The first thousand six hundred and eighty-three chapters of the town of North King, Yanbei Qi! 3>”ha ha ~”

Yan Beiqi suddenly laughed.

From Luo Wei said to start against the Black Dragon.

Yanbei Qi did not say a word, only at this moment, issued a laugh.

Just a laugh, coupled with the surrender of Situ Yun and others, made the words that Luo Wei said earlier became ridiculous.

So much so much.

I heard the laughter of Luo Xiao, I feel very harsh!

“Want to rebel against the Black Dragon, against this King? Just by you?”

From the beginning to the end, Yanbei Qi did not see Situ Yun and others.

The high-ranking King of the North, the eyes of what kind of amazing, even if the former Qing Dynasty Country Gold Tai Chi, he is not placed in the eyes.

What’s more, this group of rotten generations?

“Call out the person who killed the gold tai chi on the day, you are not this King opponent!”

“women, it’s still good!”

Wangbei Wang took the hand and passed away with Luo Wei, and did not put this new Emperor in the eyes.

Zhang mad to the extreme!

“Dao Lord !”


Standing in Lok Behind, a dozen loyal Hall Masters, eyes look at the town of North King is getting closer and closer, not nervous to start to talk.

They are not calling Queen.

Compared with Queen, the two presidents, Dao Lord, are more deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

“Zhenbei Wang, you are too proud!”

Luo Yan suddenly looked up, his eyes were unusually cold, and with one hand and one stroke, the sword light whistling, and the power of the national movement poured into the blade, forming an extreme violent Berserk sniper.

Directly to the shoulders of Zhenbei Wang!

Be sure to squat!

The dozens of loyal Hall Masters of Lok Behind, in the eyes are full of expectations.

Positive decisive battle, Luo Wei is not the opponent of Zhenbei Wang.

The town of Wangbei is too mad, leaving this Rank flaw, with the strength of Luo Yan, plus the power of the national movement, even if he can not heal the injury of the North King, he can also set off his sharp aura.


A slender white scorpion, like a woman’s palm, suddenly smashed out, two fingers on the next squat.

After the integration of the power of the national movement, Luo Yan was not inferior to 6-Star Ancestral God’s powerful sniper, and was stunned by Zhenbei Wang with two fingers.


“Fuck, deceive!”

“Only two fingers, just pick up the full strength of the president Sir?”

“This is the power of the four kings of the Black Dragon God?”

Although most people have guessed that Zhenbei Wang dared to get close to Luojing, he would have to rely on it.

Wan did not expect.

Zhenbei Wang did not play any means at all, but the simple one broke the tenth.

All of a sudden, shocked the audience!

Even the Heaven Master, who had high hopes for Luo Wei, was shocked.

Even the power of the national transport can not shake the other side, what is the capital of the battle?

For a moment, many people have no fighting spirit, face shows despair!

“This is the gap between you and me! In the face of absolute Strength, even if you let sneak attack, you can’t hurt this King.”

The town of Wangbei, who was stunned by Luo Song’s long sword, was indifferent and arrogant. The two fingers were slightly forceful at the same time, and the long sword of Luo Wei was immediately screaming.

The tip of the sword collapsed!

In this scene, the crowd immediately provoked exclaimed.

Even the fools can see that the Fleshy Body, the extremely tyrannical, the ordinary Tier-8 Divine Artifact of the King of the North, is hard to hurt.

Dēng dēng dēng ~ The tip of the sword is broken, and there is a strong force along the blade, and the earthquake is shocked.

After the shock of the Luo Yi successively retreat, each step back, complexion is a bit more ugly than before.

When the figure is completely stabilized, there is no blood on the surface, and it is pale and scary!

“Get it!”

Li Yao’s gloom is like a vulture waiting for a long time. With a big hand, Ancestral God Powerhouse rushes like a wolf, ready to take Luo.

“Protection president!”

Still supporting the dozens of Hall Masters of Luo Wei, this is the reaction, and screamed.

But the difference between the two sides is too big.

Almost instantly, the Hall Masters were swept, one by one, and they were seriously injured.

Wang Yan, the northern part of Zhenbei, did not look at it and continued to move forward.

In his opinion.

Luo Yan is like a beast in the cage, and can’t get rid of his palm.

Luo Yi’s death was injured by the earthquake, but the ordinary Ancestral God wants to take her, it is still not realistic.


Or Li Yao take action, a few rounds, will suppress Luo Yan.

Seeing that you are going to hold on to Luo.

咻~ A Thunder lightning glow, from the distant sky, suddenly darting into the field, went straight to Li Yao.

“én? Good Berserk’s aura!”

Li Yaodang even noticed that the amazing imposing manner contained in the thunderbolt could not help but be shocked and quickly retreated.


The lightning glow collided with Li Yao.

Li Yao offered a shield and barely blocked the attack.

This is so.

All of a sudden in the collision of lightning with Li Yao.

The Black Dragon is a rare Powerhouse, directly injured by the thunderbolt aura, and the lips slowly flow out a trace of blood.

Terrifying air waves dissipated.

Li Yao stared at the opposite side, the tall figure, almost his own heavy injury man, the cold eyes, a touch of soulmmn and cruel look.

“6-Star Ancestral God?”

Li Yao is soft.

Wang Yan, the northern part of Zhenbei, slowly stopped, carrying his hands and not returning his head. Only the voice of indifference and pride echoed in the ears: “You, finally come back!”

Li Yao stood in front of a man with a silver-haired red-browed baby face.

Man aura Berserk, let Li Yao extremely wariness.

And the town of Wangbei is in front of him.

Also stood a man.

Man one-eyed, red-haired, evil-stricken!

In the one-eyed red-eyed man behind, there is also a White robed Youth, slowly coming…

White robed Youth expression calm and calm.

But Li Yao saw at a glance that the White robed Youth was the picture that he saw on the day with his broken jade plate, the man of the Killed Country Lord.

Hū hū hū ~ Wei Ping骧 gasped, rushed to catch up, finally caught up with Zhao Fang.

Haven’t had time to talk.

Then I saw that the complexion was pale, the aura fluctuation was fierce, and I was stunned by Luo Wei who was not hurt.

“Luo Huang!”

Wei Ping screamed.

“I’m fine!”

Luo Wei was guarded by the Hall Master who climbed up in a dozen other difficult situations, barely squeezed out a trace smile.

Then I looked at Zhao Fang. “How have you left yet?”

“This is so lively, I want to watch the fun and go!” Zhao Fang smiled.

“Go? Since it appears, you don’t have to go!”

Wang Yan, the northern part of Zhenbei, is indifferent. “You are killing the gold tai chi, let’s hand over the chessboard, this King makes you die!”

‘奕天棋盘? ‘Zhao Fang startled, immediately understand that the other party is coming to himself.

“What is the chessboard?” Zhao Fang is confused.

“You don’t have to install it. When you killed Golden Taiji on the same day, you used the chessboard. This King sees it clearly.” Zhenbei Wang Xiaoxiao.

“You said it?”

Zhao Fang took out to move unhindered to kill.

“Handed to this King!”

Zhenbei Wang eyes shined, reached out and ordered.

“This will be for you!”

Zhao Fang grinned, can to move unhindered. The killing suddenly took him as the center and extended to move unhindered in all directions.

“fast retreat !”

Zhenbei Wang’s perception is extremely sharp, and almost disappears in the same place at the instant of the easy to move unhindered.

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