The first thousand six hundred and eighty-four chapters are all over the world! 3>Zhenbeiwang speed is amazing!

But does not mean that everyone has his reaction speed.

In addition to Li Yao.

Black Dragon Shenguo brought Powerhouses, almost all of them were able to move unhindered inside.

Among them, it also includes Situ Yun and others who previously voted for Zhenbei Wang.


Situ Yun and others complexion drastic changes.

They know.

It was this inconspicuous chessboard that was killed at the beginning of the gold Taiji.

Even Jin Taiji, the powerhouse that can mobilize the national movement, is planted on the chessboard. This group is just the fellow of the Ancestral God level. How can it resist?


They turned to the town of Wangbei, in addition to seeing the wind to protect the rudder, there is another reason, it is to rely on the big tree to enjoy the cool.

With the Black Dragon, you can have a good future.


The future is not yet known, so I put my life into it.

Situ Yun regrets.

I regret that my rudder is turning too fast, and I am waiting for the situation to be stable.

But now.

He can only hope that the second king of the town, Divine Might, will crush Zhao Fang…

Otherwise, bad luck is definitely yourself!

“Sure enough, Worthy is a chessboard, and Xin King has left a heart in advance, otherwise, it is really trapped by you!”

The town of Wangbei appeared outside the chessboard and his face was full of surprise.

Li Yao stood on his side, staring at the solemn staring at the board.

“Tyrannosaurus, evil dragon!”

Zhao Fang Indifference start to talk.



Two silhouettes, like two shells, with a terrifying shiver, went straight to the north of Wang Yan, Qi Yan, and went to the vulture Li Yao.

“hēi hēi, Ben Long Strength, I will take your hands!”

The evil dragon rushed to Yanbei Qi.

With the ancestral bone, the cultivation base recovered to peak.

7-Star Ancestral God peak !

Tyrannosaurus touched the threshold of 8-Star Ancestral God.

The two Dragon Race Powerhouses teamed up, and even if they encounter the all-out explosion of the National Games, they will not be defeated!

Not to mention Yan Beiqi and Li Yao two people.

You know, among the two people, only Yanbei Qi reaches 6-Star Ancestral God, and Li Yao is only 5-Star Ancestral God level.

The evil dragon that is serious is indeed terrifying.

It’s just two punches, and it’s a cough up blood that was beaten by Wang Yan, a former powerhouse.

Li Yao is even worse.

The force of thunderfire invaded the body, causing his entire Fleshy Body to show a state of collapse.

“Zhenbei Wang, can’t hold it!”

Li Yaozhen, Lei Huo is the power of the property overbearing, two forces at the same time attack, produce might, called terrifying!

Yanbei Qi looks calm.

Even if it is suppressed by the evil dragons, the cough up blood is played, and there is not much change in the face.

When I heard Li Yaowei, my look suddenly looked awkwardly. “Dragon Race is really powerful, but this King is not coming to die!”

The words fall.

Yan Beiqi smashed into the pores and sprayed a dazzling rays of light.

Like a dazzling sun.

Same as for a moment.

One side is amazingly inside the heaven and earth world, appearing in Yanbei Qi Behind.

“Senior, please help me!”

Yanbei Qi Dawei.


Zhao Fang startled, some are unknown.

“Hey, come to the end, still dress up as God, play as the Ghost !”

The evil dragon looks indifferent, no longer punches, but grabs it directly.

Dragon claws!

Dragon Race really has the means to destructive power.

If the previous Yanbei Qi, caught by such a claw, will definitely die on the spot.


In the case of the evil dragon, it will be caught in the Yanbei Qi.

吼 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道

The dragon roar circulates, creating ripples visible to the naked eye.

Dragon roar ripples into the dragon dragon claws.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The rumbled sound of the rustling sound of the earth.

The killing move of the evil dragon did not take the proper effect, but was repulsed by this dragon roar.

“Little evil dragon, after so many years, your killing, is still so big Ah!”

Yanhai Qi behind inside the heaven and earth, slowly turning, forming a cylindrical portal, a silhouette, is slowly coming out, people are not, the old voice, will echo in the ears of everyone.

The sound is long, oh, listened to, extreme ordinary.

However, there are quite a few people who screamed at the time when the voice came out, and there were some weak foundations with cultivation base, and their heads burst.

“In that year, it was also because you were too murderous, and the family decided to shut you down in Qianlong Valley and sharpen your heart. I didn’t expect you to steal the secrets of the family and flee to Outer World.”

“I have been suppressed for so many years, I thought you should have a long memory, I did not expect it, or this virtue, really disappoints Old Man Ah!”

At the same time.

The silhouette is getting more and more solid.

Already out of the inner and the inner of Yanbei Qi, completely out.

An old man with a thin body, a sharp back and a spirited look, appears in everyone’s sight.

This old man looks like a kind-hearted, flat-faced and awkward.

But the aura of the faint emits is more Berserk than the evil dragon, and it is more powerful!

It’s like, the average person is facing a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus.

“Ying Long thief, it really is you!”

The evil dragon stares at the old man, and his eyes are suddenly blood-red, as if he saw the killing of the enemy.

“You are a hypocritical old thing!”

“Don’t think I don’t know, you were thinking about what you were doing.”

“Take me the dragon valley, sharpen my heart? Father honed your damn it heart, your old human face, not just look at Benlong’s bloodline, want to extract blood marrow, transplanted to your unsuccessful grandson?”

“Later, Clan Elder came forward, you can see that the plan is not successful, this is planted in me, but even at the expense of outsiders, crush the father!”

“Xin Tiantian has eyes, father not only sees the sky, but also let father meet you here, this time, father must marry you, has reported the hatred of the year!”

The evil dragon sounds cold and killing intent.

Zhao Fang blinks slightly.

He has a vague understanding of the experience of the evil dragon before.

Not comprehensive.

Nowadays, when I hear the words of the evil dragon, it is the beginning and the end of the incident that the evil dragon has been suppressed.

I can’t help but feel a little surprised.

‘It seems that infighting is not the privilege of Human Race. These Orc infighting styles are not inferior to Human Race. ‘The old man accused of drinking, the expression calm, and the sly look at the evil dragon, as if watching a naughty junior!

Rape is like loyalty!

Big fake like good!

Being pointed at the nose, he can laugh like hehe.

Either the heart is wider than Starry Sky.

Either, it is hypocrisy, and there is another picture.

The feeling of the old man to Zhao Fang is not the kind of wide-felt fellow, conversely is very similar to the second.

“It seems that Little Evil Dragon is very deep into Old Man!”

“Old Man thinks you don’t have a skill to listen to my nonsense, then do one, let Old Man see, you haven’t refined your strength over the years!”

Old man hooked the hook.

“Ying Long Laofu, come to accept death!”

The evil dragon’s eyes are cold and cold, carrying the killing intent of Haotian, and rushing to the old man.

In the face of the evil dragon under the wrath, the old man looked calm, but extended his thin palm when the evil dragon attacked approaching.

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