..,strongest level up The first thousand seven hundred and three chapters! !

Now, with the reminder of Zhao Fang, this is suddenly awakened!

“Do you want to understand?”

“If you want to live, you will be honest!”

Zhao Fang calmly said.

Yang Feng Murong looked at each other and turned back. He returned to the team again and looked at Xu Tianhuang with a look of anger. “Xu Shao, we…”

“People are ordinary, understandable!”

Xu Tianhuang has no extra nonsense, just eight words, let Yang Feng Murong’s uneasy mood, how much to get some comfort.

Xu Tianhuang looked at Zhao Fang and his eyes showed a trace.

He knows.

This cultivation base is very unreliable, Zhao Young master, how strong is Strength, and here is the dark star, the suppression of him by Star Gravity is almost zero.

Once he breaks out, he might have saved the Squad’s Ability!

“you again!”

Sas complexion staring at Zhao Fang, “Little bastard, three times bad my major event, I need to kill you this time!”

Zhao Fang directly ignores the threat of Sas, and turns to look at Zhu Yeqing, two people, indifferently spoke: “Give you the opportunity to choose, now retreat, I can not kill you, otherwise…”

The scene is quiet in an instant.

Sass’s cold expression, there is also a trace of strange mistakes.

Immediately, his face was weird, staring at Zhao Fang like Idiot. “Are you stupid? I really thought that having a guard of 6-Star Ancestral God would kill us?”

Bamboo leaves and the two people of the fierce wolf are complexion gloomy.

Zhao Fang’s words made the two people of Strength a great insult.

I want to be able to move unhindered since the universe, when was threatened by a God Lord’s mole cricket and ants?

This is not only a contempt for one’s own words, but also a humiliation of personality!

As the saying goes, it is tolerable and unbearable!

The shadow knife is equally angry.

Although luckily was not named by Zhao Fang, but Zhao Fang ignored from beginning to end, making him extremely unhappy!

“brat court death !”

The shadow knife first started, and he did not see how he got the knife. There was a sniper that contained the extremely powerful Blade Qi, and it was close to Zhao Fang.

“Young master be careful !”

The evil dragon is low-lying, the arm is long, and a punch shakes the shadow knife.

“én? Can you detect the attack route of my shadow knife?”

Shadow knife surprised to see the evil dragon, then look at Zhao Fang cold said with a laugh: “He is your biggest refuge, if so, then kill him!”


He looked at the two people of the bamboo leaves.

Just now and the evil dragon’s first fight, let him feel that the evil dragon is very threatening.

He naturally does not want to work alone with the evil dragon.

Two people see, at the same time step one step, at the same time at the same time, the blockade of the evil dragons back, is also preparing to launch a fierce attack.

“You go first!”

Zhao Fang directed at Xu Tianhuang calmly said.

“Go? Where are you going?”

Yang Feng complexion is not very good looking because they are now surrounded by layers.


Zhao Fang refers to the top of the head.


Xu Tianhuang with the slightest hesitation, took the lead.

Although Gravity blessing, he could not fly at high altitude, but it was easy to jump out of the ground two or three hundred meters.

Yang Feng and others although doubt Zhao Fang’s resolution, but see Xu Tianhuang are always leaving, they do not hesitate to directly follow.

“Want to go? Not so easy!”

Sass has long been staring at Xu Tianhuang, where he will let him leave so easily, and sneer, with the battalion, ready to cover Xu Tianhuang.

At this time.

Zhao Fang has a black and white chess piece.

“able to move unhindered!”

At the same time, the to move unhindered, the two lines are extended to Zhao Fang as the heart, spreading toward all directions.

At the same time The three people group of the shadow knife that hit the evil dragon, was trapped inside the chessboard inside, and could not move.

Also trapped, there are Sass and others who are just preparing to pursue Xu Tianhuang.

Four teams, nearly one hundred Powerhouses, in the all of a sudden, at the same time.

Originally clear chess, immediately appeared nearly a hundred randomly placed, showing the extremely messy pieces.

“I, can’t I move?”

“This, this is what’s going on?”

After most people are trapped, their hearts are a bit flustered.

Only the Saskatoon knife and the green wolf, as well as a few people, can remain calm.

“Don’t panic! His sleepy treasure, impossible suddenly trapped us so many people! Even if you can be trapped, it is also very expensive for him. As long as we can stabilize and work together, we can disintegrate our immediate difficulties! ”

Saspin was mad, but at the crucial moment, it was in danger, and it was calm and orderly.

“Yes. The board should be a small world like heaven and earth. As long as we each support the power of World, we can smash the board!”

Bamboo Ye Qing also said quickly.

Just do it.

Everyone quickly activated the heaven and earth, and prepared the power of heaven and earth to counter the game!

“The idea is good!”

The sound of Zhao Fang sounded in the chessboard, and the dignity was cold and indifferent.

“But unfortunately, you are too weak!”

The words fall.

Another sound of fierce evil looking: “able to move unhindered, killing the dragon, entering the game!”

嗖 ~ evil dragon instantly turned into a white gold-plated chess piece, imposing manner evil looking mad tyrant, like a sweeping General.

Able to move unhindered Oh, nowhere to go!

The situation is sweeping!

Saskatoon knife and others, even if they sacrificed Divine Object, they can’t block the killing move of the evil dragon!

“Damned Sass, Father is miserable by you, this fellow is definitely 7-Star Ancestral God!”

“Even if we are not trapped in this dog. You can’t beat him!”

After the fierce wolf and the evil dragon briefly played against each other, they immediately understood each other’s strength, and the anger was screaming.


At this time.

The evil dragon hits the dragon claw and directly kills the fierce wolf half arm.

Let this young man who has a great Ominous name in the age of the ancient universe, his hair is white and screaming!

His cry did not last long!

As the evil dragon keeps taking action, just a few breaths, the fierce wolf is blown up by Fleshy Body, crushing the divine sense!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Breaking Wolf’, “Bearing 600 million Experience Value, 60 million Divine Strength, 60 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ,obtain ‘Divine Rank’.”

“congratulations Player ,obtain ‘Divine Grade’.

“congratulations Player, obtain ‘too early bones.'”


“The fierce wolf!”

The death of the fierce wolf, the Saskatoon knife three people completely panic.

Their Strength is almost the same as the fierce wolf. Even the fierce wolf can’t stop the evil dragon from attacking and killing. Doesn’t he also fall into this tragic fate?

“You are very Luck, let me use the easy to move unhindered to kill the game, can die on this chessboard that used to fight with the sky, it is your blessing!”

Zhao Fang said calmly.

“Is it a chessboard with the sky? Is it the chessboard of the old man?”

Bamboo leaf green seems to know something, the blood color on the soft face, the fading is clean, even a trace ruddy, pale terrifying. [ .wx.io]

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