&p;lt;3 lss=&p;”red_tt&p;”&p;t; The first thousand six hundred and ninety-sixth original True Demon, one hit! &p;lt;/3&p;t; “嗷~”

It is said that it is uncontrolled. In fact, these bloods are drawn by Ying Long, and the tyrannosaurus makes a path of screaming.

“ha ha ~ Worthy is the blood of the thunderstorm dragon beast, if it can bring you, and annihilate the Blood Spirit Dragon completely swallow, Old Man can even break through the bloodline shackles and become a surpass ancestral dragon!”

Ying Long looked mad.

“Stop dreaming!”

Zhao Fang interrupted with a sneer.

“What about that? You still have the power to compete with Old Man?”

Ying Long looked sarcasm.

“Ying Long, you are too happy!”

Zhao Fang shook his head calmly.


Zhao Fang’s calm reaction made Ying Long frown.

Soon, he noticed the card in Zhao Fang’s hand. “Don’t you want to reverse the battle with it? Don’t dream!”

Ying Long sneered: “Even if your teacher picks up the old Daoist, you can’t stop Old Man, you can’t!”

“I never said that the old Daoist is my teacher?”

Zhao Fang laughed.

Ying Long startled!

Indeed, from the beginning to the end, Zhao Fang did not say so, only himself, because of the star-picking, subconscious, he classified the classification of the old Daoist.

Think about it too.

If it is not Direct Disciple, the old Daoist impossible will teach Zhao Fang to pick up the stars.

“The old Daoist is trying to take me as a disciple, but I refused. I want to make a good relationship with me before I pass the star to me!”

“impossible !”

Ying Long shook his head.

He does not believe in Zhao Fang’s words.

Take the famous stunt to get married, is the old Daoist crazy or the brain getting into the water?

more importantly.

Ying Long does not believe that Zhao Fang has any qualification, it is worth investing in the old Daoist!

“More to say no benefit, you, come up and lead to death!”


Zhao Fang pointed his finger at Ying Long and pinched the original True Demon card.

Huh ~ A large number of Black Mist appeared on the side of Zhao Fang, and even shrouded him, an unspeakable oppression and fierce aura, coming out of the emits in the Black Mist.

“This aura…”

Ying Long body micro-shock, feel a trace suppression.

Black Mist twists, transformation produces a demon head pattern.

The devil is not the three heads, six arms, and the fangs of Zhao Fang.

It was a black shawl, dressed in a black robe, with a quiet face, as if the billions of mountains had collapsed in front of them, and they would not be moved by the cold man.

“Powerful and powerful Demon Qi, who are you?”

Ying Long stared at the black hair man, in the eyes full of vigilance.

Tyrannical, like him, on the other side, is also a dangerous aura.

This shocked him at the same time and became more curious about his identity.

The black man did not pay attention to Ying Long, and looked at all around the heaven and earth with a feeling of affection.

For a long time, calm start to talk: “Is you summon out this Demon?”

The sound is calm, there is no a trace wave!

“It’s me!” Zhao Fang looks at each other.

“On you, this Demon has noticed a lot of Deura Cultivator’s aura, have you killed my Demon Cultivator Lineage many?”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang brows up.

This original True Demon from Summoning Card summon is somewhat different from the imagination.

I thought that after the other party came out, I would be accused by myself and killed.

Absolutely did not expect.

This original True Demon still retains self-consciousness.

‘The true Worthy is heaven and earth’s first devil. ‘The heart praised, Zhao Fang’s surface is very deep: “They want to kill me, I am killed!”

The extremes he replied are taken for granted.

The original True Demon glanced, laughed, did not continue to pursue, his eyes slowly fell on Ying Long.

“Four million years of Ying Long? Strong!”

The original True Demon shook his head. “I didn’t expect this Time, where this Demon is not there. The Dragon Race is going back to life. It has been cultivated for 4 million years, but it has not yet reached 9-Star Ancestral God. It is really shameful!”

The surface of the dragon should be as usual, but the heart is smashing.

The original True Demon’s dark-eyed eyes seemed to be able to pierce people’s hearts and see all of him, which gave him a feeling of chilling and innocent fear.

“Dare to be the name of Your Excellency!”

Ying Long said solemnmn.

“Let your generation of dragons come to ask, you are not qualified enough!”




Ying Long nose is discouraged!

In the Dragon Race, I am also a top-ranked Sir, and there is no qualification for questioning.

“Your Excellency is too arrogant! Old Man is going to see, where are you sacred!”

Ying Long’s voice is cold.

The figure rushed at the same time, a huge Giant Dragon, appeared in the sky above Los Angeles, it is this Venerable.


Face the original True Demon this deep and unmeasurable existence.

Powerful as the dragon, also felt the danger, the first for a moment to use all Strength.

True Dragon shook his head, wrapped in a terrifying dragon, and instantly approached the original True Demon.

The original True Demon didn’t move, he looked closer and closer to Ying Long.

Slowly stretch the action action palm.

“What does he want to do?”

Not only should the dragon be confused, but even other people can see the fog.

Huh ~ Infinite Demon Qi, the abrupt appears in the air, appearing on the sides of this Venerable.

“Get out!”

The dragon should be swayed and beaten at Black Mist above to get rid of the fog.


The wind of the dragon’s tail is enough to crush an ordinary Tier-8 Divine Artifact.

I can face these Black Mist, but I have a feeling of being unable to start.

Black Mist is not scattered!

Instead, it condenses like silk, and a circle wraps around the tail of Ying Long.

When the response came to Ying Long, his tail was directly covered by Demon Qi and could not move.


Cold sweat, slipping from the forehead of Ying Long.

He can to move unhindered for millions of years, or first time.


Ying Long is also a decisive person, and his eyes are filled with a very ruthless.

Directly burst the dragon tail!


The dragon tail burst, and many Black Mist were arranged.

But his face did not appear to be the slightest ease, but it became more and more ugly.


A large number of Black Mist wrapped his entire body.

No matter how hard he struggles, he can’t get rid of it.

“You, who are you?”

Ying Long was stupid, and he also knew that he had encountered the iron plate and was shocked.

“This Demon said that you don’t have qualifications. Know the name of this Demon. It’s really not long-term!”

The original True Demon sounds cold and the Void Hand grips hard.

Demon Qi, wrapped around Ying Long, instantly turned into a huge palm and suddenly took Ying Long.


The powerful dragon should be directly pinched into meat.

The body that should be condensed by the dragon is once again turned into nothingness.

Only the remaining dragons of the divine sense remain in the palm of the original True Demon.

“I, I know who you are, you, you are still alive…”

At this moment, Ying Long, no previous arrogance, his face full of horrified expression.

“Yeah, this Demon is still alive, it feels really good!”

The original True Demon’s face has remained the same for a trace of a smile.


The dragon’s divine sense is directly annihilated by Demon Qi!

Death can’t die anymore!

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