The first thousand six hundred and ninety-one chapters gather together twelve dragons, summon ancestors! 3>”Ding!”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed Lord Level bss’ Ying Long’,obtains 800 million Experience Value, 80 million Divine Strength, 80 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player obtain ‘Yinglong Shenyi’.”

“congratulations Player obtain ‘Bound Dragon’.”

“congratulations Player obtain ‘Zoo Dragon Blood Pulse Card’.”

“congratulations Player obtain ‘ should be Dragon Blood’.”


Absolute silence.

Everyone has wide eyes and stares blankly at the original True Demon.

In the eyes, frightened, incredible expression!

Ying Long, grand 8-Star Ancestral God.

The name of the Wanlong Nest Powerhouse is the super-existence of the eternal powerhouse.

But can’t stop the black hair in front of you, the power of this palm, this black hair youth is who?

Everyone is shocked at the same time are curious!

Zhao Fang is also a bit shocked.

He guessed that the original True Demon Strength would be strong, but he didn’t expect it to be terrifying like this!

Lian Yinglong is walking in his hands but no move!

Is this still Ancestral God?

Zhao Fang would like to throw a probe to confirm the true Strength of the original True Demon.

The deep and unmeasurable that the other side is indifferent to calm, and the self-consciousness possessed in the previous conversation, makes Zhao Fang hesitate.

He is not sure if he will do this and will offend the super big cow.


The flesh and blood of the dragon should be covered by the infinite Black Mist.

No one saw what was happening in the Black Mist, only heard the sound of chewing and swallowing.

Everyone’s back began to sweat, and an unprecedented sense of heart rushed into my heart.

After swallowing the Dragon Blood meat, the original True Demon pale complexion, slightly with a trace ruddy, indifferent eyelids slightly rotating, falling on the tyrannosaurus and evil dragon, in the eyes emerged bloodthirsty color.

Two people are instantly creepy, as if they are enemies.

“They are my people!”

Zhao Fang forward one step, blocking the original True Demon gaze.

The original True Demon gaze, the bloodthirsty color in the eyelids slowly dissipated, and turned to stare at Zhao Fang, calmly said: “although I don’t know, what method do you use to wake this Demon, but this Demon owes you a life? So, give you a face.”


Zhao Fang gave a sigh of relief in his heart.

If the original True Demon really wants to eat the dragon tyrannosaurus to restore Strength, Zhao Fang may have no power to stop.

‘He damn it, this is what stuff, actually summon out an uncontrolled existence! ‘Zhao Fang is very depressed.

The original True Demon is powerful, but not 100% loyal. He has a self-consciousness and is not controlled by Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang also does not confirm that it is a blessing to bring such an Ominous Person summon out.

“This is this Demon.”

Original True Demon in Zhao Fang, scored a Demon Qi imprint, “If there is danger, attack Demon Qi imprint with Divine Strength, this Demon will come!”

“But remember, this Demon will only help you once, once, you and I will be bother and clear!”


The original True Demon looked at Void somewhere with great depth.

Then, the body diverge into Black Mist, and the Black Mist blasted open and dispersed in all directions.

The original True Demon’s silhouette is also disappearing in place, I don’t know where to go!

“What about people?”

“have they gone?”

“It’s just a matter of terrifying pressure, I feel like I’m out of breath.”

“Sin loses!”

The crowd was lucky after the robbery.

Zhao Fang also wiped his forehead, and the behind oozes a cold sweat.

He looked at Demon Qi imprint on the back of his left hand, and the corner of the mouth revealed a trace smile: “Fortunately, there is another chance!”

The biggest gain of the whole game is Zhao Fang.

The original True Demon is his summon, and the killed dragon is naturally in his name.

Ying Long broke a lot of good things.

In addition to the binding of the dragon rope, there is also Ying Long Shenyi who should not be able to display the dragon.

It’s a pair of pure white wings. After wearing it, you can use the flying speed of 9-Star Ancestral God, which is extremely amazing.

It is a good Treasure to escape!

The ancestral Dragon Blood card, the card pattern is a bit strange.

Twelve towers of dim color, wrapped in a group of unnamed objects, this is the Dragon Dragon pulse card.

“What the hell stuff?”

Zhao Fang took a closer look, this only makes it clear that the twelve faint beads correspond to the names of one kind of dragon.

Cang Long, Black Dragon, Azure Dragon, Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Fire Dragon, Ying Long, Candle Dragon, Blood Spirit Dragon, Tyrannosaurus…

“The collective twelve gods Dragon Blood pulse, you can summon the ancestral dragon?”

Look at the introduction of the ancestral Dragon Blood pulse card, Zhao Fang’s expression is wrong.


“I found that the dragon should be a Dragon Blood pulse, and the whether is integrated into the ancestral Dragon Blood pulse card?”

Zhao Fang thought about it, nod said: “Integrate!”

The Dragon Blood in the System package disappears instantly and turns into a fascinating rays of light, covering the Dragon Blood card.

The rays of light are scattered, and the dragon column corresponding to the dragon radiates a unique rays of light, which is particularly eye-catching and dazzling under the backdrop of the other eleven dim light pillars.


Zhao Fang can see that Ying Long, the dragon on the dragon column, who walked happily on the dragon pillar.

“Zhu Long, it sounds very awkward, and Strength should not be worse than the original True Demon. However, it is really a hassle to want to summon him.”

Summon Zulong, you need to first gather its twelve god Dragon Blood veins.

And Zhao Fang is on hand, only the Dragon Blood pulse.

Killed by the dragon alone, it has abolished the power of Zhao Fang. It is almost unsuccessful. It is conceivable that if you want to acquire other Dragon Blood veins, it will be difficult.


Suddenly, Zhao Fang eyes shined, and quickly looked at the dragon dragon: “You two come over!”

When the dragon died, the dragon rope lost control and was rushed out by the evil dragon.

Wen Yan, the dragon dragon, quickly rushed over: “Young master, what’s wrong?”

“Take some of your bloodline power to me!”

“it is good!”

Two people have no hesitation.

To know.

This so-called bloodline, which is extremely damaging to itself, can even make the cultivation base awkward.

Seriously, it will even affect the Martial Dao process.


The evil dragon tyrannosaurus did not hesitate, and directly took out the power of the bloodline and gave it to Zhao Fang.

After taking out the power of the bloodline, the two dragons aura slammed, and the strength of the big drop was even worse than just now great war.

“This is two dragon fruit, it is amazing for you to restore the bloodline.”

Zhao Fang naturally won’t let the two people pay for it. From the System Shop Exchange, two flesh-and-blood bones, the dragon’s dragon, are handed to two people.

The tyrannosaurus tyrannosaurus feels that the dragon fruit contains a lot of dragons, and the aura of life, can not help but reveal a trace surprised expression,simultaneously, thanked: “many thanks Young master !”

After the two dragons were drawn out of the bloodline, they would also like to thank the people who took their bloodline. It is estimated that only Zhao Fang.


“I found the Dragon Spirit annihilating the Blood Spirit Dragon bloodline, and the whether into the ancestral Dragon Blood card?”


“Discover the dragon dragon tyrannosaur bloodline, whether to fuse ancestors Dragon Blood card?”

System sounds up.

“assimilate into!”

With the intention of Zhao Fang.

Kā kā kā ~Blood Spirit Dragon and the dragon column of the tyrannosaurus violently trembled, and the surface of the dragon column fell off a lot of dark gray stones.

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