.. ,strongest level up The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapters of Divine Comedy, invincible!

“What is your relationship with the picking star Old Daoist!”

Ying Long stared at Zhao Fang, expression serious.

“He passed me to pick the stars, what do you say about us?”

Zhao Fang is not surprised that Ying Long can recognize the star picker.

After all, the other party is from the Wanlong Nest in the Ten Holy Lands.

Moreover, it is also possible to be the Dragon Race executive in the Wanlong Nest, knowing that the star picking is normal.


Although Ming knows that Zhao Fang is making a big banner, he should hesitate.

For the picking star Old Daoist.

He has contacted once or twice to understand what kind of person he is.

If it is not necessary, Ying Long does not want to have any entanglements with him.

“What is the picking star Old Daoist?” Yanbei Qi looked blank.

Even if he is the King of the North, there is no more understanding of the Ten Holy Lands than Zhao Fang.

Ying Long is lightly frowned, but it is still a voice of Yanbei Qi.

After Yanbei Qi listened, the complexion became very exciting, but soon, it returned to a cold look.

“Hey, what about the old Daoist, it’s not the Master who shakes the Holy Land.”

Yanbei Qi pressed low sound coldly snorted.

These words, said that the imposing manner is completely absent, even if it is a fool, they all hear the mood of Yan Beiqi.

Even the old Daoist is not the master of the Holy Land.

However, since this person has once vie for the position of the Lord of the Holy Land, he is also a good person.

Do not say anything else.

It’s not a big deal for this Powerhouse to clean up the Black Dragon.

“Stars Old Daoist! I didn’t expect Zhao Young master to be so big!”

Luo Yan eyelid little bright.

She has been guessing the origins of Zhao Fang, and now it seems that there is a reason to shake a senior in the Holy Land.

‘With such a senior shock, Ying Long should have some wariness. ‘Luo Yan looked at Ying Long again.

On the surface of Ying Long, it is still calm and calm, like a pool of stagnant water, can not see the slightest clue.

“I have seen it with the star Fellow Daoist several times. I admire his means. I didn’t expect it to be unexpected when I met his high school here!”

Ying Long laughed.

“Old Man gives the star Fellow Daoist a face that will allow you to leave safely and even allow you to take her away.”

Ying Long pointed to Luo Wei.

He believes that this kind of concession, the early is very good for the face of the old Daoist.

Even when the other party knows, there is nothing to say.

“What about him?”

Zhao Fang pointed to the evil dragon trapped by the dragon.

“This dragon is a traitor to my Wanlong nest. I have to deal with it with my Wanlong nest capture. You don’t have to worry about this.”

Ying Long sounds dull.

As long as it is an individual, he can hear the dissatisfaction he said when he said this.

Zhao Fang smiled dumbly.

This smile immediately angered Ying Long.

This is almost standing in the peak powerhouse of the universe, the first time is angry, staring at Zhao Fang, “junior, what are you laughing at?”

“Laugh you Idiot!”

Zhao Fang is not surprisingly endless.

The eyes look at the scene because the picking stars appear and all ease.

With the words of Zhao Fang, the atmosphere changed again with swords drawn and bows bent.

“Fellow Daoist always teaches the discipline like this? It’s really big and small!”

Ying Long coldly snorted said: “Today, Old Man teaches you the lessons of Fellow Daoist, letting you know that you should respect the senior, so that you can walk behind the universe and encounter any temperate senior. You don’t even know how to die! ”

“So, I would like to thank you for your kindness and good intentions?” Zhao Fang stared at Ying Long.

Ying Long does not take the word, take action directly.

One claw out, the claws are all over the sky!

The power of 8-Star Ancestral God is all manifested, abnormal terrifying!

“To the great dragon knife!”

Zhao Fang takes out the artifact and takes the star to activate to the holy dragon knife and directly to Ying Long.

“Ancestral home?”

The dragon’s eyelids were slightly lifted and some were surprised.

Immediately sneer, “Your Strength is too weak to play the real might of the artifact, and it is useless!”

The terrifying knives are in contact with the dragon’s claws.

Pick up a terrifying sound!

Buzz ~ The invincible sacred dragon knives, forced by this claw to retreat, directly fall myself wind.

“Give Old Man over!”

Ying Long sneered, the palms were slightly forced, and the claws were embedded on both sides of the blade, ready to capture the dragon knife.

The blade creaked and trembled, and the dragon pattern carved on it spurred rays of light to compete with Ying Long.

But it was also suppressed by Ying Long!

“Useless.” Ying Long sneered.

The holy dragon knife was caught by a little bit.

Eyes at the bottom will fall!

Luo Yan and others are all nervous.

I am still nervous than Zhao Fang.

Compared with them, Zhao Fang is like an outsider.

It seems that I didn’t notice the Crisis of the Holy Dragon Sword. I can to move unhindered to kill the game and force Situ to help the trapped beasts that are struggling.

The flesh and blood are broken.

Blood rain is flying.

Zhao Fang looks indifferent, like doing a trivial thing.

The eyelids are slightly lifted, and a bunch of flowing light is shot from its palm into Starry Sky.

Starry Sky is dim.

There are hidden rays of light shining.

A fuzzy silhouette appears.

“what’s the situation?”

For the scene in front of him, Zhenbei Wang, and even Ying Long, all looked blank.

The Luocheng people are horrified.

Just like the unforgettable years when the mind and body were devastated, I remembered the fear that was dominated.

This reaction of the Luocheng people made Wang Yinglong in the north of the town even more suspicious.

“Block him!”

Although does not think that Zhao Fang can threaten himself, out of caution, should be dragon low roaring sound, command Yanbei Qi take action.

Boom ~ Yanbei Qi double boxing, the fists are in full swing, attacking Starry Sky fuzzy silhouette.

But straight through the fuzzy silhouette.


Yanbei Qi does not believe in evil, and has repeatedly punched dozens of times, but can not affect the fuzzy silhouette little bit.

“How can it be! This is what the hell thing, actually can block this King so many attacks.”

Yanbei Qi is low.

At this time.

The music sounded.

All of a sudden.

The minds of most people on the field were quoted by the rhythm of music, and they were vividly seen.

“How invincible is how lonely and invincible is how emptiness is alone in the peak, the cold wind is constantly blowing my loneliness who can understand me…”

Wrong, shocked, unbelievable…

Yan Beiqi’s face passed a path of wonderful expression, and Wan did not expect that the things that should be extremely wariness of the dragon are actually just the self-promotion of Zhao Fang.

“This fellow is too shameless!”

Yanbei Qi has a strange expression.


“congratulations Player ,activate passed down the divine mode, and the ‘invincible’ bonus.”

Same as for a moment.

Zhao Fang mind rang a voice.

The two-month non-stop play has already made the invincible reach the level of the Divine Comedy.

Once activated, Zhao Fang will be ‘invincible’ state blessing!


a path of invisible golden light, like a golden band wrapped Zhao Fang.

The clothes are fluttering.

The body surface splashing a layer of white protective cover.

Zhao Fang both eyes A sharp, aura is like a God who controls life and death.

“This is invincible?”

Zhao Fang feels the body change.

Realm didn’t grow, but there was a kind of look that overlooked heaven and earth.

“hēi hēi ~”

Zhao Fang grinned, his foot slammed on the ground, and the whole person swooped away from the nearest Yanbei Qi. [ ..]

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