The first thousand six hundred and ninety-four chapters shuttle the universe and arrive at the dark star! 3> above the city.

“ha ha !”

“This time with the addition of the Zhao Fang brother, our Squad is even more powerful, maybe you can find the ‘Golden Beads’.”

“Welcome to Zhao Fang brother!”


Xu Tianhuang and others, for the arrival of Zhao Fang, expressed great welcome.

“You don’t have to say anything about the guest. Since you choose to work with you, everyone is a friend in the future, and there is a need to start to talk.”

“However, the ugly words are in front!”

“If anyone is giving me a knife in the back, don’t blame me for being mad!”

Zhao Fang grinned, and he was sharper than the blade, and he smashed Xu Tianhuang and others.

Like him joining this, Squad, who has reached a cooperative alliance for some treasures, is easy to make a difference in the process of winning the treasure, because of the treasure.

This is why Zhao Fang rarely works with people.

Compare your heart!

Therefore, at the beginning of the cooperation, he will not hesitate to sing a black face to remember each other, at the crucial moment, because some treasures are unpleasant!

Xu Tianhuang is the Immemorial Star Core Disciple, whose identity is more noble than the average Country Lord.

His strong friends are also from some Great Influences.

One eye is higher than the top, extremely proud.

But at the moment, for Zhao Fang’s words, no one is angry, but instead laughs nod, and promises to work together!


Zhao Fang even 6-Star Ancestral God can be instant kill, they will not hit the knife as long as they are not stupid.


Powerhouse, no matter where you go, will be respected!

“Well, there is not much nonsense. Let’s set off. The dark universe is one trillion miles away. There may be a lot of time on the road. Everyone has something to say on the road!”

Xu Tianhuang start to talk, the star robe shakes.


It seems to be hiding a star river, and the sound of the water is actually transmitted.

A golden light came out and turned into a golden fish at the forefront of the group.

The big fish said that it is also 100 meters high and 500 meters long, which is extraordinarily huge.

“tch tch, the Dragon Battle, can withstand the Battleship of the Anncestral God Late Stage attack, you are finally willing to come out!”

Yang Feng, who is named Sanmu and has no third eye on his forehead, looks at the heavy rain tch tch.

“With it, you can carry out large-scale space shuttles, and the time to the dark universe will be greatly shortened!”

Murong Yu of the Shuiyue family, his eyes waved and grinned.

Zhao Fang noticed that the big fish, its essence is not a fish, but a fish-like Battleship.

Its scales contain a large amount of Metal’s aura.

Of course, this aura is very well hidden and hard to find.

“It’s too realistic, especially the swinging caudal fin, exactly the same as the real fish.”

The evil dragon is also somewhat surprised.

At this time.

The big fish Battleship splits open, revealing a large gate leading to the interior of the Battleship.


Xu Tianhuang Void Hand, a smile, with a smile.

Zhao Fang glanced at him and walked straight toward Battleship.

Xu Tianhuang and his side, behind the evil dragon and Yang Feng Murong and others.

Zhao Fang stepped into the Battleship doorway and finally looked at the ground and watched him leave Luo Yi and Tyrannosaurus and others, smiled and turned into Battleship.

After the pedestrian enters Battleship, the large gate closes and the Battleship starts slowly.

The Void, which is constantly beating in the caudal fins, makes a sizzling sound. With the help of the anti-shock force, it flies away from the top of Luocheng and swims between the stars and the sea like a real fish.

“Zhao Fang, take care!”

“Be sure to come back safely!”

Luo Yan deep took a deep breath, retracted the eyes of Wang Tian, ​​turned to look at these days, was rebuilt by Zhao Fang, and set up several large attack array, from inside to outside, all renewed Los Angeles, in the eyes Exposed a trace moved.

“With the newly repaired array and the tyrannosaurus senior oversee, even if the Black Dragon Powerhouse comes, there is a certain amount of self-protection!”

“In this period, I want to become stronger and concentrate on the power of the national transport!”

Luo Yan bite the clench one’s teeth, and the star is full of determination. “I will protect this land, I will!”

****** Big Fish inside Battleship.

Zhao Fang, evil dragon, Xu Tianhuang and other people, sitting around the round table all around.

The Battleship is extremely spacious and not only breeds the Divine Beast cub, but also grows a large number of Rare’s herb plants. The Battleship is filled with a light and natural aura.

The round table surroundings, standing with more than twenty clear tulle dresses, the face of the feminine maid.

Looking down at the eye, overlooking Xu Tianhuang, Zhao Fang and others.

Zhao Fang is also a person who has seen the world, but Xu Tianhuang’s various things in the Battleship have surprised him.

Especially the top of the Battleship.

It is a dark sky, like Starry Sky.

‘Starry Sky ‘above, hanging a few stars.

It was not a real star, but Xu Tianhuang was evoked by Secret Art of the Immemorial Star Shrine.

The stars are like the sun, shining inside the Battleship, making it bright and faint, and there is no darkness.

“Evil dragon, when you made a Core Disciple at Wanlong Nest, is this the same?”

Zhao Fang asked the evil dragon.

“Young master, you should never compare me to this group of young masters who are extravagant and extravagant. I spend a minute and a second on cultivation. How do you think about this?”

“However, some of the peerless talents in Dragon Race really like to make arrangements. On the scale, Xu Tianhuang, this Battleship, is a sloppy, more powerful than him!”

The evil dragon has a voice.

In this case, let Zhao Fang have a relatively vague and intuitive understanding of the background of the ten holy places.

“Right to the point, what is the golden bead that you just now said?”

Zhao Fang looks at Xu Tianhuang Murong Yu Yang Feng asked three people.

After the two people looked at each other, their eyes fell on Xu Tianhuang.

Xu Tianhuang complexion is a positive, said: “contain the treasure of the origin of gold, can help Ancestral God perfect the Law inside heaven and earth.”

“In addition to the golden bead, it is still a fire bead, a wooden bead, a water pill, etc…”

“However, these things can be difficult to take, the environment of the dark universe itself is worse, there are other Vicious Beasts born in the dark universe, and other teams vying, so… very dangerous!”

The murder of the dark universe, Zhao Fang also saw some clues when he watched the information.

At this moment, even the Immemorial Star Core Disciple said so, and he gave him some vigilance.

Later, the group began to talk about the dark universe.

But basically Xu Tianhuang is saying that Zhao Fang is listening.

About one or two hours later, a middle-aged man with 4-Star Ancestral God cultivation base came to Xu Tianhuang’s side and respectfully said: “Huang Shao, why start the universe?”

The dark universe and the universe are parallel to the existence.

If you are on a normal road, even if it is a hundred years, you may not be able to.

Therefore, the Battleship of the Holy Land Influence has a cosmic shuttle function.

The shuttle of the universe is hundreds of times more powerful than the shuttle.

Of course, the degree of danger is also hundreds of times that Space shuttles.

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