The first thousand six hundred and ninety-six chapters Gravity, ten thousand times! 3> “Yang Feng, come over and see!”

Xu Tianhuang greets Yang Feng of the Sanmu.

Yang Feng is in the aspect of strength, can’t compare with Xu Tianhuang.

Because of the trilogy bloodline, it can ‘see’ something that is difficult to capture by many naked eyes.

The dark universe is unpredictable and contains many exoticities that are not sensible.

This is why Xu Tianhuang will bring Yang Feng.

Yang Feng took the opportunity to pick up the spacesuit and watched it carefully. The between the eyebrows suddenly split open, an indifferent erect, and indifferently glanced at the spacesuit.


Yang Feng was surprised to admire: “It is indeed able to withstand the pressure of the shuttle of the universe. Not only that, but also the ability to remove Gravity. The only drawback is that the normal defense is too bad. It is estimated that the Ancestral God Late Stage Powerhouse will not be able to stop!”

Zhao Fang smiled, but her heart was a bit curious about Yang Feng’s erection into the eyebrows.

“That said Brother Zhao, since there are such Divine clothes, why don’t you see them early?”

Yang Feng asked half a joke.

“How do I know that the pressure to shuttle the universe will be so great? If the pressure is similar to the aura of the spacesuit, I still can’t think of the spacesuit.”

Zhao Fang is a serious nonsense.

“So, how many sets does Brother Zhao have on hand?”

Xu Tianhuang gaze shimmers, asked with concern.

“The spacesuit was accidentally refining out, wasting a lot of material, and only refining two sets of nothing more…”

Wen Yan, Xu Tianhuang was slightly disappointed.

“However, if there is certain material, I can still refining it. Moreover, this process is extremely strange, Inheritance is a long time, common people, simply Refining does not come out.”

Zhao Fang said profoundly.

He naturally knows that Xu Tianhuang wants a spacesuit.

The relationship between two people is also general. Zhao Fang is not the Virgin. He is sent by a spacesuit with 100 million supreme coins. It is definitely a brain.

Since Xu Tianhuang wants, he is willing to sell.

One wish, one willing to fight, Zhao Fang will naturally not let go of this fat sheep.


Xu Tianhuang’s eyes burned a trace hope, since the channel: “If that is the case, then I will make a finale with Brother Zhao. What materials do you need, though, I will prepare the materials, this space suit, how much Refining can be refining, I am in full. receive!”

Zhao Fang stared at Xu Tianhuang and glanced.

“What’s the matter?”

“I didn’t find out, Xu’s ambition is really not small Ah!”

Zhao Fang laughed.

Xu Tianhuang startedled, but also laughed, obviously understand that he wants to monopolize the spacesuit market, and then resell its high price to the minds of the ten holy places, which was seen by Zhao Fang.

He is not jealous, just saying: “How does Brother Zhao think?”


Zhao Fang nod.

The dark universe, for the universe, is a huge Treasure-House waiting to be developed.

But many people are turned away from the barriers of the universe.

If there is a spacesuit that can eliminate the oppression of the shuttle, there will be a large number of Powerhouses pouring into the dark universe.

Compared to the treasure in the dark universe, the price that the spacesuit sells is simply a slap in the face.

Zhao Fang naturally understands this. At the same time, she understands better. In her own capacity, it is not good to trade with the Holy Land.

But Xu Tianhuang is different.

He was born in the Immemorial Star, and is also the Holy Land Core Disciple.

In terms of identity, it has a natural advantage.

In simple terms, Xu Tianhuang has channels to sell these spacesuits.

“However, the spacesuit does not accept divine crystal transactions, only barter!”

For this.

Xu Tianhuang after thinking a little, they agreed.

The two sides reached a cooperation intention, and the relationship is much more harmonious than before.

“This matter, when we leave the dark universe, we will start planning!” ”

Xu Tianhuang said: “Now, we need to play the spirit of 120,000 points. The next dark star, the only thing is the star of the darkest universe, but it is extremely dangerous.”

“I hope that everyone can return safely!”

Zhao Fang did not have much impression of the danger of the ‘dark star’.

But when the big fish Battleship came over the dark star, Zhao Fang and others squirted out, feeling the air filled with terrifying Gravity that could crush the mountain into powder. After the dark star, he had a very intuitive impression!

“The Gravity of this dark star is at least a thousand times that of the new Martial World. Simply crush the bones with one root!”

Zhao Fang’s body is almost always stuck to the ground.

When he walked down the Battleship, he didn’t wear a spacesuit, but wanted to use Fleshy Body to feel the Gravity of the Dark Star.

Now found that dark stars really different common!

“Brother Zhao, wear a spacesuit, this is a very powerful Gravity. It is very restrictive to us, but the Vicious Beast living in the dark star is not affected by it. It flies like electricity. If you want it, you will There is a disaster!”

Xu Tianhuang is cautious.

Zhao Fang didn’t take out the space suit and grinned: “Gravity is strong, but it’s also a good place to grind Fleshy Body.”

“Thunder town prison!”

The sound of burning in flames and flames at the same time appeared on the surface of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang The body attached to the ground, slowly standing upright, standing on the ground smoothly, the figure is not affected at all.

“Hold the grass!”

Yang Feng glanced at him, “Thunder blends, powerful Fleshy Body!”


Zhao Fang has become a dragon in the dragon’s footsteps.

Xu Tianhuang looked at Zhao Fang deeply, with Yang Feng Murong and others, propped up the Dark Moon shield, followed by Zhao Fang.

The surface of the dark star is an endless pothole, just like the footprint of a certain Vicious Beast.

This makes Xu Tianhuang and others extremely vigilant.

No matter what Vicious Beast, it can survive on the dark star, there is such a large batch, it is not easy to provoke.

In fact.

It is true.

All the way forward, they did not encounter other come to the Dark Star Fortune Powerhouse, but it was the killing of several Vicious Beast groups.

These Vicious Beast Strengths are mostly Tier-7 High Grade, which is equivalent to the 9-Star God.

However, because of the huge advantage of the dark star, the ordinary Ancestral God encountered, but also tired.


There are Xu Tianhuang and others in the Oriental Tier-7 Vicious Beast, and it is not a big threat to them.

“Going further is the heart area of ​​the dark star.”

“The treasure in the heart area is more than the Outer Circle area, but Gravity is also strong terrifying, at least ten times the Outer Circle Gravity!”

Xu Tianhuang sounds solemn.

“Ten times? The Outer Circle is a thousand times more Gravity than the new Martial World. Is the center ten thousand times?”

Even Zhao Fang, I was surprised to hear this value.

“Then don’t play!”

He took out the spacesuit very simply.

Ten thousand times of Gravity, even 6-Star Ancestral God, Strength has to drop by three 40%.

The Thunder’s prison body can resist, but if it encounters an unexpected situation, it is somewhat unresponsive.


After putting on the spacesuit, Zhao Fang low roaring sound.

White spacesuit transformation into a white robe, posted on Zhao Fang.

This is the power of many of the Divine Grade spacesuits.


According to the mind of the Master, you can change various styles.

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