.. ,strongest level up The first 667th chapter of the Qing Dynasty, died!

“This Country Lord not willingly !”

“Through the board to trap the Country Lord, what Hero is a hero, have the ability to single out with this Country Lord!”

Kim Tai Chi Beats emits, almost crazy.

He has never encountered such a situation, his grand Country Lord, at his own site, was actually eaten to death.

This made him feel unusually wrong!

“Single pick?”

Zhao Fang laughed. “You can really say Ah!”

“However, this Palace Lord will not give you this opportunity!”

“Not only you, the entire Qing Dynasty, will be here today, with you, to accompany you to the funeral, this Palace Lord will treat you not thin!”

This statement came out.

Jin Taiji’s blood is densely covered, and his eyes are twinkling. He is staring at Zhao Fang: “You want to kill Daqing? You can’t do it!”

“You haven’t seen the situation Ah until now!”

Zhao Fang shook his head and immediately looked at Luo Wei. “I know that the strength of your heaven and earth peace roads should be more than that. You can all be out, and you can do it all!”

Luo Yan looked at Zhao Fang deeply, and he was heavily nod.

She did not hesitate.

Although she knows, This is heaven and earth, the last chance of the peace, once it fails, not only her, but the entire heaven and earth peace will continue to dissipate all the power of these years.

In her life, she has no chance to return to China!

But she did not hesitate.


She believes in Zhao Fang!

Luo Yan swayed the sword, swords and scorpions, a lotus flower with a dazzling eye, straight into the sky.

Rush into the high altitude of Shengjing City.

at that moment.

All the subjects in Shengjing City clearly saw that it was not dusty, and the white lotus flower was very clean and dazzling.


Lotus flower burst, turned into billions of Dao Guang Mang, spilling the sky.


“After waiting for so many years, I finally saw this white lotus flower again in my lifetime…”

A silver-haired, old-fashioned silver robe old man, looks at this scene, in the eyes revealing tears of excited.


He waved his hand fiercely, and his voice was full of conviction: “The order, the entire Yuwen government moved to the nest, and supported 嬴钰Princess!”

When facing the first bachelor’s office.

Zeng Min, a college student in a green shirt, looked up at the white lotus flower, in the eyes revealing a trace.

But soon, Zeng Min woke up from remembrance and his expression changed.

It seems that from a weak scholar, instantly turned into a murderous, indifferent and bloody sand field!

“Today, Daqing will be subverted!”

Zeng Min’s eyes were sharp.

Shengjing City, wolf smoke.

Shengjing, once prosperous, is now more like Hell, with slaughter everywhere.

“You, have you already considered it?”

Despite being trapped in the easy to move unhindered board, as the Country Lord, Jin Taiji did not weaken Shengjing Sense.

He can detect everything that happened in Shengjingcheng.

“Yu Wentuo, Zeng Min…”

Gold Tai Chi clench one’s teeth, “It will be you!”

Jin Taiji never dreamed that, in normally, he treated himself like Yu Wentuo, Zeng Min and others, who was actually the eyeliner of Luo Yanan under his own eyes.

“How can it like this? If they are spies, they should have been exposed! The Country Lord didn’t notice anything in advance!”

Kim Tai Chi.

“I didn’t have a little contact with them beforehand.” Luo Wei started to talk, but he said that he made Jin Taiji smashed.

“This is not an organizational rebellion, but a spontaneous one. Everything blames you for being too deep and provoked by the sky. Angry people!”

Kim Tai Chi is silent.

He looked at the familiar Shengjing, looks at the familiar courtiers, one by one, and the inner anger at the same time, there is also a feeling of weakness.

With the smoke spread throughout the Shengjing…

With the Imperial Palace being attacked…

As Prince was beheaded…

In particular, after witnessing the death of the Prince, the taiwan became more and more powerless.

He knows that the trend has gone!

“The big Qing, you are going to die!”

Jin Taiji looked around Sheng Jing, for a long time, sighed.

But the next moment.

His eyes are full of blood, the whole body is covered with blood, crazy and awkward, and his voice is like wild beast: “But I want to disintegrate this Country Lord, dream!!”

Kim Tai Chi, the body immediately changed dramatically.

The human body is the first!

And in a moment, tearing a vertical line, the eyes look at will rush out of the board.


Zhao Fang Void Hand A grip.

Four or five chess pieces quietly approached Jin Taiji.

嘭~ There is no warning.

It’s just a strange noise.

The picture seems to be fixed in this split second.

The power of the striking flame and destruction, instantly penetrated into the wolf’s head of the Golden Taiji.


Even 7-Star Ancestral God’s Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, in a to move to move unhindered, is hard to get out.

Not to mention, the decline of Strength is serious, just the golden Tai Chi of the ordinary 6-Star Ancestral God.

But I heard a loud bang.

Just rushed into the golden Taiji in the air, the wolf first exploded on its own.

In that split second.

His vitality,consciousness, was all shattered.

There is only one headless body, and it is heavy!


Looking at the headless corpse wearing a robes, aura is still tyrannical, but the body is beginning to be cold, all around watching the complex look.

They were absolutely unimagined.

The situation has evolved into this one step.

Grand 6-Star Ancestral God, a generation of Country Lord, was killed in the country!

This is probably the first case in the universe.

This is the end.

This is the highest power of the Qing Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty, and the Country Lord, the body!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Tai Chi,’ obtains 600 million Experience Points, 60 million Divine Strength, 60 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain ‘大清国玺’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain ‘the treasury key’.”


“Really damn is sour, just this thing!”

Zhao Fang extremely dissatisfied.

The thing that Kim Tai Chi broke out was seriously inconsistent with his identity.

“I am damn killing a fake boss?”

That being said.

When I saw the treasury key, Zhao Fang was still slightly better.


The place where Daqing stored treasure.

The entire treasury, only the Country Lord has a secret key.

And it is now in the hands of Zhao Fang.

“The treasury key, really curious, what good things are there?”

Even Zhao Fang, thinking of a collection of the Kingdom of God, must be included in his own pocket, still feel a little excited.

Kim Tai Chi died.

The National Sports Law has not been adhered to for too long.

Mainly the ‘rebellion’ of citizens, disintegrating the roots of his power.

After being killed by the tyrannosaurus, it was directly killed!

This is the end.

The battle in Imperial City has come to an end!

“It’s incredible!”

Tang Steward of Immemorial Star, the eyeless ordinary glow, “Golden Taiji, actually will be killed in Shengjing!”

“Compared to these, you still reminded Xu of the wasteland, exempting him from recklessly coming over, and finally, I don’t even know how to die.”

The shawl old man reminds.

Canadian DD “叮, congratulations Player, proficient in bgm, obtain System Special Reward.”

Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang brows one: “What is Special Reward?” [..]

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