&p;lt;3 lss=&p;”red_tt&p;”&p;t; The first thousand six hundred and ninety-three chapters of the dark universe, dark stars! &p;lt;/3&p;t; Xu Tianhuang and others cultivation base.

There is no cover.

Luo Yan was also clearly aware of it.

When I heard that the other party was looking for trouble, she black brows slightly knit, holding the sword’s hand, slightly forcefully, coldly glanced at Xu Tianhuang and others.

But the body, but unchecked, gushes a trace of tension.

At the moment, these people’s Strengths seem to be can’t compare with Zhenbei Wang, Ying Long and others.

Xu Tianhuang is from the Immemorial Star, one of the ten holy places, and cannot be treated as a common sense.

When it comes to threats, I am afraid that it is not weaker than Zhenbei Wang and others.

“hehe…Brother Zhao misunderstood, myself came here, not for revenge, but for cooperation.”

Xu Tianhuang said with a laugh.


Zhao Fang smiled coldly.

Da Laoyuan is looking for himself, just to cooperate with a fellow who has never met before?

Zhao Fang didn’t believe in Xu Tianhuang’s ghosts.

In fact.

Xu Tianhuang came to Zhao Fang’s original intention, indeed not for cooperation.

It is revenge!

Until Stemward, a Tang dynasty in the Immemorial Star, I was told by the Immemorial Star Secret Art that Zhao Fang was killed after the Golden Taiji in the Qing Dynasty.

Xu Tianhuang’s mind has only a trace change.

I want to see, killed Kim Taiji, to run amok my own prison in the Primal Chaos world, let yourself become a damn fellow of the companion’s laughing stock, what kind of person is.

Just arrived at Imperial City, I saw Zhao Fang killed 6-Star Ancestral God Yanbei Qi, great war 8-Star Ancestral God should be invincible.

Really shocked!

But even more shocking.

Or Zhao Fang summon out of the original True Demon, move instant kill Ying Long when the shocking picture.

that moment.

Even he suspects that This is not a fake.

The strength of the original True Demon is beyond his understanding, and his soul is shuddering!

This is also true.

Originally, I only wanted to see what kind of person Zhao Fang was, and gave birth to Zhao Fang’s thoughts.

This has the previous scene!

“I don’t know Brother Zhao, myself. It’s really a good thing. I want to compete with Brother Zhao!”

“But now I have changed my mind!”

Xu Tianhuang laughed at himself and showed extreme extreme frankness.

Zhao Fang startled, I thought Xu Tianhuang would cover up, I did not expect that the other party actually admitted this!

Think about it.

It is also somewhat relieved.

The weak offend Powerhouse, naturally unforgivable.

But between Powerhouse and Powerhouse, it is equal.

This is the survival of the universe.

Although **, basic reality.

But that’s the truth!

“Since it is not troublesome, please come back, I am busy, no skill to entertain you, as for cooperation, I am not interested!”

If the non-demon dragon tyrannosaurus just extracted the Bloodline Source and the Strong loss, Zhao Fang would say so much nonsense with Xu Tianhuang.

Wen Yan, everyone was shocked.

I thought that Zhao Fang was also daring enough to talk to the Immemorial Star Powerhouse.

Can think of it, Wanlong Nest Powerhouse Yinglong, have been Powerhouse killed by Zhao Fang summon, they suddenly feel that it is normal to treat Immemorial Star Powerhouse like this!

“Cough, Brother Zhao, don’t be busy, refuse. I haven’t said anything yet. I promise that Brother Zhao will be very interested after knowing the place.”

Xu Tianhuang is full of confidence.

“Luocheng is in a hurry, and many places are waiting for repairs. You will not leave you, so you can’t leave!”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

After that, turn around and leave.

“Well, I tell you, it is the dark star of the dark universe. This is a big Treasure-House. Common Ancestral God can’t find the Space coordinates even if you want to go. Are you sure to give up?”

Xu Tianhuang did not turn around and said directly.

He saw it, Zhao Fang is the kind of person who is very crisp and slick, and he plays with him, simply play the lute for a cow.

“Dark universe? Dark star?”

Zhao Fang has never heard of it, and subconscious has looked at the tyrannosaurus two people.

From birth, to the rise and rise of tyrannosaurus, it has been trapped in the Thunder World. Even the universe is what it is, and it is still seen in the first time, let alone the dark universe.

“Young master, I know this dark universe!”

Evil dragon said solemnly.

“tell me the story!”

“Actually, I don’t know much about the dark universe. I just heard that the dark universe is a parallel universe with the same existence as the universe.”

“Equivalent to the smooth and orderly universe of the universe, the dark universe is extraordinarily riot and disorder, Crisis is everywhere, and rarely Ancestral God wants to cross the dark universe, it is a very difficult thing.”

“It is also true that there are many resources and treasures that have not been developed in the dark universe.”

“Core Disciple of the Ten Holy Lands, generally choose the land of trials, all in the dark universe, I have been there once, that place, indeed, it is called the treasure, Crisis clumps.”

“If the Young master wants to go, I suggest that you may wish to cooperate with this Xu Tianhuang once, to go to the dark universe, you need the corresponding Space coordinates, and shuttle Battleship, common Influence, generally can’t get these things!”

After listening to the evil dragon, Zhao Fang is silent.

“hehe, we have Time, Brother Zhao first consider it. If you are willing to go, my Xu Tianhuang will definitely welcome both hands. We will wait three days outside Los Angeles, three days later, wait for Brother Zhao to reply!”

It seems that Zhao Fang is hesitating.

Xu Tianhuang hehe smiled, did not persuade, left this sentence, then left.

Returning to the Imperial City, which was newly renovated in Luoshen, Zhao Fang looked at Luo Wei: “Do you have any information about the dark universe?”

“There are some, but all are common sense…”

“Show it to me!”

“it is good!”

Xu Tianhuang’s words really made Zhao Fang tempted.

His Strength Upgrade speed is far less than the speed of the enemy. He wants to upgrade the strength and will be killed by his opponent sooner or later.

Whether you are practicing Inextinguishable Golden Body, Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art, star picking, or other means, you need a lot of treats.

The vast universe is vast, but it has been dominated by the Great Influences, and the treasure has long been robbed.

Zhao Fang wants to own treasure, there are only two ways to grab or buy.


He is not satisfied with the conditions of these two aspects.

In the dark universe, he opened another heaven and earth for him.

After half a day.

After reading the information, Zhao Fang, the eyes of the rays of light flashed: “The dark universe, the dark energy, the powerful power of the universe, is really curious, what kind of dark energy is.”

“Young master decided to go to the dark universe?” Luo Wei asked, the charming face revealed a trace of concern.

“In the vast universe, there is still such a strange place, not to see it, some pity!”

Zhao Fang nod.

“But the universe is really dangerous…” Luo Wei wanted to discourage.

“Where is dangerous!”

Zhao Fang is in the same color. “You can rest assured that this time, I will leave the tyrannosaurus here and defend the Luoshen country for you. As long as it is not the national host of the Black Dragon god country, no one can help you!”

“That was not what I meant.”

Luo Yan quickly said.

Zhao Fang smiled. “Since I said that all the revenge of the Black Dragon God Kingdom is taken one by one, it is not empty talk!”

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