The first thousand six hundred eighty-eight chapters are handsome but three seconds! 3> “Escape!”

Yanbei Qi with the slightest hesitation.

哗~ At the moment of his turn, the corner of the eye, seeing a silhouette, appeared in its behind.

‘how can it be ! ‘Yanbei Qi horror: ‘His speed, when changed so fast! ‘Turning at the same time.

A fierce fif, directly in the back of Yanbei Qi.


The body of Yanbei Qi is like a glass that is hit by a heavy hammer, cracked, and then broken!


Yanbei Qi’s divine sense is like a stray dog, fleeing toward Ying Long.

His mind was completely shrouded in fear and shocked to the extreme.

I did not expect that after the outbreak, Zhao Fang, Strong was terrifying, and shattered his own Fleshy Body.

But just in his all divine sense, all of a sudden.

There is also a tyrannical fluctuation, which is brewing in its behind.

Yanbei Qi was scared, and divine sense burst into a cold, fearful thought, and quickly yelled: “Yinglong senior, save me!”


Almost at the same time.

A long blade condensed purely by the force of the divine sense, runs directly through the divine sense of Yanbei.


Yanbei Qi divine sense collapsed!

A little bit of slag did not stay.

And the easy to move unhindered Black Dragon tens of thousands of years, leaving the savage name of the North King, even the resistance of a little bit of resistance, was directly killed by Zhao Fang.

From beginning to end.

It is only a short one second.

“What!” “Zhenbei Wang Yan Bei Qi was killed!” “This fellow’s combat power, how to upgrade so much?”

“Good metamorphosis!”

The countless people are wide-eyed and stunned, and they are unbelievable about what happened in front of them.

唰~Zhao Fang figure A shock, Void left a ripple, the whole person disappeared again!


The original already buckled to the dragon of the Great Dragon Sword, and browed.


The sound is like a thunder, mixed with Supreme’s Dragon Prestige.



Standing not far away, Luo Yan and others, directly affected by this shocked cough up blood.

To know.

They are in a position where even the edge of the battle is not counted.

Rao is so, all are ready to shock cough up blood.

If you are in the battle center, then what should be terrifying?

Ying Long is also unable to understand the details of Zhao Fang, who is suddenly trying to upgrade. He wants to force it out with dragon roar.

What surprised him was.

This method did not work.

Luo Yan and others were shocked by cough up blood and Zhao Fang did not appear.

“what’s going on?”

Should raise an eyebrow.

“Very simple.”

The abrupt voice sounded in his ear.

Ying Long’s body, subconscious, tightened, and the corner of his eye smashed into a shadow. “Because, today, I am invincible!”

With one hand, hold the handle of the St. Dragon’s Knife.

Gently send forward.

It’s like giving the whole knife to Ying Long.


Ying Long’s forehead is sweating, and the whole person is madly retreating and dare not pick it up!

He clearly felt that if he dared to pick up, the end is definitely better than Yanbei.

Although I don’t believe it, Zhao Fang has Ability to kill himself.

Out of caution, Ying Long chose to retire.

“Can you escape?”

Invincible, Zhao Fang’s attack, speed, and strength all reached the level of one kind of crushing opponents.

Even if Ying Long instantly retreats, he can’t hide Zhao Fang’s purchase.


Zhao Fang was deceived, and in the panic of Ying Long, the long blade stabbed his chest.

“brat, you are deceiving too much!”

Ying Long whispered, apparently forced to the corner, but not willingly, want to counterattack.

Pū chī ~ What makes him absolutely impossible is that, in his anticipation, it would take a few microseconds to get close to his own long blade, which suddenly accelerates, and the sharpness of the knife tip directly breaks through the defense of the body surface and pierces his chest.


Ying Long felt Crisis for the first time.

Unprecedented Crisis!


His booth eyes, all the dragons broke out, and one claw caught Zhao Fang.

Pū chī !


Ying Long grabbed Zhao Fang’s claws and fell from the air in the air, his face, showing deep pain.

“There was a break in Old Man’s defense, how can it be?”

Ying Long is unbelievable.

But the next moment.

He is directly mad!

“Old Man should be dragon, easy to move unhindered. The universe has been for millions of years. It has never been so shameful, little bastard, you are dead!”

The dragon body should begin to be dragonized.

Dragon Claw, Dragon Scales, Dragon Pattern…

An unspeakable noble terrifying aura, which emerged from the body of Ying Long.

this moment.

He seems to be the God of this heaven and earth, and the life and death of everyone is in his Heart Thought.

“You haven’t seen the situation until now? The person who is going to die is you Ah!”

Zhao Fang shook his head.

Pū chī !

The St. Dragon’s Knife stabbed a few points and almost penetrated, and the blood spattered from the torn cavity.

“It’s here!”

Yinglong complexion pale, eyelids are unusually cold, a buckle to the blade of the Holy Dragon’s knife, playful at the at the Fang.

“You said it is over?”

Zhao Fang Smile is weird.

“not good!”

Ying Long instinctively felt bad.

I want to kill Zhao Fang in advance, but it is still late!

Pū chī !

A dark, large gun directly penetrates the chest of the dragon and is transparent.

The other end of the handle is in the hands of Zhao Fang.

“And, another Ancestral God device!” Ying Long bottle eyes round.

“More than that!”

Zhao Fang smiled.

It’s awkward!

There are thunderstorms on the top of the head.

Almost all of a sudden.


Countless strips of Lightning Snake, turned into a brontosaurus, directly hit the top of the faucet, making this one-powered Powerhouse, the injury is once again intensified.

This is the end.

Zhao Fang Three pieces of the whole family.

To the holy dragon knife.

God Slayer Spear.

Thunder Scepter!

All three forces blasted into the body and broke out in the same for a moment.

Strong as a dragon, under the power of Berserk’s near destruction, it is also a painful scream.


No warning.

The Dragon Body, which has been turned into a dragon, should be smashed directly!

Only a dragon-shaped divine sense escaped, and the panic was scared, and the head did not dare to return to the distant Starry Sky.


Everyone was shocked and shocked to the extreme.


Because of the previous killed Golden Taiji record, everyone was surprised that Zhao Fang was able to kill Yanbei Qi, but overall, it is still within acceptable limits.

But Ying Long is different.

8-Star Ancestral God Ah!

That is the peak powerhouse standing in the universe, the super strong existence of the dragon that sees the tail, and the usual encounter with the first one, all need a great chance, let alone see them being seriously injured.

But now.

8-Star Ancestral God is a pure scene, but it is perfectly presented to everyone.

They are like a stupid goose, stunned squatting there, forgetting to think, their eyes are shocked, their faces are full of unbelievable expressions.

No wonder they will look this way.

The scene that happened in front of us is really challenging their three views!

“Where is the old man?”

Zhao Fang is very eager to take action.

But the next moment.

An indescribable feel of weak, pouring into the whole body.


“The invincible state is over.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang rolled the eyes, “damn it, Time is too short, can you let Ge Shuai go through three seconds?”

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