The first thousand six hundred and eighty-five chapters of Lorraine’s request!

Dry and thin palms, touching the fierce dragon claws of the evil dragon.

There is no imaginary broken bones, and flesh and blood flutter.

Conversely is a powerful evil dragon, and is repelled by a palm!

Instantly fly out of thousand zhang!

“powerful !”

Everyone feels that the dragon should inadvertently burst out of Strength, the heart of Vibration!


Today’s evil dragons, the power of full force, even the one of the four kings of Black Dragon, the king of the king, has also been beaten without any help.

Dealing with an old man is not very easy?


The reality is like a loud slap, and it is drawn on everyone’s face.

The first round of the confrontation between the two sides.

Actually the evil dragon was suppressed!


Dragon roar Vibration, which forms the ripples visible to the naked eye, contains the strength of terrifying, and is crushed toward Ying Long.

“Little evil dragon, you forgot who did this dragon roar learn?”

Ying Long stepped forward, and the blade added, still calm and calm.

Gu Pan, since there is a Grandmaster Bearing!

On his body surface, there is a layer of dazzling pale ray of light.

That is the rays of light reflected from the scales.

Golden Dragon Scales!


Dragon roar The air wave blew up beside Ying Long.

Produces a powerful shock wave.

The entire Void of the earthquake squeaked a strange squeak, and a layer of terrifying cracks appeared.

It’s like a piece of paper scratched by a sharp blade!

A sudden burst of sound, arousing countless smoke.

The smoke rolled and rushed, drowning the location of Ying Long.

Hey, smoke abyss have clear footsteps coming out.

The footsteps are steady and powerful, without the slightest weakness.


Ying Long, who was attacked by the dragon roar, was not injured and still calm.


The evil dragon turns into a bloody glow and instantly rushes into the smoke area.

Zhao Fang saw with his own eyes that all of a sudden, near the soot area, has become a dragon.

“I actually forced the evil dragon to advance in advance. It seems that this Yinglong is indeed very strong!”

Zhao Fang blinked and turned and looked at the tyrannosaurus.

The tyrannosaurus nod, staring at the dusty area, and when it was not good, he was ready to take action.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the smoke and dust area, there is a dull and loud sound caused by fierce confrontation.

A wave of powerful gas waves, from the smoke aysss swept out, the shocked people were shocked, and even retired, lest they be strangled by the two powerhouses!


I don’t know how long it took, and there was a strange sound inside.

“Shameless old man, you actually brought that thing!”

There is a deep anger in the sound of the evil dragon, and even a deep trace of wariness.

“hehe, that’s the Sacred Object in the family. Without it, it would be a bit of a hassle to win the Blood Spirit Dragon, which is the fourth to annihilate the Immenmorial.

Thin smile sounds.


A miserable dragon roar rang.

It is a dragon.

Zhao Fang looks at the condensate and looks at the tyrannosaurus: “Tyrannosaurus!”

The tyrannosaurus is low, and the thunder aura instantly blows away the dust, and the dragon and the evil dragon appear at the same time.

Ying Long is still holding hands, calm and calm, full of gas.

The evil dragon is no longer the previous violent killing of aura, trapped in a purple dragon pattern hood, the pure force of the pure in his body, the painful screaming, the whole body huddled together .

“what is this?”

Zhao Fang saw the purple dragon mask at a glance, frowned.

“Don’t struggle. The more you struggle, the more you struggle, the stronger the power of feedback!” Ying Long indifferently spoke.

“Old man, Ben Long will not let you go!” Dragon eyes blood-red, extreme grievances.

Ying Long smiled calmly and did not put the threat of evil dragons in his heart.


Tyrannosaurus disappeared in place.


Ying Long seems to be aware of what, turbid eyes flashed a trace surprised.

A thunderbolt appeared in front of him.


A strong punch, instantly hit the face of Ying Long.

He seemed to have no chance to resist, and he was directly beaten out of thousand zhang.

Even the ground that Ying Long stood before, was also smashed by this powerful punching force, a deep gully that spreads ten li!


Everyone was ashamed and looked horrified.

No one thought that this fellow, which seems to be similar to the dragon’s fighting power, is a terrifying.

Lian Yinglong did not prevent it!

Tyrannosaurus is slightly frowned, looking at the position where Ying Long will fly out, said coldly: “With your 8-Star Ancestral God’s Strength, even if I am sneak attack, I will not lose my strength. Is it interesting to install it?”

This statement came out, the audience was amazed!

8-Star Ancestral God !

This is the standing powerhouse of the Van Gogh universe.

Even if Kim Taiji meets such a person, he must treat each other with great care.

After all, although the National Sports Law is comparable to the 9-Star Ancestral God, the Golden Taiji cultivation base is too weak to control, and at most it exerts an 20% force.

Compared to the real 8-Star Ancestral God, it is not much stronger!

But now.

This terrifying existence was slammed into the thousand zhang by the tyrannosaurus. Doesn’t this mean that Tyrannosaurus also has the power of 8-Star Ancestral God?


The Hall Master Powerhouses next to Luo Wei, one by one, were shocked and defeated in the eyes, and a trace of hope was born.

“Hehe seems that Old Man’s Luck is good.”

Thin smile The sound of the sound, the thin and thin dragon, climbed from the ruins, in a unscathed posture, standing not far from the tyrannosaurus.

“Initially, Old Man is on you, Sense to a familiar aura, I thought Sense is wrong. It seems that Old Man Sense is right, you are the third Thunderstorm dragon in Immemorial Wanlong list. beast!”

Even with the city of Yinglong, when it comes to this, the sound is also a trace excited.

“What? Immemorial Wanlong list third?”

Wang Yan, the northern part of Zhenbei, looked deeply at the tyrannosaurus and could not hide the shock.

On the other hand, the Hall Masters next to Luo Wei, because there is too little contact information, the meaning of the contain behind this ranking is not clear, and it looks blank.

“Lian Yinglong senior, this is barely ranked in the top of the Immemorial Wanlong list. These two fellows are actually the top five outstandingences. The tyrannosaurus is still a tens of thousands of years of thunderstorms. !”

Yanbei Qiyue wants to be more shocked: “What is the identity of this brat, there are two Dragon Races around him? Is it the holy place?”

Thinking of this, Yanbei Qi’s brow can not help but wrinkle deeply.

“The third and fourth senses? It’s always that Strength decides everything!”

The tyrannosaurus looks indifferent.

“Ha ha said that Old Man is also quite dissatisfied with this ranking. However, Luck is not very good today. If you encounter other 8-Star Ancestral God, maybe you have the power of battle. You can meet Old. Man ”

Yinglong thin smile, Void Hand grabs the side of the Void, a purple dragon phantom, faint transformationation.

Seeing this scene, Tyrannosaurus could have detected a trace danger!


Luo Wei suddenly started to talk.

In the eyes of everyone, Luo Xiao looked at Ying Long and said: “Subverting the Qing Dynasty, it is my plan. It has nothing to do with Zhao Young master and the evil dragon tyrannosaurus. Please let the old senior let go. They, I would like to enter the Black Dragon with the senior, and be a slave!”

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