.. ,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and eighty-one chapters weak countries have no diplomacy!

“Zhao Young master!”

See also Zhao Fang, the new military capital Grand Marshal, quickly cleaned up the mood, a slight gift to Zhao Fang, showing extreme respect for Zhao Fang.

Immediately, this is looking at Luo Wei, said solemnly: “Country Lord, major event is not good!”

“Zhao Young master is not an outsider, what is the matter, even though!”

Luo Weidao.

Wei Ping was slightly silent and his voice was low: “Black Dragon Empire, the special envoy ‘Liang Yao’, visited my country, and the Black Dragon mission is now less than a thousand stars.”

In the star, the length unit of the universe.

In 1-Star, it is a star of the ordinary, the distance from another star.

In general.

The length in 1-Star is about 100 million kilometers.

In a thousand stars, it is converted into kilometers, which is 100 billion kilometers.

For the average person, This is a terrifying number that you dare not think about.

Even if someone is exhausted for a lifetime, they can’t go so far.

But for the Kingdom of God, especially the ship with a strong great war, this distance, for a moment, can be crossed!


Luo Yi complexion is a white, touching double 眸 a trace gray, “how can it like this? How come they come? Is it so fast?”

“what’s going on?”

Zhao Fang didn’t want to take care of it, but seeing Luo Yan’s face desperate and helpless, as a friend, it seems that it is not humane.

“No, nothing! Zhao Young master, since you have to go, then I will not stay, I hope to see you again next time. Wei Ping, you bring Zhao Young master, they leave first.”

Luo Yanqiang pressed the complicated mood of his heart and smiled at Zhao Fang. He told Wei Ping, and he left in a hurry.

“Zhao Young master, please here!”

Wei Pingyi led the way ahead.

‘what’s going on ? ‘With Zhao Fang’s mind, it can be seen naturally that Luo Wei wants to let himself go quickly, and does not want to collide with the so-called Black Dragon.

What is the influence of this Black Dragon god country, so that the new Country Lord, the complexion is so ugly?

Zhao Fang squinted at the evil dragon two people, the tyrannosaurus shook his head, I didn’t know what to look for.

Evil dragon is gloomy’s face, it seems to think of something, filled with a strong killing intent!

Zhao Fang looked at the evil dragon thoughtfully, his eyes twitched, and turned to ask Wei Ping: “Wei Grand Marshal, this Black Dragon god country, what come, why have I never heard?”

Wei Pingyi walked and turned back: “Zhao Young master, you still call me the Hall Master. Don’t dare to face your two seniors and claim to be Wei Grand Marshal.”

“This Black Dragon Empire, simple, is a god country that is dozens of times more powerful than the Qing Dynasty.”

“It’s a transcendent Great Influences under the top ten holy places, the gods of the gods.”

I heard that under the top ten holy places, Zhao Fang was relieved.

However, Wei Ping’s so-called Black Dragon God is ten times more powerful than the Daqing Kingdom, and he still gave him a few points of meaning for the Black Dragon Kingdom that he had never met.

“There are thousands of gods in the universe, and there are naturally high and low points, such as the Qing Dynasty, the founding of the country, but the number of 1000-year, plus the support of the kingdom of God, only barely reach the level of the first-class civilization of the country.”

“In the vast country of God, there are many such gods.”

“The Kingdom of God has received much attention from Powerhouse because of the power of the national movement. Therefore, there are a large number of Powerhouses who want to be the masters of a country, which also leads to serious attacks on the Kingdom of God.”

“But there is an exception. If you become a member of the Powerful Kingdom of God, there are very few people who are looking for it. Before the Qing Dynasty, it is the country of the Black Dragon.”

Listening to Wei Ping’s remarks, Zhao Fang discovered that the relationship between the kingdoms of God was so complicated.

“What is the level of civilization in the Black Dragon Kingdom?” asked Zhao Fang.

“Higher civilized country.”

Wei Pingyi said solemnly, the six words of simple, in his heart, like a six mountains.

“In general, the historical background of the first-class civilization of the gods is no more than a million years. The Black Dragon is a powerful country with millions of years of Inheritance. The background is amazing, deep and unmeasurable!”

“And, in the name of the Black Dragon, there are dozens of countries like the Qing Dynasty.”

“The owner of the Black Dragon Kingdom is said to be 8-Star Ancestral God cultivation base. It is extremely strong, even if it is the Core Disciple of the Ten Holy Lands, it is also extremely polite when facing the Lord of the Black Dragon.”

Wei Ping’s simple introduction, let Zhao Fang have a preliminary understanding of this country.

“Only its own cultivation base is 8-Star Ancestral God. It is two levels higher than Jin Taiji. If there is a national blessing, will it exceed the definition of Ancestral God?”

Zhao Fang is a micro-shock.

Surpass Ancestral God’s existence.

There are probably not many of the entire universe.

“They came to Luo Shenguo this time, what is it?” After the slightly frowned, Zhao Fang asked.

“In general, it should be negotiated.”

Wei Ping is sad with a adjourning: “But the weak country has no diplomacy, and the Luoshen country has just regained its status, and there is no bargaining chip. There is no bargaining chip, and it is not bad to keep the name of the Luoshen country.”

Because it was a common disaster, Wei Pingyi did not have any concealment about the secret of Empire.

“Can’t keep Luo Shenguo?”

Zhao Fang steps a pause and looks at the center of Los Angeles.

The ultimate shackles in the city, and terrifying’s Pressure’s Might, come from there.


“Luo Shen Country Lord Luo Wei, met the special envoy Sir!”

The look of the face has long since returned to the original, like a generation of Queen’s Luo Wei, personally greeted the Black Dragon Gods envoy from the Black Dragon God Kingdom headed by ‘Zhenbei Wang’ Yan Beiqi.

Yanbei Qi, is a man of about twenty, tall, with silver hair ash, waist long sword.

Under his body, stepping on a pure blood Dragon Race Divine Beast, the sun swayed on him, reflecting it like a God descending from the sky, powerful enough!

Yanbei Qi side, standing a middle-aged man dressed in a white robe, like a vulture, staring at prey.

Black Dragon, the deputy head of the Secret Service of the Kingdom of God –

Vulture, Li Yao!

Two people behind, perfectly simultaneously standing on the front body with black armor, pedaling Black Dragon, one aura cold, like a corpse-like elite who climbed out from Hell.

Black Dragon Legion !

Not to mention Yanbei Qi and vulture Li Yao two people’s aura.

The terrifying killing intent of this thousand Black Dragon Legion emits alone made most of the city’s Powerhouse tremble, chilling, and afraid to look.

Black Dragon Legion, Black Dragon’s number one slaughter Corps.

The entire Legion has only 3,000 people.

But the three thousand people are all genuine God Lord Realm Powerhouse.

Each Black Dragon Legion member is equipped with a Tier-7 Black Dragon beast.

Although the Black Dragon beast is a hybrid dragon beast, it has a trace of true Dragon Blood, which is not inferior to the Black Dragon Legion member.

Strong combination, might is amazing!

There are even rumors that nearly 100 Black Dragon Legion can kill the ordinary 1-Star Ancestral God Powerhouse.

Thousands of Black Dragon Legion combined to play the might, not inferior to the ordinary 6-Star Ancestral God.

“Los Angeles Country Lord? This King does not remember, the universe has this god country!”

Yanbei Qi squinted at the eyes, said a sentence, let Luo Yi complexion big change words. [ ..]

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