.. ,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and eighty-two chapters are capricious!

Yanbei Qi looks calm.

A simple sentence, but let Luo Yi complexion big change.

Take the identity of Yanbei Qi.

His words, but contain a special meaning: Black Dragon God Kingdom does not recognize the sovereignty of Luo Shenguo!

“And, this King is not a special envoy, it is the Black Dragon of the Kingdom of God, who came to take over the Daqing Kingdom!”

Yan Beiqi’s voice is indifferent. “If you want to be a concubine of this King, you can save you a life!”

Overbearing !

Absolute overbearing!

In one sentence, not only the efforts of Luo Xiao’s countless years, but also worthless.

Also usurped the freedom and destiny of Luo Yi!

She worked hard and turned into a wedding dress for Wang Yan, the northern part of Zhenbei.

“Zhenbei Wang, you have done this, it is too overbearing!”

The original heaven and earth Taiping Road, a Hall Master, today’s Luo Shenguo new expensive, extremely dissatisfied with the town of North King.


Zhenbei Wang smiled coldly.

“This King is overbearing, how about you? Also, with your trivial fish, dare to talk to this King, court death!”

The word ‘dead’ was exported, and the two eyes of Zhenbei Wang gushed out a violent glowy glow, and the bloody glow flashed into the Hall Master in the eyes.

“Wei Zhong…”

Luo Yan has a heart to block, but already late, the power of the National Games just condensed into a Defensive Barrier in front of Wei Zhong Hall Master.

The body of Wei Zhong’s Hall Master, like losing his center of gravity, fell directly at the foot of Zhenbei Wang.

The body is still warm.

But aura is nothing!

Already dead!

“Zhenbei Wang!”

Luo Yan is reviled, Liu Mei is upside down, and the eyelids are also passed over a trace ice-cold: “This Country Lord respects you as one of the four kings of the Black Dragon gods. This is humiliating to you everywhere, but you are so mad. In my Los Angeles, killing my subjects, I really thought, why can’t this Huangnai be you?”

Between the words, Luo Yi yellow robed 袂 fluttering, the dawn is fierce.

Since the generation of new Emperor’s dignity.

The power of the national movement that comes from the wind has added the power of Queen!

“Trivial for two months, there are already so many national powers, you can do it.”

Wang Yan, the northern part of Zhenbei, smashed the power of the national area of ​​the large area large area, in the eyes with a trace of surprise, the look is still unhurried, calm and orderly.

“The more capable you are, the more this King wants to be the concubine of this King!”

At this time.

Li Yao, who is on the side of the Yanbei side, said with a laugh: “Wang Ye, this female lower official knows that it is the former Princess of the Kingdom of God, Luo Yan.”

“Since Kim Tae-jung took over from Luo Shenguo, she left the Territory of Daqing, hiding in the border of Primal Chaos in Dongpu, and resisting the court with Daqing.”

“This time, I don’t know, what method was used, and I actually killed the Golden Taiji and took the Daqing Kingdom!”

“Golden Taiji takes the kingdom of Luoshen, I just recapture what belongs to me, where is it?”

Luo Yan’s gaze glared at Li Yao.

Li Yao is the 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage, but the Luo cultivation base is not inferior to him, and there is a blessing of national power, even if Li Yao, facing Luo Wei, is not caused by slightly frowned.

“Oh… In my Black Dragon country of the kingdom, this Territory is the Qing Dynasty, there is no such thing as the Luoshen Kingdom. Now, my Black Dragon God Kingdom Town North is here, not fast down! ”

Li Yao coldly snorted.

“What the Emperor has hard to recapture, why do you let it?” Luo Wei clench one’s teeth.

She knows the power of Black Dragon.

Also prepared for the surrender.

But the other side, not only her surrender, but also her freedom and life.

Luo Wei is naturally unwilling to compromise.


After two months of appeasement and hard work.

Most of the people in Los Angeles accepted her new Queen Your Majesty, and the original national war that had collapsed began to condense.

of course.

Compared with the mighty sea-like national transport when Taiqing Jin Taiji was in power, the current national movement of the Luoshen country barely reached the level of the creek.

But it is also reluctant to let Luo Wei have the power of a trace response.

“Luo Huang, what are you doing? Do you want to resist the Black Dragon God? If so, please let Old Man be rude and can’t stand on the same line as you.”

Prime Minister Sir, the most prominent of the Qing Dynasty, Situ Yun.

Situ Yun.

3rd generation old minister.

When he was still a legendary Lord, he was in a prominent position in the Kingdom of Luo.

Later, Kim Taiji rebelled and captured the kingdom of Luo, and he was the first to surrender to the old minister.

This time.

When heaven and earth were too peaceful, they swept Shengjing. Situ Yun saw that the general trend had gone, and changed the door again, and re-entered the door.

For this repetitive and shameless old thief, Luo Wei is also extremely unhappy.

If it is not to stabilize the situation and appease the heart of the fall, Luo Wei has already killed it.

I did not expect it.

This is the mouth, Situ Yun jumped out and played against himself.

“Listing, Luo Wei does not respect the Black Dragon god country, it is really a big rebellion, will be black Dragon God God condemned, and so I also want my own Clan, was dragged into the boundless Hell?”

Situ Yun screamed to the former Qing Dynasty ministers.

Don’t look at Situ Yun’s white hair, a pair of will be like wood, but the ability to deceive people is indeed not small.

Just a word.

The original Qing Dynasty descendants, who had been shaken by the heart, heard the words and both subconsciously opened a distance with Luo.

This scene.

Standing in front of the pictures of Luo Yi behind with the loyalty of the previous people, in stark contrast!

“If you trust Old Man, please come with Old Man, pay with the Old Man pays respect to our new living, Zhenbei Wang Sir!”

Situ Yun called.

“The Stuart Boss people say it!”

“It should be!”

“If the Situ Sir is setting aside the clouds, I am afraid I will break into the boundless abyss, and let me come to thank the Boss for the kindness.”

“Boss people are commanding, dare not!”

The well-dressed descendants, with one lame excuses, flattered Situ Yun at the same time, and stood in Situ Yun behind.

Under the leadership of Situ Yun, toward the Black Dragon, the kingdom of the kingdom of the country, Wang Yan, Qi Qi, Simultaneously bowed, and the monarchy!

“Chen and I have seen Wang Ye!”

These people seem to use their loyalty and loyalty on the scorpion. This sound is nine days.

“You, you… you guys and capricious villains!”

The original Heaven and earth, the Peace Masters of the Taiping Road, were horrified, pointing to Situ Yun and others, screaming.

“Zeng Guanglu Sir, just called an only outstanding talent can recognize current trends, are you still unable to see the current situation?”

A once heaven and earth Hall Master, slightly shaking his head, headed for Situ Yun and others.

In the eyes of the companions who were shocked and shocked, they slowly squatted in front of the king of the town, and long-lived the prince.

With the first person at the beginning.

Behind, naturally it will be much smoother.

Second, third…

The Hall Masters who once died with Luo Yan, said that half of them were worshipped at the foot of Zhenbei Wang.

Luo Yan did not start to talk, next to his lips, his body trembled.

“ha ha ~”

Wang Yan, the northern part of Zhenbei, suddenly laughed. [ ..]

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