The first thousand seven hundred and one chapters cut the Hu! 3> Dark Star.

On the open field.

A golden giant composed of the origin of gold, like a madman, constantly attacks all around.


All around There are one deep pits on the ground.

To know.

Here is the dark star, Gravity is ten thousand times that of Outer World, can leave deep pits in this place, and the requirements for Strength are extremely high!

And the golden giant is a Jin Xingjun who is comparable to 7-Star Ancestral God.

Jin Xingjun is mad and generally vents his strength.

In front of it, there is a star floating in it, and there is a star robe in the star, which is Xu Tianhuang.

He complexion solemn, nervous and careful to control the stars, to resist Jin Xingjun’s attack.

In Xu Tianhuang behind, two figures are suspended.

Zhao Fang ! Evil dragon!

“Star picking!”

“Blood Dragon Print!”

By Xu Tianhuang as a meat shield, Zhao Fang evil dragon main output bss Raiders Squad, in a few words, has already formed!

The three people have a clear division of labor and each has its own role!

Jin Xingjun is indeed difficult to kill, even if the evil dragon 7-Star Ancestral God broke out, it only threatened him, it is difficult to kill him.

Only slowly consume it!

However, Jin Xingjun is not an idiot. Once he is not sure, he will definitely slip away!


Preventing Jin Xingjun from slipping, he became the second duty of Xu Tianhuang.

He needs to hold on to Jin Xingjun and not give him a chance to get out!

Pēng pēng pēng !

Three people Squad Attack speed is amazing.

To know.

This three people are not average people.

A talion powerhouse once in the Wanlong nest, now 7-Star Ancestral God.

A Core Disciple of the Immemorial Star, holding a large amount of Secret Treasure.

There is also a cultivation base that is surprisingly low and does not inferior to 6-Star Ancestral God’s Zhao Fang.

The character formation of the Three Great Powerhouse is really hard to say.

As for the Yang Feng and others who came later.

In addition to Yang Feng Murong, who can assist the attack, the other Ancestral God Initial Stage, as well as the Lord of God, let alone attack, even within a thousand miles of Jin Xingjun circumference.

Once close.

It will be shaken into a pile of white bones by the strange snoring!

唰唰~ Looking at Jin Xingjun’s HP madness is reduced, Zhao Fang’s face is not too happy, but more and more solemn.

“Xu Tianhuang, Jin Xingjun was seriously injured, pay attention to his counterattack!”

Almost at the same time as Zhao Fang start to talk reminder.

嗷 ~ long and low, and mixed with the strange sound of the countless weapon collision, from the ‘riddled with scars’ Jin Xingjun mouth.


The Ancestral Gods, who were hiding thousands of miles away, were a little bit stunned by the screaming flesh and blood.

The reaction was slow and was shattered directly by Fleshy Body!

“Hold the grass!”

“This fellow is too terrifying!”

“After everyone fast retreat, back!”

The crowd screamed in horror and retired.

The threat that Jin Xingjun gave them is too big!

These Ancestral God, thousands of miles away, are still like this, and Jin Xingjun is close to Jin Xingjun’s Xu Tianhuang, which is the first to bear the brunt!


A crisp sound.

Hundreds of low-lying stars that had previously blocked Jin Xingjun were like the glass knocked by Iron Hammer, first cracked and then smashed.

Also burst, there is Xu Tianhuang body, arm!

“Xu Tianhuang!”

Zhao Fang eyes condensed.

Just to give it a hand to save, a monster starlight wrapped Xu Tianhuang’s body, his broken body, quickly repaired, the arm is restored as ever.

Just complexion, obviously abnormally pale.

It seems that I have a long illness!

“Xinyi I prepared the fruit of Life early, otherwise, just now, I will burst the whole person!”

Xu Tianhuang’s Void Hand draws a line, and the stars and rivers wander around it.

His whole person is staring at Jin Xingjun, in the eyes revealing a complex expression.


Jin Xingjun saw that he could not kill Xu Tianhuang, and he was very decisive. He turned and left!

“evil creature !”

Xu Tianhuang’s eyes are cold and cold.

“River map!”

The flowing star river suddenly settles and solidifies and becomes a picture of the Milky Way.

Under the package of Xu Tianhuang Xingli, the scroll will grow in the wind.

In the blink of an eye, a picture of a sky is formed.

The scrolls are spread across the sky, with dozens of stars suspended.

The star left the star map and rushed to the escaped Jin Xingjun with an extremely fast and violent speed.

Pēng pēng pēng !

The star burst, the shock wave generated, so that Jin Xingjun, who was seriously injured, was injured.


The huge golden giant burst into flames!

There is only one golden flowing light, going to the distance.

“It’s a golden bead! Brother Zhao, help me!”

Xu Tianhuang is low-lying.

Just now, using the power of the river map, he is so expensive that he can’t collect the golden beads.

“Bound dragon!”

Zhao Fang is also nonsense, his wrists are shaking, and the dragons fly out, directly tangling toward the golden beads.

Eyes look at close to the golden beads.

Xu Tianhuang reveals a trace of the smile of the lips, as if the ready to see, I got the picture of the golden bead.

At this time, the DD changes suddenly!

“hēi hēi, this golden bead is good, very suitable for this Young master to practice ‘shadow knife’.”

A sudden voice rang suddenly.

In front of the golden bead, there is a palm, and the golden bead is caught.


Space trembles, a touch of invisible light waves, such as the same knife awning, squatting on the dragon rope.

Binding the dragon rope is instantly smashed!

“who! dare to rob my Xu Tianhuang’s treasure?”

Xu Tianhuang’s pale face reveals a touch of shock and anger!

He is extremely obsessed with the golden bead.

In order to block the mouth of Zhao Fang, he will not hesitate to give up the distribution of Supreme Treasure blood divine crystal, just want to get the golden bead.

Seeing that you’re done, the treasure is about to start, but it’s being robbed halfway.

The anger and killing intent in Xu Tianhuang’s heart can be imagined!

He stared at the palm silhouette, and as the rays of light dispersed, the figure became clearer.

It was a youth dressed in a black suit and a cool evil looking.

The faces are to move unhindered. The two knife marks are staggered. It adds a bit of very ruthless and sly, and the indifference of the eyes makes him a cold and ruthless flavor.

Black hard wears both hands empty, does not seem to have a weapon, but behind, but has a knife knives.

The knife pocket is empty and there is no knife!

Black hard wears you holding the golden bead, and watching Xu Tianhuang jokingly, “Your treasure? Write your name on it? Or do you engrave the imprint?”

See the black robed youth look, Xu Tianhuang pupils shrank.

“The film festival, you are here too!”

“hēi hēi, not just the film festival, we are all here!”

It’s not black robed youth, it’s from the sidelines, from Yang Feng and others.

Yang Feng Murong 嫣simultaneously turned and looked.

But see a sly Sas, with a battalion, and wrap them out from Outer Circle.


Yang Feng Murong’s and others’ left and right sides, respectively, a wave of people.

As for the front behind the black robe, there are more than 20 black robed Powerhouses.


The formation of the pinch is formed!

Zhao Fang, Xu Tianhuang, caught in the encirclement!

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