.. ,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapters are invincible how lonely!

“Special Reward, what will it be?”

Zhao Fang is curious.


Starry Sky is dim.

The music sounded.

A blurred silhouette appears under Starry Sky.

In the countless star embellishment, the fuzzy silhouette begins to wriggle.

“How invincible is how lonely and invincible is how empty. Alone in the peak, the cold wind is constantly blowing through my loneliness. Who can understand how invincible I am, how lonely, invincible, how empty, hiding in the sky, she can not listen to me telling my loneliness. Endless loneliness.”

Wei Pingyi and others dumbstruck.

Luo Yan is also a misplaced expression.

Tang Steward, who had a face of solemn, twitched his mouth and had a strange expression!

“Even if you are very powerful!”

“You can boast like this…”

“It’s too shameless!”

this moment.

Zhao Fang’s original image of Wei Guangzheng has a lot of stains.

“It’s actually it!”

Zhao Fang looks strange and shameful, and he doesn’t feel that he is so arrogant.

Instead, the extremely satisfied and satisfied with the chin: “Playing this song, can increase the 50% strength for all of you, this is a good welfare. Unfortunately, the duration is too short, only one and a half.”

a song.

Increase 50% combat power!

If you let outsiders know, it may not be a shock to see the eye drop.

But Zhao Fang is still not satisfied.

The only thing that makes him happy is that this Special Reward can rely on Proficiency Upgrade.

And Proficiency is the number of plays!

“Today’s ‘invincible’ is just an ordinary song. If it can reach the level of ‘Golden Song’, the state blesses Time, it can reach three minutes, and Strength can double again.”

“And once you reach the level of ‘dealing the Divine Comedy’, you can activate the invincible mode, if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas !”

“The only regret is that it is Time!”

To reach the level of the Divine Comedy, the invincible Time of Divine Blessing, only three seconds!

Three seconds male Ah!

Zhao Fang sighed, ignoring midair, the twisting phantom in most eyes, like a neuropathy, grabbing the treasury secret key and plundering toward the Daqing treasury.

The location of the treasury.

It is not a secret.

Some qualified ministers know that the state treasury is located.

But few people dare to approach.

The treasury Outer Circle has tens of thousands of arrays built on the basis of the Luoshen National Treasury at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty.

Once you rush into it, even Ancestral God Late Stage Powerhouse, you have to suffer big losses!

and so.

Despite knowing where the state treasury is located, those in the Qing Dynasty who are officials and officials are far from it.

When Zhao Fang came to the state treasury with the tyrannosaurus two people.

Near the empty, circumference thousands of kilometers, no one.

“Here is the treasury?”

The evil dragon looked at the empty all around, and it was a bit stunned.

Here is an open space, not to mention the Main Hall, not even a small room.

Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows slightly.

He also found that there was no building nearby, and even some Divine Strength fluctuations were not available.

Calm is a bit too much!

“There must be a demon in an abnormal situation!”

Zhao Fang raises the treasury key and enters a Divine Strength.

嗡~The treasury key is separated from the Zhao Fang palm and automatically suspends the air.

Rumble ~ The next moment, the earth quaked and the mountains shook, like the two Level 10 earthquakes.

As the heaven and earth swayed violently, a huge group of buildings emerged from the ground and slowly stood in this open space.

Wait until everything is calm.

Zhao Fang It is only clear that this is a huge fortress-shaped Palace.

Palace all around, a wall forged around a circle of Rare material.

The wall is round and there is no dent in the interface. It is not visible at all. Where is the main entrance.


The treasury key flew forward and quickly approached a wall.

The wall ripples.

A keyhole appears.

“Here here!”

Zhao Fang pinched the treasury key and inserted it into the keyhole.

“bloodline verifies the error, self-destruction device activated!”

There was a wooden voice in the national treasury.

It’s awkward!

The picture of the imaginary treasury large gate activate does not appear.

a path of intertwined, can instantly kill ordinary Ancestral God’s Thunder force, suddenly appeared in the state of the large gate of the treasury, the raw broken primary gate keyhole.

“Fuck! What’s going on?”

Zhao Fang blinks.

He did not step back.

After the Great Accomplishment of the Thunder’s prison, the Full strength strike of the ordinary Ancestral God could not hurt it.

Just now’s thunder, just self-destructive large gate, the force exerted on Zhao Fang is not strong.


Thunder’s prison body has certain immunity to lightning, and that point of power is no different for him to bite with a mosquito.

“Golden Taiji, this old dog, is really cunning, actually set up the self-destruction device in advance!”

“It is estimated that the entire Qing Dynasty, only Jin Taiji can open this treasury.”

“This old dog is really cautious!”

The evil dragon screamed.

On the occasion of the previous battle with the National Games, the evil dragon suffered a serious injury.

I thought that I could get something good from the Daqing National Treasury to repair the injury.

Unexpectedly, it is this result!

He naturally will notingly.

“Young master, what now?”

The tyrannosaurus looks to Zhao Fang.

“You can only force a breakthrough!” Zhao Fang looked at the fortress that began to self-destruct, and the complexion was calm.

“But there are tens of thousands of arrays here. Once the breakthrough is forced, it will touch the array. If I am in the peak state, I might still be able to compete with a Time. Now, I am afraid that one round can’t hold it…”

The tyrannosaurus frowned.

“I will solve it!”

Zhao Fang expression is calm, but my heart is secretly thought: “I hope that the treasury will not be too fast, let me leave something good.”

His palms are flat and his eyes are at the touch of lightning on the surface of the treasury.

“System, start breaking array!”

Zhao Fang has low roaring sound in mind.

According to his Strength, naturally, it is impossible to forcibly break the array.

He can rely on it, only System!

“Hey, cracking the big treasury array, you need to consume 10 million supreme coins, whether to continue!”

“carry on……”

Rumble ~ palm is attached to the treasury large gate.

The original rushing lightning current instantly poured into Zhao Fang’s palm and disappeared.

At the same time.

The large gate blasts and blows up a three-meter-high gap.

The array of blessings on the national treasury, as if it were undetected, did not have the slightest movement.


The evil dragon tyrannosaurus looks at each other and looks shocked.

Even if they followed Zhao Fang for a period of time, they still felt that they could not see through Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is in them in the eyes, like a deep and unmeasurable sea.


Zhao Fang start to talk.

The tyrannosaurus is at the forefront and the first one goes in.

Although it is difficult to protect the entrance to the national treasury, there is no other danger. The tyrannosaurus is to eliminate such hidden dangers.

But beyond the expectations of three people.

Jin Taiji really did not arrange any means.


I want to come in Jin Taiji. There are double restrictions between array and bloodline. It is estimated that no one will be able to break in except him.

“This is ……”

Zhao Fang, who just stepped into the national treasury, stared at the top of the national treasury and looked shocked. [ ..]

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