..,strongest level up The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-six goals, heavy rock star!

Dark universe.

Before a very large star.

Suspended by a green bird, the body is filled with a lot of Thunder aura’s Battleship.

There are three people in the Battleship control room.

A scene from the glass of the control room, looks at Outer World.

“Master, it’s here!”

Bamboo leaves are respectful.

“so big!”

The evil dragon blinked. “This star is at least ten times bigger than the dark star!”

“Are you sure there is a lot of Jin Xingjun here?”

Zhao Fang Looking at the Battleship, the huge stars like the rock surface, the sound is calm.

“I came to the dark universe this time, mainly by the invitation of SARS.”

“In addition to me, the shadow knife exhibition, the fierce wolf is fierce, it is also true.”

“The main purpose of Sass’s invitation is to explore this heavy rock star.”

“According to Sass, the ancestors of Clan Elder, who had been to the heavy rock star, accidentally got a lot of royal beads, which can turn the Leiyan family into the Great Clan in the universe.”

Bamboo leaves are green and fall, and quickly said.

Paused, she seems to think of something, said: “The Lei Anyan Old Ancestor class Powerhouse, after returning to the family, has mapped the map of the part of the heavy rock star, Sas’s trip, took a copy !”

“The star map of the heavy rock star?”

Zhao Fang startled, take one piece of the star map from the Coiling Dragon ring: “Is it?”

Zhu Yeqing looked up and clicked on nod. “Yes Master, this is this, Sass once showed us!”

“it is good!”

Zhao Fang laughed. “It’s easy to have a star map.”

Zhao Fang is also extremely eager to contain the beads of heaven and earth.

“The inner and earth refining bead can greatly accelerate the development of heaven and earth until it reaches the perfect World level. In the true sense, Primal Chaos Divine Strength is born and becomes a ruler.”

“At that time, as long as I break through Ancestral God, the vast majority of Ancestral God Powerhouse!”

Because the cultivation base is too weak, the fighting power of Ancestral God Powerhouse and Zhao Fang is very simple.

Tier-8 artifact.

Ancient mysterious technique.

Picking stars.

Can to move unhindered to kill.

These mights are very strong, but the Zhao Fang Strength is too weak to play a real might.


These things are all external forces!

His own Strength is still too weak.

“I have a hunch that after the dark universe, my Fleshy Body will reach the eighth floor of the Inextinguishable Golden Body. In the beginning, the Saint Body!body is comparable to some of the beginnings.”

“With this body, against Ancestral God, the grasp will be bigger.”

Zhao Fang’s Experience Value has long accumulated to Ancestral God level.

Especially the recent slaughter.

Let its experience fly, once the Limit Breaker is thoroughly, it can even exceed the scope of 1-Star Ancestral God.


Once the Limit Breaker cultivation base, his Ancestral God robbery will arrive.

Heaven and earth Ancestral God robbing…

Even those peerless talent people who rely on the holy land and have countless resources to support it, they are not sure that they can survive, let alone Zhao Fang, a loner!

and so.

Zhao Fang is determined to take advantage of Ancestral God’s robbing before he is ready to do the work.

The dark universe is vast and innocent, Crisis coexists with the opportunity, and there is a golden bead this Rank. Rare Treasure, and want to enrich the Zhao Fang of Strength, naturally won’t miss it.

This is also the main reason why he did not follow Xu Tianhuang back to the universe.

“Young master, this heavy rock star is even more dangerous than a dark star. With our three people, is it a bit of a single force?”

Asked the evil dragon frowns.

“Heavy Rock Star is known as Gravity, just the Gravity of Outer Circle, which is not inferior to the Dark Region, and the Gravity of the Heavy Rock Core Region is several times that of the Dark Star!”

Zhu Yeqing also said.

“The Dark Region Gravity is a million times that of Outer World, and the Core Region is a multiple of the Dark Star, which is tens of thousands of Gravity in the universe!”

Even Zhao Fang, after hearing the news, could not help but frown.

This value is too terrifying!

If it is ordinary Ancestral God, there is no foreign object support, put into the Heavy Rock Zone, I am afraid that in an instant, it will be crushed into a mud!

“Young master, such a strong Gravity, can the spacesuit stand up?” asked the evil dragon.

“of course can!”

Zhao Fang grinned.

System produced, everything High Quality.

This is not an empty slogan.

“The spacesuit can be regulated. The higher the level, the stronger the pressure resistance. I will now introduce the method of regulating the level into your Sea of ​​Consciousness. You can explore it yourself!”

Zhao Fang said, splitting a divine sense and smashing into the evil dragon’s mind.

After a while.

The evil dragon looked excited. “I didn’t expect that the spacesuit could be adjusted upwards. Moreover, the might was upgraded by five x6. In front of the space suit, the Gravity of the heavy rock star is a slag Ah!”

“What spacesuit?”

Zhu Yeqing had a blank face, and when she saw the surface of the evil dragon, her eyes were full of mysterious patterns.

“this is for you!”

Zhao Fang took out a set of spacesuits from the Exchange in the System Shop and threw them to Zhu Yeqing.

“There is a description of the use inside, you take advantage of Time to adapt!”


Zhu Yeqing took over the spacesuit and looked at it carefully. His expression was followed by excitement.

“No wonder the Master had no influence on the Dark Star, such as the flat, it was the clothes spacesuit Ah!”

Zhu Yeqing looks like a stunned man.

“hehe…you are also blessed with a dark star. If there is no dark star’s treasure, can I not get these spacesuits?”

“Ah? What does the Master mean?”

Bamboo leaves are somewhat awkward.

Zhao Fang smiled and looked at the surge of up to three billion supreme coins, he was extremely happy.

In the many harvests on the dark star, in addition to some materials that must be used in cultivation, the remaining treasure, Zhao Fang sold to System, which gave so many supreme coins.

Otherwise, with his own supreme coins storage, there is really no extra money to buy a spacesuit for Zhu Yeqing.

“If you understand, then you are ready to start fighting!”

Zhao Fang did not explain, expression is serious in an instant.


Evil dragon, bamboo leaf green is simultaneously shouted.

The Thor’s universe Battleship hatch is activated.

Zhao Fang three people, rushing out from the Battleship.

Immediately, Zhao Fang puts the Battleship down and plunders directly to the rock star.



The three figures, like three meteors, the stress of terrifying of heavy rock stars, seem to have no effect on them. The three people enter the heavy rock abyss with extremely fast speed.


Just settled, a sizzle filled with flame aura suddenly came.

“The snoring is not inferior to the Jin Xingjun we met earlier, it is the fire Xing Jun!”

The evil dragon exclaimed excitedly: “This heavy rock star is really our blessed land. Just stepping into this land, I met a fire Xing Jun.”

Zhao Fang and Zhu Yeqing, the same complex smile.

“Hey! Hey!”

There were also several buzzing sounds, which seemed to echo the first buzz.

“What? Still!”

The evil dragon was shocked.

Bamboo leaf green has changed complexity. [ .wx.io]

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