.. ,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and eighty-six chapters are single-handed!

Luo Yi’s words, many people said that they looked blank.


“Luo Huang!”

“Now we don’t necessarily lose, what do you say?”

Heaven and earth The Masters of the Peace Road, the incomprehensible look at Lok.

Luo Yan did not pay attention, just looking at the old man Ying Long.

“It seems that you are also a person who knows the goods, and even recognizes the dragon!”

Ying Long did not start to talk, talking, is a proud face of Zhenbei Wang Yanbei Qi.

“However, always is late!”

“Just give you the choice of not to choose, you have no way to go to the soft, how can there be such a good thing!”

Yanbei Qi is cold and cold, with a trace of play.

The dragon’s eyebrows should be slightly drooping, and the lips should be like laughing and laughing.

“Old senior!”

Luo Yan’s face showed a trace of acute color.

“You want to enter the Black Dragon as a slave, Old Man can’t control it. Similarly, Old Man has no reason to promise you, you have no qualification, talk to Old Man about conditions!”

Should talk about Long Yu.

Even with this, he also said with a smile, a kind of kindness, but it is extremely disgusting gesture.

Luo Yan’s face showed a trace of mourning, and he quickly sent a message to Zhao Fang: “Yu Long’s hand is holding a dragon rope, and the Divine Object of the Dragon Race is specially restrained. The tyrannosaurus must not resist, you are quickly go Otherwise, it’s too late!”

“Is it interesting to play this little trick in front of Old Man?”

Should dragon complexion pan-cold.

All of a sudden.

The whole piece of heaven and earth seems to be getting cold and chilling, making people shudder!

With his 8-Star Ancestral God’s Strength, Luo Xiao’s voicefluctuation, how can he hold him!

“Little girl, young, so many ghosts, not good, not good!”

When the dragon shook his head, he slammed his fingers, a cyan flowing light like a dragon, with an amazing Pressure’s Might, whistling.

Not yet close to Luo Yi, the aura of the flow light contained, will retreat the stagnation of Luo Yan, the charming face is white, and the mouth spurts blood.

The Hall Masters on her side are even worse.

There were a few felts that were extremely injured, and the Fleshy Body was crushed directly by this aura.

Become a path of Remnant Spirit !


The tyrannosaurus is cold, left eye flame, right eye Thunder.

With a pair of eyes, flame intertwined with Thunder, ejecting a thunderbolt and colliding with the dragon-shaped cyan flowing light.


There was a sudden loud noise coming out.

The terrifying shock wave, instantly making the circumference within 100 kilometers of the building, all collapsed and became a ruin.

Even the chessboard was affected, and the cornerable to to unhindered line was broken!

“This board can be destroyed!”

The ability to move unhindered the collapse of the line, so that Situ Yun, who is in the chessboard World, saw hope and screamed.

“As long as we work together, we can’t break the front of the easy to move unhindered line!”

“Yes! Situ Sir said very much!”

“Unite with one heart and work together!”

Those capricious descendants of the courts seem to have recovered their fighting spirits at once, screaming and screaming, running all the Divine Strength, and simply attacking the line to the front of the easy to move unhindered line, in an attempt to break the bondage and regain freedom!

“hehe ……”

Zhao Fang looks ridiculous at the look at them.

“I don’t know the amount of fellow!”

It is true that the chessboard is not invincible. As long as the power is strong enough, it can be broken.

After all, on a certain level, there is not much difference between the chessboard and the array!

Even so!

This is not the case that Situ Yun’s group of decayers can break open.

“Bound dragon!”

At this moment, a low humming sounded.

In the tyrannosaurus to stop the cyan dragon-shaped flow light at the same time, Ying Long take action, the bound dragon cable went straight to the tyrannosaurus.


The tyrannosaurus has a look.

A hill-like thunderbolt, suddenly squirting, hitting the dragon rope.

Oh, weird is.

This terrifying attack, when approaching the dragon rope, squirts a large number of Black Mist at the tip of the dragon’s cable, like a giant mouth, swallowing the thunderbolt in one bite.

The terrifying thunderbolt is broken and the cable is broken silently!


Tyrannosaurus expression gloomy.

He did not expect that this chain of dragons has such a miraculous effect.


The tyrannosaurus pedals Lightning, the figure disappears instantly, and a trace silk Lightning remains in place.

Speed ​​The speedy chain of dragons, covered in those Lightning, but it is empty!

“So fast!”

Figure tyrannosaurus appearing in the air, expression is amazed.

“Tyrannosaurus, come back!”

Zhao Fang blinked and his voice was low.

He is ready to see that Yanbei Qi is well prepared.

Deliberately brought restraint to the Dragon Dragon Powerhouse.

With Ying Long in, Tyrannosaurus Strength is seriously affected, and even if he is not careful, he will be trapped.


The tyrannosaurus silhouette swayed and appeared on the side of Zhao Fang.

“tch tch, Worthy is Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, the dragon that is well versed in the amount of lightning power, in the aspect of speed, it is really enviable Ah!”

Ying Long blinked.

If the tyrannosaurus speed is amazing, the previous strike of the dragon is tied, and it is estimated that the ready is placed on the tyrannosaurus.

“You come for my Protector! I solve them!”

Zhao Fang said.

“Yes, Young master!” The tyrannosaurus without the slightest hesitation nod, the voice reveals the confidence of Zhao Fang.

“Solve us? Just rely on your trivial 9-Star God?”

Zhenbei Wang Yanbei Qi in the eyes is full of sarcasm.

He does have the qualification of the Lord.

The town of Wangbei, who can be named as the four kings of the Black Dragon, is strong in Yanbei Qi.

Even in 6-Star Ancestral God, except for the top ten holy places from the Powerhouse, no one can beat him.

“Then start with you!”

Zhao Fang is no nonsense, and the big hand directly catches Yanbei Qi.

The all of a sudden of the palm of the hand, instantly huge, like God’s palm, with the invincible Divine Might, fell to Yanbei Qi.

Pick the stars!


Yanbei Qi raised his eyebrows, and he even scorned Zhao Fang in his words, but his heart was extremely wary.

Zhao Fang can kill Jin Taiji in the Qing Dynasty, this Rank means and Ability, even if he can’t do it, how dare he dare?

“Hey, this means can hurt this King, joke!”

The northern part of the town, Wang Xiaoxiao, under the foot of the head of the dragon, suddenly rushed out, and the star picking hard.


The moment of contact between the two sides.

The dragon of 5-Star Ancestral God is directly smashed by a palm.

A lot of flesh and blood splashes.

Sky seems to be under the blood.

“how can it be !”

Zhenbei Wang was shocked.

He did not expect the dragon to block Zhao Fang.

However, I did not expect that the star-picking hand was so overwhelming, grand dragon, even a trace resisted the power, directly pinched into a fragment.

Wang Bei of Zhenbei, even if it is himself, it is difficult to slap a piece of Defense Power’s extremely high dragon.


Zhenbei Wang instantly retreated.

Going in the direction of Ying Long.

After seeing Zhao Fang ‘Real Strength’, he knew that he could not beat each other.

Should the dragon calmly look at, but that pair of turbid eyes, but occasionally passed a touch of horror.

“This is… the picking star of the star ancestor?” [..]

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