The first thousand six hundred and eighty-nine chapter Dragon Race Forbidden Technique, blood and qi! 3>”én?”

Ying Long, who was rushing to escape the life, was keenly aware of Zhao Fang’s aura change.

“Without chasing, aura has also weakened a lot, as if it has returned to its previous state, is it…”

Ying Longren is a good man, and he guessed it in an instant. “Don’t he have used Secret Art Time?”

“brat, your death is here!”

Should the dragon expression 狰狞.

That being said.

After eating a big loss in Zhao Fang, he did not directly turn around and kill.


Should the dragon’s eye be chilly, under the golden light ,, rush into heaven and earth, the two 3-Star Ancestral God’s Hall Master within the body.

The two people were too late to defend and could not defend, and they were deprived of their wisdom by the golden light.

In the fierce struggle and pain of the body, the two people are completely ruthless and directly controlled by Ying Long.

“kill him!”

Ying Long refers to Zhao Fang.

Two seemingly 3-Star Ancestral God, with the slightest hesitation rushed to Zhao Fang.

“What are you doing?”

Luo Yan noticed that the two people were abnormal and could not help but yell.


Normally, the two people who are loyal to Luo Wei, at the moment, seem to have forgotten that there is a person like Luo Wei, who turns a deaf ear and ignores it and directly kills Zhao Fang.

“Block them!”

Luo Yan screamed.

Three Hall Masters rushed out while standing, and Strength was also 3-Star Ancestral God level.

But what is surprising is that.

The three people were just as close to the two 3-Star Ancestral God, and they were knocked down by the cough up blood they played.

“This, this is not the power of 3-Star Ancestral God!”

The three people refused to wipe the corner of the mouth blood, and looked shocked!


Two silhouettes instantly approached Zhao Fang.

Able to move unhindered

Zhao Fang Eyes are cold, can to move unhindered The board instantly wraps two people.



The two people kept bombarding the to to unhindered line.

Zhao Fang slightly frowned :”5-Star Ancestral God ?”

“What 5-Star Ancestral God?”

Zhao Fang looks at Ying Long: “Dragon Race’s secret technique, there are quite a few, an 3-Star Ancestral God, which can make him instantly reach 5-Star Ancestral God. If I didn’t guess wrong, you should stimulate their potential. After the outbreak, there is no possibility of this life!”

“ha ha ,brat has a good eyesight.”

Ying Long stood at the other end of the distant Starry Sky, big said with a laugh: “In any case, even if the life essence is exhausted, it may not reach 5-Star Ancestral God. Old Man let them feel this power before they die. It’s also a kind of grace for them!”

“Well, you damn it!”

Zhao Fang The eyes are cold and cold, “Tyrannosaurus!”


Tyrannosaurus figure moves like an ancient Tyrannosaurus rex to rush to prey.

“I thought I was the body of the divine sense, can’t restrain you?”

Ying Long in the eyes flashed a trace 讥诮.

The tyrannosaurus looked indifferent and opened a distance with Ying Long to launch a long-range attack.

But this kind of attack can’t help it.

Easily cracked by it!

“It seems that your now only Secret Art is not used indefinitely.” Ying Long laughed.

Invincible state, indeed can not bless indefinitely.

Every hour, you can only bless once.

“Even without it, it’s enough to pack up your stray dog!”

Zhao Fang voice is cold.

“stray dog!” Ying Long in the eyes plucked a violent temper, “act recklessly fellow, really thought that Old Man only has this Strength?”

Zhao Fang certainly won’t think so.

Since the other party is born in the Ten Holy Lands, its means is something that outsiders can measure.

“Next, let you see and see, the means of my Wanlong nest!”

Ying Long sneer, Void Hand move, everywhere in Los Angeles, there are nearly a thousand silhouettes immediately to Ying Long.

“What does this fellow want to do?” Zhao Fang frowned.

The thousands of people who were caught by Ying Long, most of them are God Lords, and only a few are 1-Star Ancestral God.

2-Star Ancestral God is none of them.


Close to the range of the Kilometer side of the body.

Thousands of shackles from the unsuccessful silhouette, suddenly burst out one by one.

The flesh of the splash, which constitutes a bloody scorpion, will be shrouded in the inside of Dalat.

“This, it seems to be Dragon Race Forbidden Technique, blood and qi!”

The trapped evil dragon, seeing this scene, immediately yelled.

“Hemo-chemical gas?”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, listening to the name, he vaguely guessed something.

Hōng hōng ~ There is a dull sound in the blood, and even the sound of chewing and swallowing.

Many people look at this scene, and there is a feeling of horror in their hearts.

“bang! bang!”

Tyrannosaurus take action, hard bloody, bloody but not moving, abnormally strong.

About a dozen breaths.


The bloody blood bursts on its own, a bloody body, a sulky face, an old man with a bss aura on the head, a self-destruct broken bloody body, appearing in front of everyone!

It was the Ying Long who was previously beaten by Zhao Fang!


Today’s Ying Long, not only the Fleshy Body recovered, but also the bloody aura, more than before.

At this moment, Ying Long, no previous sacred wind bones, kindness and kindness.

Some are just gloomy, tyrannical, and awkward!

It seems to be from a person, completely turned into a ignorant wild beast.

“hēi hēi ……”

Ying Long’s mouth is staring at Zhao Fang, “brat, your death is here!”

Ying Long’s body spurted a lot of red light, filled with rich bloody aura.

And the whole person, with the help of this red light, lightning disappeared in place.

Go straight to the tyrannosaurus!

“Thunderstorm Dragon Beast, and Old Man obediently back to Wanlong Nest!”

Grab the tyrannosaurus in one hand.

The tyrannosaurus seems to be aware of Crisis, directly manifesting the dragon body, and the two-headed thunderstorm tyrannosaurus appears, but still can’t resist Yinglong, is suppressed by it, and directly healed.


Zhao Fang blinks.

Today, Ying Long’s combat power is far more powerful than before.

“Young master, This is my Dragon Race Forbidden Technique. It’s a good way to strengthen your own strength with flesh and blood. It’s good and bad. If you have enough blood, even if Fleshy Body is destroyed, you can recover within a short time.”

“The downside is that once you perform this technique, you will want to save it again. It will be difficult at the same time. At this same time, this technique will also provoke the tyrannical cruelty of the surgeon’s heart, making it an abnormal bloody and cruel. Executioner!”

The evil dragon voice Zhao Fang, the sound reveals a trace anxious.

“Once you use sulphuric gas, unless you kill it, it is hard to kill! Because once he is injured, his aura will be deprived of his own weak blood and become his own.” Power library ‘.”

Zhao Fang brows gradually.

“What is the difference between this and breaking into Demon Dao?”

“Demon Dao, Devil…”

Zhao Fang suddenly eyes shined and flipped over one piece card.

The card is dark, and it seems to have a pattern shrouded in dark shadows, revealing the chill of the forest.

Original True Demon card!

This is Zhao Fang to run amok Guangmingfeng, killed the Lord of the Temple of Obtain.

Originally intended to deal with the use of gold Tai Chi.

It is a pity that Jin Taiji is so shallow that he has no chance to enjoy it and is killed by Zhao Fang!


The tyrannosaurus was slammed by a fist, and there was a nearly to a dozen meters of to ununseen blood in the chest. The blood of the emits was uncontrollably directed toward Ying Long.

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