..,strongest level up The first thousand seven hundred and four chapters of the service of bamboo leaves and green days!

The old man and the sky play chess game.

Just imagine, it makes people feel fascinated and shocked.

Now in the chess game, I feel the power of Law in the space of the game. The behemoth, which is called the heart of the hand, is completely panic.

“It’s over, this is over!”

Bamboo leaf green complexion whitish, eyes zhong full of despair.

Immediately, she thought of something, and quickly yelled: “Young master, Young master, I have no eyes to offend, but there is no grudge with you, I am willing to come up with all the treasure to the Young master, and also ask the Young master to let me A way of life?”

Saskatoon knife two people complexion ugly.

When I heard the words of the sinister sorrow, the two people finally found the relevant information in the corner of memory, and they were shocked to the extreme!

At the moment, if you hear Zhu Yeqing, you are also busy starting to talk.

No one has the pride of youth Supreme Talent!

Nonsense, pride is more important than life?

In some people’s eyes, perhaps pride is better than life.

But obviously.

Bamboo people are not such people.

They cherish their little lives.

“I just gave you a chance to choose, but you didn’t cherish it!”

Zhao Fang sounds like a knife.

“Young master, I am really wrong. Please ask Young master not to kill me. I will be a slave and serve the young master.”

Zhu Yeqing quickly expressed his position.

Zhao Fang was silent for a while.

Shadow knife Sas two people, is complexion gloomy.

Seeking for mercy, to plead guilty with the respect of the body, this is already the limit they can bear.

Such as Zhu Yeqing, do not hesitate to be a slave to get Life, they are extremely not teeth, can not do it!

“Take your performance!”

“If you can kill them, give you a chance to live!”

Zhao Fang’s voice is clearly transmitted to the three people through the chessboard World.

Bamboo leaf green complexion slightly changed.

Killed Sas and Shadow Knife?

Not to mention that the two people Strength is almost the same as him, she has no strong strength at all.

Even if there is, it is equally powerful to the two Powerhouse!

“Bamboo Ye Qing, you don’t want to be confused, he This is let us kill each other, he is good fisherman!”

“Do not be impulsive, that fellow can open this board World, it is indeed beyond our expectation, but, can kill a fierce wolf, he should also reach the limit, as long as we three people join hands, there is no chance of living! ”

Sas and the shadow knife quickly called.

On the one hand, I don’t want to fight against the bamboo leaves in the green nest, and weaken my own strength.

On the other hand, it is also derived from the wariness of two people against bamboo leaves.

Bamboo leaf green, good poison, is also the name of one kind Viper.

Can use this nickname, can be seen practicing the rumors of poison and snake together.

Relative to this savage opponent, they prefer to fight fiercely with the fierce wolf.

Bamboo leaves Azure Eye lingering, looking at the chessboard, “Hey, I want to fight in the nest, I will not be as you wish.”

Wen Yan.

Both Sas and the Shadow Knife are a little relieved.

“Don’t cover up, use strongest means, even if you don’t hesitate to break the life essence, you have to rush out here, otherwise, you will die without a place of burial!”

Sass takes a deep breath, the eyelids are determined to be fierce!

“Well said!”

The fierce death of the fierce wolf, the fear of the two people extremely, lest to drag on, became the second.

So, even if you burn life essence, get a short-lived 7-Star Ancestral God’s combat power, but also fight for it!

Perhaps the two people’s desperate efforts are indeed strong, and the evil dragons can’t take two people for a moment.

Especially as Zhu Yeqing joined the battle, the scene was deadlocked.

“ha ha ~ is this rhythm, everyone is fast, fast…”

The shadow knife is excited and laughs. However, if the words are not finished, I feel that my heart is like a bite by Viper. I don’t want to give birth. I fell directly to the ground. Bleeding from Seven Orifices, complexion is even more black.



A purple flowing light, drilled from the heart of the shadow knife, directly plunging to the bamboo leaf green.

The bamboo leaf green Void Hand grabbed it, but the thin purple snake with a thin finger was caught by her.

The purple snake snakes along the palm of the bamboo leaf and wraps around her wrist like a decorative piece.

When Sas saw it, his heart darted, and the fire knife pointed to Zhu Yeqing. “Is it what you did?”

“it’s me!”

Bamboo leaves are calm.

“You are a snake slut, I want to kill you!”

Sass’s eyes were cold, but he did not expect it. At the crucial moment, he was overcast by Zhu Yeqing.


He did not relax his vigilance and wariness against Zhu Yeqing.

Even so, he did not notice when Zhu Yeqing took action on the shadow knife.


Sass just raised the knife and prepared to kill Zhu Yeqing. He felt black in front of his eyes, and his mouth spurted a black blood. The strength of the body within the body seemed to be disintegrated by an invisible corrosion force.

“you you……”

Sass surprised and angry.

I also recruited myself!

“I advise you not to resist, the more you resist, the faster the poison spreads. At that time, even if you’re a Fire Clan’s Old Ancestor, you can’t save you!”

Bamboo leaves are green and indifferent.

Immediately, she turned to the evil dragon and said: “many thanks senior give me a chance!”

“I just follow the Young master command nothing more!” The evil dragon calmly said that when looking at Zhu Yeqing, it is also a trace wariness.

Like this kind of person, tyrannical is like him, and he is not willing to deal with more.

“Young master, I did it!”

Bamboo leaves are green.

“What are you talking about?” The indifferent voice rang out of the chessboard.

“Young master, slave servant did it!”

Bamboo leaves are extremely clever and straightforward, devout and respectful.

Silenced outside.


The words, to to move unhindered The game disappeared, and the shackles and shackles added to the bamboo leaves and other people disappeared.

However, Zhu Yeqing still crouched on the ground and did not mean to flee.

“You are very smart!”

Zhao Fang laughed. “From now on, just follow me!”


Bamboo leaves are respectful nod.


Zhao Fang took a shot.

Open your mind for life, your palms die!

Battling Spirit Seal !

Zhao Fang already hasn’t used it for a long time.

But to get the uncertainty of bamboo leaf green, I have to use the Battling Spirit Seal!


The Battling Spirit Seal fell.

Severely injured the dying shadow knife Sas two people, was instantly photographed as meat.

Also dead, there are those who have just rushed out to be able to move unhindered to the game, excited Ancestral God.

They haven’t had time to share the joy of the rest of the robbery. There is a pair of heavenly Giant Palms falling, the rocks are broken, the plants are exhausted, and everything is turned into powder!

There is only one exception.

Bamboo leaves green!

Her body trembled slightly, and the eyebrows seemed to have an imprint.

Eventually, imprint stops spinning and blends into her between the eyebrows abyss.

Bamboo leaves slowly open their eyes, the eyelids initially reveal a trace, and a trace is sluggish.

But when her eyes fell on Zhao Fang, she returned to normal, as if she saw her own Ruler, her face was full of excitement.

“Ding!” [.wx.io]

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