The first thousand six hundred and ninety-eight chapters care for retired 3> 搀 杨 Yang Feng’s broken arm man.

Staring at the bloody crystals.


The blood-colored crystal mine is the root of the conflict between the two sides!


The evil dragon looked at the head of the brown hair and gave him a slight eyebrow.


Hearing this, the brown hair youth only found the evil dragon, and Zhao Fang who came with the evil dragon.

“Aura of Dragon Race? And…”

Immediately, the brown hair youth complexion is weird, pointing to Zhao Fang sneer: “God Lord? This Young master is not Sense wrong? This brat trivial God Lord, actually dare to enter the dark star?”

“Look at this, they seem to be brought by you, Xu Tianhuang!”

Brown hair youth sneer at Xu Tianhuang, “You are really living more and more back! Losing you or Immemorial Star Core Disciple, actually mixed with this kind of goods!”

Zhao Fang blinked in the cold.

I was only first seen with the other party. I was accidentally shot and was ridiculed. Although he didn’t care, he could see the expression of brown hair, or the unsettled a trace of anger.

Damn it, father’s hatred physique, when it became so strong!

What happened to me, why did I come last, but it was the first one!

Zhao Fang is depressed.

“Sas, you are too much!” Xu Tianhuang complexion gloomy, “Everyone also comes from the universe, even if there are contradictions, you don’t have to make such awkward hand!”

Brown hair, you Sass sneer, “I am just telling them that this dark star survives Law.”

“So, I want to thank you for not doing it?”

Xu Tianhuang’s voice is cold.

“hehe, everyone comes from the universe, don’t have to be so polite!”

Sass waved, a big look.

“Sa! S!”

Xu Tianhuang has a word and a cold eyes. “I don’t want you to involve our two people’s festivals to other people!”

“How is it implicated?”

Sasman did not care about the smile, it seems that Xu Tianhuang, the Immemorial Star Core Disciple, is not in the eye.

“That can only kill you!”

Xu Tianhuang stepped on one step, behind a starry river, the star river turned, and contained an amazing power.

Sass eyelids intent burst, a smashed upper body shirt, revealing the explosive and explosive upper body muscles, and the left arm engraved with flame imprint.

One hand flame, one hand lightning.

This is the logo of the Leiyan people.

The arms are intertwined, and the thunder and fire are mixed. Aura, who is not inferior to Xu Tianhuang, erupts from Sasin with the body. He stares evilly at Xu Tianhuang. “I have long wanted to kill you. I have never had a chance. Today, I completely broke it. Let’s go!”

The words fall.

Following the Sas Powerhouse, they are grin hideously, aura ignites, locks Yang Feng Murong and evil dragons and others, a bloodthirsty gesture!

Among them, there are actually five 5-Star Ancestral God, but on the high-level combat power, there are two more than Xu Tianhuang.

“The madman of Lei Yan!”

Evil dragon curse cursed.


Zhao Fang is very relaxed, perhaps because the cultivation base is too weak, except that Sass has just begun to mock him, and now no one cares about him in the match.

“The Lei Yan people have a long history in the Inheritance of the Age of the Universe. Their Clan Elder has held important positions in some holy places. The status of the elites in the family is not inferior to the Holy Land.”

“Perhaps it is the reason for the cultivation of thunder fires, this family of Powerhouse, the style of action is extremely overbearing fierce, it is a lot of disagreement, it is a lot of experience of the universe.”

Evil dragon road.

“Is it?” Zhao Fang sneered at the corner of his lips.

Seeing the situation, the evil dragon also laughed.

He followed Zhao Fang for many years and naturally understood that this smile is behind the meaning of contain.

“The small fellow of Lei Yan.”

Evil dragon one step out, with the unique arrogance and overbearing of Dragon Race: “Strength is flat, actually dare to be so arrogant!”

Sass can’t detect the exact cultivation base of the evil dragon, but the instinct predicts that the other party is not easy to share with.

There are also some vigilance against the evil dragon!

At this moment, seeing the evil dragon so contemptuous of himself, Sass’s eyes are cold and cold. “No matter who you are, you are dead!”

“hehe ~”

The evil dragon laughed. “With you, there is really no such skill!”


Let the circumference twentieth Space distort the terrifying aura of the Vibration, and instantly evoke the madness with the body, and the first and foremost Sas, immediately feel the amazing killing intent.

蹬蹬 ~ Sas submin is forced to retreat two steps, complexion whitish.

“6-Star Ancestral God?”

Sas stared at the evil dragon. “I looked at it! It was an 6-Star Ancestral God. No wonder so dare!”

“However, I still advise you, This is my grievance with Xu Tianhuang, you better not to intervene, otherwise, it is against the entire Leiyan family!”

Sas Said coldly.

“Oh, move out of your 8-Star Ancestral God’s Old Ancestor to scare me? I really don’t know, if your Old Ancestor died, how long can you survive the overbearing Leiyan family!”


Sass’s eyes are cold and complexion is a bit ugly.

Originally, I only dealt with Xu Tianhuang and others.

But if he adds the evil dragon, he is not sure.


If he retreats like this, he will not willingly.

After all, the bloody divine crystal is of great help to your cultivation!

Sass took a few deep breaths and moved hands to the evil dragons clasped together politely, a very polite and sincere look: “just now I have some impulsiveness, inappropriate words, please don’t worry about the brothers, as long as the brothers and sisters do not intervene I have a private enmity with Xu Tianhuang, and Lei Yan will have a thank you!”

If you can’t see it hard, Sass will change the strategy, but it will be handy.

Should be dragon expressionless.

Zhao Fang carrying his hands and slowly stepping forward one step.

All of a sudden.

Everyone’s eyes fell on him.

“You, leave the storage ring, then roll, otherwise, die!”

Zhao Fang’s words are straightforward and straightforward.


Blood goes straight to the brain.

Anger, the face of Saas Gloomy’s face is red at the same time, and there is also a trace 狰狞: “What do you damn, trivial god garbage, dare to speak to me, die!”

Sass palm waved, thunder and fire, turned into a flame that was enough to instantly kill any Ancestral God Initial Stage, and slammed into Zhao Fang.

Sas in anger did not find out.

At the same time, taking the action at the same time, Xu Tianhuang and others are shaking their heads, with a look of respected rearded look at sas.

‘This fellow, really crazy, even the brain does not bring, if Zhao Fang is really the ordinary God, he can come to the dark universe? Can it be calm under the terrifying Gravity of Dark Star? ‘bang!

A bloody dragon claw swung out and directly smashed Sas’s kill!

Take action is the evil dragon!

“Brothers really want to be against me?” Sas complexion gloomy.

“Young master, are you okay?”

The evil dragon ignored him and turned to look at Zhao Fang.


Sas complexion slightly changed.

He thought that Zhao Fang was just a miscellaneous fish, and he followed Xu Tianhuang for a long time.

I did not expect it.

Tyrannical 6-Star Ancestral God, like a servant, protects the fellow that he regards as the god of garbage!

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