The first thousand six hundred and ninety-seven chapters Lei Yan! 3>meanwhile.

The evil dragon that manifests the human form is also covered with a bloody Armour of the spacesuit transformation.

Gravity, which is filled with air, is like a smashing wave when it comes into contact with the bloody Armour, but it is pulled away by a pair of invisible hands and swayed to other positions.

Only the layer of ripple that Gravity was crushed and rushed out.

Compared to it.

The Dark Moon hood also resists Gravity, but in terms of efficacy, it is far less than a spacesuit.

Xu Tianhuang and others look at the envy!

I can’t wait for Zhao Fang to live in a few sets of space suits.


Zhao Fang is still ahead.

Step into the 10,000-fold Gravity area.

Invisible pressure came over, but they were all scattered by the spacesuit. The real fall on Zhao Fang was completely negligible.

The 10,000-fold Gravity area is indeed a treasure.

When I first came in, the group encountered several herbs that were rare in the universe.

“Look, it’s a million years of Chima, ready transformation!”


Yang Feng pointed not far away, and a white horse drinking water at the stream screamed.


One kind is a horse-like spirit mushroom.

Zhima is extremely rare. Once it is refining into Pill Medicine, even Ancestral God Powerhouse will compete.

Ordinary Chima is still the same.

Not to mention the millions of years of Chima.

of course.

The number of millions of years is very big.

Basically, this kind of thing is very valuable and valuable.

It doesn’t really have to be such a long Time.

“Get it!”

“If I can use it to Refining Pill Medicine, I will break into the speed of 7-Star Ancestral God and it will speed up a lot!”

Xu Tianhuang also looked excited.

“Zi Ma? Picking up the star for the fourth turn, it seems like you need it!”

The group spread out and fanned out to the frightened Chima.

Zhima is basically transformed, but the combat power is real.

The only headache for Xu Tianhuang and others is that Zhima speed is too fast!

Especially in the 10,000-fold Gravity area, their speed is suppressed, and once the two sides start the speed contest, it is like a turtle and a rabbit!

Xu lu lu !

Chima also noticed the shortcomings of Xu Tianhuang and others speed, and they were extremely proud of their enthusiasm. They also issued a path of or excitement or ridicule.

This makes Xu Tianhuang’s complexion very ugly.

“damn it, it was ridiculed by a beast!”

Yang Feng Murong’s complexion is also not very good looking.

“However, its speed is really fast. Under 10,000 times Gravity, it is still the case. If at Outer World, who can catch up with it?”

“No wonder few people can pick up the Chima, its speed is too fast!”

Murong sighed.

“Do you want to use those cards?”

Xu Tianhuang entered the dark star and prepared very well, but he still refused to use the killing move that could save his life.

“It seems that this thing is fated with me!”

Zhao Fang laughed.

In the eyes of Xu Tianhuang and others, Zhao Fang took out a golden chain.

“This is ……”

Xu Tianhuang startedled, and immediately looked at the evil dragon.

“It is the binding dragon!”

The evil dragon smiled and seemed to care not at all. “This thing is famous for the dragon, but few people know that it is nothing!”

“go with!”

Binding the dragon rope away from the hand, turned into a golden flowing light, rushed to Zhima.

“The dragon that stands at the most peak can be tied up. Under the circumstances, what else can you avoid the hug of the dragon?”

It seems to be to verify the words of the evil dragon.


Binding the dragon ropes to expand, extending over a thousand miles, surrounded by layers of Zhima, and finally bundled into a scorpion!


“Good Treasure!”

“It’s the way to let Brother Zhao go first! Admire!”

Xu Tianhuang and others have busy congratulations.

“I can use this material for my cultivation and picking up the stars. I will not be polite with you. If you have a treasure that cannot be pursued, I can do it for free, and do it for free!”

Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

Eating a single food is a very cool thing.

But now, after all, it is teamwork, so I have to worry about the mood of other players.

When Zhao Fang was willing to help, Xu Tianhuang immediately said: “Then many thanks Brother Zhao !”

As the Immemorial Star Core Disciple, he is also a small high-level, naturally understands the treasure of this cable.

As the evil dragon said.

This cable, nothing, not limited, there are few Divine Object can break free.

With this ex-existence, they lost a Chima, but they can harvest more treasures.


Boundary Dragons attacked from time to time, but it has been repeatedly captured.

Xu Tianhuang Yang Feng and others, also have gains, one by one.


They have not forgotten the true purpose of this trip.

Golden bead!

“Golden bead contains an extremely powerful golden baeful qi, which can be felt across tens of thousands of miles. We haven’t noticed for a long time, it should not be in this area!”

Xu Tianhuang Road.

“Well, then change the area!”

Zhao Fang calmly said.

There are spacesuits and binding dragons, this dark star in Xu Tianhuang in the eyes extremely mysterious, for Zhao Fang, it is like a duck.

The pedestrian changed direction.

Continue to hunt for treasure.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly DDAh!

A harsh scream rang.

In the nearby area, there are few beasts, and extremely quiet.

Therefore, this scream is very harsh.

“The sound comes from thirty miles away.”

“Listen to the sound, it seems that Lin Tingsheng them!”

Yang Feng between the eyebrows erected, seems to have caught something, said quickly.

“damned, when did they leave my divine sense Sense range?”

“Go, go see!”

In the 10,000-fold center of gravity, Gravity is surprisingly amazing, and even the diffusion of the divine sense is affected, and it is compressed to circumference for thirty miles.

Originally, Zhao Fang Xu Tianhuang Yang Feng and others were divided into four teams, and they searched each other.

But all four teams with divine sense Compatibility.

Basically, the distance between every two teams is kept at about 30 miles, and they can Sense each other, so as to be unpredictable.

Never thought about it.

It didn’t take long before I separated.

Lin Tingsheng seems to be in danger.


Same as for a moment.

Zhao Fang, Xu Tianhuang, Murong Yu and others, also led the team to the source of the screams.

When Zhao Fang arrived, Xu Tianhuang and others, early already.

They are closer, one step faster than Zhao Fang.

The scene is cluttered, and in many places, there are traces of just now great war.

On the ground, there are several gods who follow Yang Feng, fall to the ground, and aura is cut off.

Yang Feng was supported by a broken arm, the form of difficult situation, complexion pale.

Zhao Fang looks at Yang Feng, his brows are not wrinkled.

At the moment, Yang Feng, the unusually difficult situation, has two eye-catching wounds, the edge of the wound, and traces of lightning.

This is the scar left by the weapon.

His gaze immediately fell to the field, standing on the opposite side of Yang Feng’s brown hair.

Youth The bare arm has a lightning pattern, with the body filled with amazing aura.

In the youth behind, also followed by a group of people, one by one arrogant, arrogant.

At the moment, the group of people is blocking a bloody crystal mine in behind.

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