looked up and immediately grinned, in the eyes are a trace of madness: “Hold him, naturally no problem!”

The words fall.

The evil dragon turned into a blood-colored Giant Dragon, soaring into the sky, killing the giant hammer.

The giant eyes are cold and look at the evil dragon who is getting closer and closer to himself. He is in the eyes expression.

Turned into a dragon-shaped evil dragon, the figure is indeed huge.

Compared with the giant, he is like an ant!


Holding the hammer giant casually hammered down, on the occasion of the burst of Space, the shocking, appeared on the top of the blood faucet.

Look at the posture of the hammer giant, obviously want to put the evil dragon head Bastard!


As a virtual dragonhouse, the evil dragon is now a prototype. Strength is not inferior to ordinary 7-Star Ancestral God, Fleshy Body is strong, and it reaches 8-Star Ancestral God level.

In the face of this hammer, he did not dodge, rushed.


The evil dragon splashed with blood, and the head was opened with a flower. The whole body swayed for a while, and it seemed to fall down at any time.

“But so!”

Kim Taiji sneered, even in the eyes.

“You are too happy!”

The tyrannosaurus eyes are cold, the figure is straight at the same time, and the power of the thunder is turned into a stunning long sword, which slams into the giant arm of the hammer.


‘long sword’ did not enter the giant arm, the giant was miserable.

The tyrannosaurus is once again crit, as fast as thunder, and will directly suppress the hammer giant!


Everyone was shocked.

Wan did not expect that the one who stood in Zhao Fang behind, rarely start to talk, complexion cold, has such terrifying strength.

Even the hammer giant of 9-Star Ancestral God, in split second, ate a big loss!

“Thunder, flame, True Dragon…”

“This, is this the Immemorial Wanlong list ranked third Thunderstorm Dragon Beast?”

Don Steward eyes miniature, extremely shocked.

After the tyrannosaurus was transformed into a human form, the combat power was barely at the 7-Star Ancestral God level.

After the prototype is manifested, Strength rises to 8-Star Ancestral God.

Thunder and fire are the two forces of the most peaceful and earthy Berserk.

The Thunderstorm Dragons have these two forces, which are basically horizontal rank ranks.

It is also a loss of the hammer giant is the strength of the national movement, not flesh and blood.

Otherwise, he has no chance to win!

The addition of Tyrannosaurus temporarily stabilized the hammer giant.

He did not have the opportunity to threaten Zhao Fang.

However, the aftermath of the two sides’ battles has made the entire Shengcheng City people feel trembled and uneasy!

“I didn’t expect that you actually found another dragon in the legendary!”

Kim Taiji stared at the silhouette of the tyrannosaurus, in the eyes full of unwillingness and envy.

I want him to be a gold tai chi. As the head of a country, he is in charge of hundreds of millions of people. He has not yet had a dragon that has been discharged into the Wanlong list for one thousand.

And Zhao Fang.

An inconspicuous God Lord actually has two.

Also damn are the top five existence!

How can this not let him envy!

“brat, your good fortune is too envy. But you are too stupid, actually act recklessly into the territory of this Country Lord, this is your way to death!”

Jin Taiji eyes are cold and cold, killing intent.

“Do you really think that I am not prepared at all, dare to come to Beijing?”

Zhao Fang laughed: “Let you see how the Palace Lord can break the power of your national movement!” [..]

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