The thousandth and seven hundred chapters of the crazy Jin Xingjun! 3>Xu Tianhuang once said to Zhao Fang and others, the magical effect of this black bead.

It is the Immemorial Star Powerhouse, which is a special “Secret Art Refining”.

For the dark star, the “Attachment” of the Five Elements source Aura has an extremely powerful Sense and Detection Ability.

Once the aura of the penalty bead is detected, the corresponding rays of light will be flashed according to the bead.

Shuizhuzhu, will emits out blue rays of light.

Fire bead, emits out of red.

The wooden bead is azure glow.

The grave of the earth is yellow mang.

And the golden bead is golden glow!

At this moment, the test beads emits are the golden glow!

“It is the aura of the golden bead!”

Yang Feng stood up fiercely, in the eyes showing an excited look.

Not only him.

Murong Yu’s big beauty, also a rare give up, the star shines bright and moving rays of light.

“Xu brother!”

Yang Feng looks at Xu Tianhuang.

Xu Tianhuang pressed the joy of his heart and tried to calm himself.

The lips that can be lightly raised, or sold out his heart.

“It seems that our Luck is here! Just dug into the blood divine crystal, the golden bead has appeared. This time, you must get the golden bead!”

Said, Xu Tianhuang stood up.

“Brother Zhao, blood divine crystal I took a fraction of eighty-six, and the remaining five hundred, all for you.”

If it is distributed according to fairness, Xu Tianhuang obviously suffers.

Zhao Fang squinted, “Are you sure?”

“hēi hēi, blood divine crystal is indeed treasure, but my goal is golden beads!”

Xu Tianhuang looked up.

“Well, I will help you to win this golden bead!”

Zhao Fang understands the meaning of Xu Tianhuang, nothing more than trying to get rid of the big blood divine crystal, in exchange for the golden bead.

after all.

In the entire team, the fighting power of the evil dragon and Zhao Fang is no worse than him.

If it is distributed according to the power, Xu Tianhuang will suffer.

After receiving eighty-six blood divine crystals, Xu Tianhuang left six, and the remaining eight, divided into two, each forty blood divine crystal, respectively, handed to Yang Feng and Murong.

For this amount, the two people are superficially calm.

As for the inner whether, it is also calm, as long as they know it.

“Now, our goal is to hunt for the golden bead! We must make a quick decision. Otherwise, the spread of the power of the golden bead will lead to the dark star native Vicious Beast.”

Xu Tianhuang said solemnmnly.

The power of heaven and earth contained in the bead is a big tonic of the Tango meat for the dark star Vicious Beast.

All Vicious Beast wants to take a sip.

However, these criminal beads are very clever, good at camouflage, hiding in the dark stars, not revealing aura, no one can find out.



Everyone breaks space and goes.

Even the three Ancestral Gods who just injured with Sass are like this!


Gravity in the dark star is too powerful, even relying on the treasure, everyone flies speed, even the full 10%.

Only Zhao Fang and the evil dragon wearing the space suit are unaffected and can play the full speed.

Xu Tianhuang took out a treasure of the Immemorial star, and the figure speeded up. Although there was no speed in the peak period, it was said that there was a normal **.

Yang Feng Murong also took out the treasure to offset Gravity and speed up!

that’s it.

The team rushed into the flight and was divided into three steps.

Zhao Fang is the fastest, the Tier-1 ladder.

Xu Tianhuang ranked second.

Yang Feng Murong is the Tier-3 ladder.

The remaining Ancestral God and the peak god are the fourth Tier-5 ladder.

In short, the entire team, with their fastest speed, rushed to the location of the golden penalty beads.

“This side!”

Xu Tianhuang guides the way forward.

As the distance gets closer, the golden glow of the Black Beads is brighter and brighter.

Later, it was later.

The whole bead seems to have been dyed in gold, extremely beautiful and dazzling!


At this time, a stunned sound of gold baleful qi, spread in the distant direction.

When Zhao Fang and others are approaching, it is already a aftermath.

This is so.

The rest of the wave contains gold baleful qi interest, like a sharp sword, squatting in the human skin skin, extremely painful!

“Amazing Baleful Blood Qi. This kind of might is not inferior to the attack of ordinary 1-Star Ancestral God!”

Zhao Fang was secretly scared.

“Fast! Just ahead!”

Xu Tianhuang is excited and low-lying.

The whole person accelerated to the front.

The closer Roaaar is, the more intense the wind is, and the stronger is stronger.

When Zhao Fang three people saw the tall golden giant figure, there was a feeling.

It seems that the whole piece of heaven and earth is on the golden giant.

“It is Jin Xingjun! The most Peak’s existence in the penalty beads!”

Xu Tianhuang is excited of the big sister.

This kind of Jin Xingjun can be said to contain the origin of gold. If it is integrated into heaven and earth, it can definitely improve the Law of heaven and earth, and let its cultivation base go one step!


Jin Xingjun glared at two bigger eyes than the sun, staring at the flying mole cricket and ants, and making an angry cry.

On the side of Jin Xingjun, there are hundreds of skeletons, and the flesh and blood on them have been scraped by sharp weapons. The bones are extremely horrible!

These skeletons were the first to discover Jin Xingjun, the origin of Jin Jin Xing Junjin, but in the end it was powered by Jin Xingjun, the powerful Vicious Beast strangled by the aura.

嗤嗤~ The wind that swept through it was like the sword rain that fell from the sky, and fell down.

Fleshy Body is as strong as Zhao Fang. On the occasion of the screaming sound, the body surface is also a crack of a path of fine as a sword.


Zhao Fang is low-lying.

The whole person quickly retreated.

At the same time prop up the seventh layer flame shield.

啪啪 Bang!

Even so.

The terrifying wind is also a four-layer flame shield that bursts instantly.

The next three layers, just stick to it for two seconds, will burst directly!


This gave Zhao Fang a great buffer.

His whole person, directly back thousands of miles away.

Xu Tianhuang was shrouded in a star, and did not retreat. The wind was all picked up by the stars, and there was no injury.

As for the evil dragon, it was a little slower.

The bloody hem of the chest was torn.

To know.

The outermost thing he wears today is the spacesuit. Once broken, the pressure resistance will be greatly reduced.

The evil dragon frowned, scratching his fingers, and the red blood rushed out, dripping into the rupture of the spacesuit, and filling the broken vacancies with the blood of True Dragon.

“This Idiot!”

Zhao Fang frowned, but did not care.

At the same time, the evil dragon Heart Thought, the bloody Armour surface, once again appeared a containment of the extremely powerful dragon’s bloody skull.

“Brother Zhao, I am hard against him, and you are hiding with the evil dragon brother?”

Xu Tianhuang turned and looked at Zhao Fang.

Jin Xingjun, a rare encounter in a million years, it is difficult to kill, but since it happened, how to try it!

“it is good!”

Zhao Fang nod, “Evil Dragon, ready to do, quick fix!”

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